Anxiety And Menopause
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I have pretty bad anxiety with menopause. The hormones are off the wall but no night sweats or any other symptoms. I am on Zoloft and now my OBGYN put me on the Combipatch. I am on it for 2 1/2 weeks and have been doing great and then I got an anxiety attack. Does anyone know why?

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I had twins at 39, gestational diabetes that never left, pre-eclampsia the had seizure and emergency c-section - all is well, two precious treasures totally healthy even though they only stayed put inter for 33 weeks. I had a tumor grow for a year inside before a D & C revealed it ???.. I bled for a year non-stop before I had a hysterectomy which threw me into menopause. I tried every hormone available. The sweats were awful and I was a gaining weight like a cow.(Actually lost 15 lbs from original weight w/ birth). Finally doc put me on a patch - again several. Wore for 17 years. Still frustrated after being so embarrassed with sweats. Asked my Endocrinologist to test estrogen. With patch it was o low it would not even register. No testosterone, nothing. Finally, went on bio-identical and never felt better. Within two years I came off of them and felt fine. I shall never forget introducing the Governor of our State at a huge meeting dripping wet - and of course, have a picture of it (in a drawer) in case my mind goes and I do forget :)

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Hello, Irene! How are you?

Your hormones fluctuate throughout the month, so you most likely had a sudden change in the levels of them in your body, which cause you to experience an anxiety attack.

I am in perimenopause and have been able to note clear patterns in my hormonal fluctuations, so I usually have a good idea of which days will be worse than others.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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P.S. If there's no improvement or it gets worse, speak to your doctor about it.

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Hi Irene, I use to get panick attacks really bad. My doctor told me it can be caused by anxiety or stress. He put me on Klonopin, which is a benzodiazepine. It's helped me really well. I was also told that regular exercise can help with anxiety and stress.

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