Alprazolam 1mg- Green S902 Vs. Blue 605. Which Is Better? (Page 3)
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Been taking oval green 2x's a day for couple months. Now the pharm sent me blue oval 605, is there a diference in effectiveness? Also, are they ir, er, ect? And how could I tell? I looked everywhere.

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I get so frustrated when people think they are addicts when they aren't. Society has done this to people. An addict (pill addict) is someone who misuses the medication by taking excessive amounts, or the route of administration is different than prescribed. I could go into what further makes and addict but I'm not at the moment. You, me, and everyone else who takes their medications as prescribed for legitimate reasons benzodiazepines or opiates have a physical dependence. You are dependent not addicted and there's a big difference. So if anyone tries to say your addicted stop them and explain your dependent!

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Methadone saved my life don't knock it cause it wasn't for u

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Withdrawals from benzos are more life threatening than opiate. Opiates are harder to kick. I've been an addict for 11 years.

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Suboxone/subutex is no life saver, idk almost rather be an addict. The withdrawals last anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months and trust me I've tried getting off of them many times but i could never go more then a week and a half without it. Just be sure to have an honest doc try to taper you off your meds. I'm in sub withdrawal now so be very careful. I've already had one seizure due to this, but best of luck.

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Please be very careful when withdrawing off of anything and combining Xanax. I'm not a medical expert by any means but speaking from experience when you use Xanax there is a high rush of seizures (like you can die). Xanax is great if you take it as prescribed and are under a doctors close watch/care. Never try to come down off of it on your own bc that's when you can have a seizure. It's hard to explain how but maybe you can google it for a better explanation. In my experience, yes Xanax helps ease your anxiety when withdrawing. You will still be uncomfortable and have other withdrawal symptoms but at least it helps with the "head game" portion of you know what I mean? Like I freak myself out and amplify my anxiety which in turn makes withdrawals worse so the Xanax really helps calm you down. Sorry this was long and confusing and hopefully it was somewhat helpful? Good luck and be safe! Just get thru the first week and you're good to go from then on!

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No way. I've quit benzos much easier than any opiate. And know many who have also. Opiates are much harder than benzos to come off.

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It will help with withdraws however I would cut down on the dose a little at a time xanex is very hard to come off of harder then pain pills bad headache's and no sleep for the first 7 days I haven't took xanex for 4 years now I take over the counter melatonin

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Yes in a way. It'll help you feel a bit better but won't stop the withdrawals, just make them a bit more tolerable. You'll still have opiate cravings, diahareah, and stomach cramps etc, maybe restless leg. All depends on what opiates and strength you were on and for how long but they WILL help you feel a tad bit better mentally. If you truly wanna kick opiates consult your doctor and be honest. Also long term Xanax can be VERY VERY addictive and you need to be weened off of them IR you could go comatose, seizure etc if you take for a long time and then stop cold turkey so only use in VERY light moderation.

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Hailey, I understand what ur feeling and thoughts of coming off methadone. I've come off it several times trying different ways but all and all its going to suck, one thing for sure u want to come down slow. no more than 2 mg a week, take vitamins htp, re-uptakes, a health food store will know what ur asking for. quinine is good for restless legs, exercises is important, even hot tubs a few days week, eat healthy, nothing processed. little bits of fruit 6-8 times throughout the day, drink plenty of water, fluids, not soda pops or anything that has corn syrup like Powerade drink zero, exercise like walking or anything u enjoy a bit each day. keep busy to keep ur mind off how u may think u feel. it has alot to do with mind over matter. don't think urself into something not feeling right. if ur young and strong u have a good chance of success along with family support, but its all up to u, how bad u want off. the key is that time doesn't matter, take it easy not to hurry when ur down to 20mg @ under that's where alot can happen for failure stay focused u will beat it if u want it bad enough. structure, motivation, good eating, fresh air, exercise, sports, events, anything to keep urself safe and healthy cause detox does take alot out of ya. u got to b strong, for after u take ur last dose ur mind still has to repair itself cause of how methadone effects the mind it needs time to repair. And it will repair faster by doing all I've mentioned while detoxing for u need time to adjust to a life without the drug. I hope this helps u. really do wish u best of luck. take this journey to freedom to be whole again. Bless u. stay positive!

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No difference in mg but I've took both and everyone is different but I prefer the blue they seem stronger to me but says same mg?. Like norco most people only want yellow cs its non generic but white generic r same to me? Just how u feel about it and even tho there the same and people will argue their is no difference in my opinion there is everybody's body is different and responds to different things better or worse.

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Subtext saved my life to bro but coming off them is hard

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There's no difference in strength, it's just different companies.

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Withdrawal from benzos is just as bad as withdrawing from opiates.... maybe even worse under certain circumstances. Either way ur trading one addiction for another. Good luck with your fight. Its a everyday struggle, but can be done!

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Of all the prescription drugs mentioned, the worst i have been through was Methadone. Took it for 4 months but by the time i hit 2 months I'd go one day and miss two, that way i wouldn't have to go through the reinstatement process. Then just went cold turkey after the 2 months of doing that. If i had work the next day and couldn't sleep, I'd pop half a 2mg Xanax. (ONLY IF I COULDN'T STAND IT) Even using Xanax for sleep eventually took it's toll and gave me anxiety and a bit of confusion; Cloudy thoughts or memory. As for Suboxone, I've seen someone go through the worst withdrawals for months. Even had a co-worker that was on it for 6 months and said that the whole year after was the worst feeling ever. After going through all of it and hearing other experiences, I personally should've just gone cold turkey on opiates like I had the few times I managed to stop for a bit. I can finally say that I've been clean from opiates and Methadone for almost a year and my quality of life and relationships (friendships, family, and intimate) all improved!

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Oh yea I agree suboxone is bad to come off of but as long as you take it seriously and don't mis treat it id recommend it

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I was on suboxone to get off opiates. It worked great while I took it, but coming off suboxone was one of the worst experiences I've ever been through and by the way it is man made. The best way to stop opiates is taper off them so u won't have to deal with the harsh detox of stopping them cold turkey and getting a new addiction.

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Do not use Xanax for withdrawals that's not a road u want to take I've been there if possible get a suboxone strip and cut it into 4 pieces and do 1 piece every 2 to 3 days as needed and good luck

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Suboxone and subutex are not good. I took them and the withdrawal is worse than anything i have ever went thru in my life. I had withdrawals for months. Please don't take them!!!!!

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Totally agree got me out of my 13 yr opiate addiction and the last 4yrs it was methadone. it doesn't take that symptoms totally away of the opiate withdrawal know it relaxes you enough to where you can sleep and get through it the worst part warrior legs getting restless leg syndrome where you can't sleep the stuff that really sucks going through the withdrawals and if you're able to get some clonidine that helps really well with the chills

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No, the Xanax will not help with opioid withdrawl symptoms. You may want to try Suboxone, Methadone or Ultram (a.k.a. Tramadol)

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