Alprazolam 1mg- Green S902 Vs. Blue 605. Which Is Better? (Page 4)


Been taking oval green 2x's a day for couple months. Now the pharm sent me blue oval 605, is there a diference in effectiveness? Also, are they ir, er, ect? And how could I tell? I looked everywhere.

141 Replies (8 Pages)

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seems to me the green Dava 1 mg are much stronger than the blue 1 mg, possibly because they contain more close to 1mg than do the blue ones. Go out of my way to get the Dava's. And they do help a lot with breaking opiate addiction as well.

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That's just f***ing ignorant! Are you trying to kill yourself? BC my mother overdosed on xanax and DIED! PLEASE get yourself help.

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Xanax is not a narcotic. It is a benzo. Not all pain pills are narcotics but many are. You really don't help an opiate addict kick it by giving them Xanax. It's not going to provide the relief for the craving and the need the body has for the narcotic, hence Methadone. Another narcotic and you just lessen the dosage as regulated by your doctor. I'm not calling you a liar, please don't take it that way. Many times our mind does a fabulous job as that is part of the detox also, in a way. But I repeat, if the pain pills were a narcotic, such as Vicodin or Oxy, Xanax isn't going to treat the withdrawal.

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It will help it with cure it it but it's better than nothing

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U are 100% right man I got off opiates and am on suboxone almost the same as subutext they honestly saved my life and I am living my life again ...but the withdrawals from suboxone isnt fun either ! And xanax help alot depending on your opiate habbit with the withdrawals for both

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I've been on Valium, and now Xanax, for over 25 years. I've taken both brand and generic. I'm not familiar with the green generic Xanax as mine have always been blue however, I've gotten them from different manufacturers. One made their generics in the same oval shape as the brand, one makes them in a round shape. For Valium, both generic and brand have always been blue (for me), however, the 5mg yellow Valium was orange by Mylar. I've never taken less than the 1mg Xanax so I don't know about other colors. Just from personal experience, it would surprise me that the color makes any difference in the strength unless in your mind you don't trust generics. Something I have never had a problem with but know people who do.

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I had a Dr. detox me from opiates, and benzos. Benzo withdraw can kill you, opiate withdraw cannot. Maybe you shouldn't be giving advice.

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Please detail where, in my post describing colors and strengths of brand and generic benzos, did I give advice.

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No way will xanax or any benzo help opiate withdrawals. I've taken my xanax and klonopin when going through opiate morphine and percocet withdrawals and they are 2 separate medications. Doesn't help, trust me.

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How to get off xanax 1 mg twist a day for 15 years.

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I have no problem agreeing with even without ever using that method. I've been taking benzos, Valium, Xanax and Ativan, legally for over 25 years now. Because of my tolerance I know that at the least they would have to be IV'ed in order to have anywhere near the affect to aid in detoxing narcotic addiction which I have and have had.

However, benzos are used in the treatment of detoxing narcs in the help they provide for the anxiety, not for quitting the addiction. Personally, I'm a believer in managed addictions. What I mean is I see nothing wrong with taking opiates or opioids for, in my example, chronic back ache due to slipped disks, curvature, etc. It will only progress. Why not lifetime pain management via the use of a pill. You're relieving the pain while your doctor is managing the inevitable addiction.

If one decides to return to the streets, well then there's no such thing as managed addiction for that type of person, but it's worked well for a couple of years for me. I know some day I'll have to go from hydrocodone to oxycontin, but it's pain relief. I don't feel any kind of high from any of the above mentioned drugs due to tolerance. Funny, just give me my marijuana. Never develop a tolerance, never have to turn to doing unsavory things for your supply, and after more than 40 years of smoking, it's the one drug that still gives me euphoria in a way I like. I eat, I listen to music or watch TV, and I sleep.

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Opiates can also kill you and you need to do your research before giving out info because it is incorrect. Yes, xanax will help you thru your withdrawal from opiates.

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Dude it's a miricle isnt it? Suboxone saved my life and turned it around 180 the day I started

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I believe your response was addressing mine. I see you missed the part where I was sharing info on MY personal experiences and that benzo's wouldn't help MY personal narcotic addictions.

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Yes it will! don't listen to any of these people I've done this before coming off pain pills taking Xanax helps big time. Having said that it does help combining it with suboxone or something

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Benzodiazepines, like Xanax, can help to alleviate SOME of the discomfort & insomnia associated with opioid withdrawal. However, if you're currently taking Xanax with your pain medication, it's not going to be as effective without increasing the dose. Now just a word of caution, withdrawal from benzo's can be far worse & prolonged than withdrawal from an opiate, it's also one of the few withdrawals that can be fatal. So it's a very slippery slope to try & climb doing it that way.. Believe me, you do not want to be dealing with the repercussions of benzo withdrawal fresh after detoxing from opiates! I'd discuss this with your doctor (if that's where you get your medicine from), if you don't have a doctor, I suggest seeking out one that speacilizes in dependencies/substance abuse. He/She will likely have a much more effective & safe protocol for your issue. Good luck!

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Methadone works great to get off of pain pills but on the flip side its very difficult to get off methadone, if your going to a methadone clinic then the doctor will ween you off so that the withdrawal symptoms will be nothing really. I applaud you wanting to get off pain pills but xanax is not the way to do it, try to stat away from benzoes because there are withdrawal symptoms with those too. Good luck to you, be strong and take control of your life.

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what pharma labs are the blue and the green ones from. i like the green ones better. i break them in half and then quarters

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Yes they will....but you will eventually get to the point that you will have withdrawal from xanax as appetite..metal taste in your moutn..nausea and impatience and irritability

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I am currently addicted to methadone and have been for 6+ years. I've got a family and career to think about and don't know anyone else that can relate to my situation. I need help and advice from someone that has actually experienced the same feelings that I have, but am afraid to go to a doctor for various reasons. Let me know please if you are willing to give me some tips. Thanks for your time.

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