Bipolar And Blood Disorder Epilepsy (Top voted first)


Lmfao Ive found my one and only well probably as close as I'll ever get. I take kolnapin for panic and anxiety and A anti depressant mood stabilizer because I'm bipolar 1 with ptsd and I take blood thinners because I've had 2 strokes and like 4-5 days ago had a "mini stroke" and I also have epilepsy so let throw one more in the mix for fun

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I’m surprised I haven’t had a stroke but taking coverall for bp, Atorvastatin & Omerprazole I believe are cholesterol. Epilepsy’s been under control since I began Morphine. I’ve blamed everything on it since I was fine as far as my weight and appetite goes. No arthritiseither. Just your average junkie that detox programs never helped although a mild depressing or atleast a look at the idea may have helped. Now looking back it explains why I relapsed so many times. I hear there’s good money dispensing methadone not to mention a full room of patients every day and we’ve never seen him in person in 2yrs I guess you’ve just made my day. Or perhaps not. Atleast your not on the opiate morphine which is apparently the hardest drug to withdraw from. Yeah, I’d say your lucky in that dept. sorry to hear about the strokes tho. Oh! Did I mention I’m not Bi Polar. Depressed is all. Most people in my shoes are.

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Re: Maureen (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I’m 26 and I’m also addicted to opiates go figure... my seizures come in short sperts now but having two strokes at 26 epilepsy and bipolar 1 I kinda feel like it comes with the territory.. I’m already on so many other meds might as well be taking something that makes me feel at least a little better.

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