Any Side Effects Of The Rocephin Shot (Page 3)


I have had bad pain in the upper part of my leg and my hip since I got the rocephin shot. My leg got so sore about 2 hours after the shot, that I could barly walk on it. Now it hurts constantly and it catches and shots pain at where I sit down and stand up. I can hardly walk on my leg. I am wondering is this suppose to happen after this shot. I didn't have this before.

124 Replies (7 Pages)

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I had strep throat and a abscess in my throat 2 weeks ago and was given a shot of Rocephin in the ER and it hurt so bad I could hardly walk afterwards. It hurt for 3 days and the pain slowly went away but there was always a aching pain in the injection site and in my lower back. It has been 2 weeks and not only does my lower back still hurt but now I have this huge discolored lump bigger than the size of a golf ball where the injection site is that is so painful I can't hardly touch it and if I bump it on something I wanna scream. I am also interested in this lawsuit if it happens. This pain is horrible.

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Had this shot several years ago. I could hardly make it to the car afterward but had been a told that walking it off would help. It went away after a week, but never seemed to completely heal. The littlest things seem to set it off like small turns or bends. I have been to chiropractors f which seemed to make it much worse. Deep tissue massage helps, but I can't afford a personal masseuse.
my concern now is that it seems to have worsened over the years and is now constantly there. It affects sleep, sitting, walking and pretty well every activity I enjoy.
I have had many instances of my back going out, but it always seems like it stems from that same muscle area. I
Pretty well have just went on as it seems that no-one can
Truly fix this. But I worry that down the road this will only get worse. Has anyone found out what can be done? Sometimes it feels like the muscle is tightening with all it has on my piriformis. At least that's what I picture in my mind. I have to bend my leg a certain way just to fall asleep. Please keep me posted on what's going on with this. I feel for anyone else going through this. I don't think
Anyone who hasn't experienced this themselves can understand what we are feeling.

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Hi i'm paralyzed from the neck down and had shot an hour ago for bladder infection. though i cant feel in legs and parts of arms and lower back i'm still enduring strange pain ,tingling and tummy muscle contracting.Had my shot on butt, any one else suffering or had same experience whose paralyze let me know because im due for another 9 injections. Thanks

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My twin boys that are two had this shot and they also have asthma in my opinion it really helped my boys in the past this time his leg has a lump and this didn't happen last time i think it s how the injection was givin it is very thick and maybe if they dont go deep enough i could see haveing pain and if it was done wrong it would probably be twice as bad

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It has been 2 weeks since my shot. I still have a knot in my butt and the pain is getting worse. I had vaginal itching from it and throbbing pain in my upper leg. I have this week experienced severe itching on my leg, mild rash with raised bumps, numbness, burning tingling sensation. This is NOT normal. Can't hardly walk. Taking Ibuprophen every 3 to 4 hours. Pain is coming up around my hips now. I will NEVER, Ever get this shot again

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I know this is years later, but I wonder what has happened with your problems? I am just beginning to search what could be my problem with this same type of thing.

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I had a rocephin shot in my right buttocks area on June 26, 2013. It is now July 31, 2013 and it is still quite painful in the area of the shot. My clothes rub up against it and it feels like it is burning constantly. I also can't lay on my right side without it becoming uncomfortable. It is very sensitive to the touch, but does not have any discoloration. I can't help but think there is some some sort of nerve issue that is going on due to the way it feels anytime it comes in contact with anything. I've been waiting for it to go away and it hasn't yet, but has now been over a month. I'm now wondering if this is some type of permanent damage after reading all of these posts.. Fortunately for me, I am able to function and walk, unlike others. It's just extremely irritating and very sensitive to the touch.

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My daughter,age 10, hasn't been able to walk in 1week sine shot.

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My daughter age 10 hasn't walked in 1 week since shot. In a wheelchair

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I have read all the posts about what the rocephin shot has done,I too am having terrible pain after receiving the shot in my upper left hip.Every time I have been to the Dr.for anything the Dr.just looks at me and says I will give you a shot,seems to be his suggetion for everything.This has been my third shot of rocephin within a year,and I had started noticing back back after the first but didn't pay it any mind,went for an xray he said it was arthritis,so about a month ago I went to him for an infection in my throat which was a result from an infection from my wisdom teeth.So after this last shot of rocephin I have been in the absolute worst pain where the shot was given,I'm also having pain down my legs into my feet.I went back to see him and tell him what has been going on he blew me off and sent the NP to evaluate me.But sent me home told me to wait it out.I'm in so much pain and I'm miserable.Don't know what else to do.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have looked at these and have noticed that no one seems to reply. Well I will. I don't know how much help I will be but, here goes. I had the same problem, mine was over a month ago and I thought it would never stop hurting. It still hurts every now and then and when I rub it or bump it, it will hurt for a while. The good thing is I forget about most of the time. I have noticed that where I used to have sciatica pain on my right side for a while only, but since the shot I also have it on my left. I work at a hospital and have been told that they are not supposed to give them in the hip for that reason, and are to put in arm or leg. Personally I will tell them I have reactions to the recephin shot and will ask for IV antibiotics from now on. I hope you feel better soon.

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Thanks for your post!!! So so so many way to many people do not realize the dangers of taking something as simple as an antibiotic, steroids, anti inflammatory's and other commonly used drugs that they HAVE been given before they can develope an allergy to at any time unfortunately I had to learn that with not only myself but my daughters as well. I hope you shared this on fb or MySpace. The awareness you are raising is good ppl need to ask what they're bein given every time as well. I hope lots of ppl have read your post. Thanks

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I received it tues... 4 days later my Glute still hurts a lil. More importantly the severe ear inf I got it for still is there 4 days later. Anyone know if the med is STILL working in my system?

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I read your post about a case suit for rocephin. I received a shot last week and have had stiffness and muscle pain ever since. I would like to participate if it is not too late.

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I got an ceftriaxone injection in the bum, and about 3 days later I developed a cold and felt like my veins had collapsed in my arms! like raynauds disease, my arms are now swollen could it be from an infection or this drug! its been 2 months and my veins are enlarged then shrink

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what was the outcome of your case? I got this shot last Thursday and it was sore at the time but that subsided. However 2 days after getting the shot it feels like I pulled a muscle in my back above the site in the behind where I got the shot. The pain has spread from the lower part of my rib cage on the left clear down to my hip. I seriously thought I pulled a muscle but now that its spread decided to research the shot. Which by the way I have gotten several times before without this issue.

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Rotate cool packs(not ice cold) then warm every 15 minutes when you get home it stopped hurting for me the day after around noon

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My 3 year old son took 6 rosephin shots in his legs, two for each day. Couple days later he complained about kidney ache (pointing his back where his kidney is) and his legs are hurting and the area shots were given are all swollen now. He cries, points at them and says it is hurting mommy. He has had other shots before and this never happened. I am rubbing it with lavender cologne and tea tree oil, looks like it helps. I understand we were supposed to rub it for a long time as soon as the shots were given, but we were not advised so.. I was wondering it anyone went on with the suit?

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OMG I've been dealing with that same issue for over a year. My Dr did an X-ray and said probably a pinched nerve and gave me steroids. Did you find a resolution to this agony?!?!

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