Alprazolam 1mg- Green S902 Vs. Blue 605. Which Is Better? (Page 2)


Been taking oval green 2x's a day for couple months. Now the pharm sent me blue oval 605, is there a diference in effectiveness? Also, are they ir, er, ect? And how could I tell? I looked everywhere.

141 Replies (8 Pages)

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That's what got me off H after years so I say yea

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All generics have the same ingredients. U guys arr nuts

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I took two 1mg clonazepam in replacement of two 1mg alprazolam will it have the same effect?

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A lot of ppl will say no it's a benzo, opiates are the only thing bla bla bla, from experience I can tell you xannax is a perfect drug to detox off of opiates. 1st you don't want to get off of one opiate by switching to another, substitution is not well thought out. 2nd a benzo like xannax will have many benefits, it got rid of my sweats and overwhelming desire to use (the pain still exists but this brings me to point 3) 3rdly you will feel aches from your withdrawals but xannax will help to keep it off your mind, and allow you to get out of bed/the house, which is possibly the most important factor when getting through opiate addiction. I suggest a low mg of xannax (valium if all that's accessible) and an over the counter sleep-aid, if the xannax doesn't do it (sleep can be the worst part of withdrawal) vitamin b12 and a multivitamin, Gatorade and some time. Although many say physical addiction can last months and mental forever I have easily been over withdrawals in 4 days...the mental part is the key, find your triggers an eliminate them if possible. Be strong

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I absolutely agree. When detoxing from Methadone only cannabis & zannies will help. You'll still feel like your going through a hell you can't escape cause you can't sleep. Sleep will be more probable if you puff the majic dragon & chew on a zannie or 2. Just make sure you stop the zannies ASAP, do not forget that they are addictive & very hard to detox from. Don't change one vice for another ya know. Good luck!!! #PEACE <3

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You are absolutely WRONG in that statement. Withdrawal from herion "not as bad?" I detox ed 8 years ago, & I, like others that have kicked opiate use, felt as if my bones were boiling, suffered from blackest depression, & very nearly died. Yes, if you take 23mg of Xanax a day for a year, then stop, you can have a seizure that might kill you. But opiate detox "not as bad as benzo detox"---- you are a fool, & should not be giving drug advice.

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Exactly, you kicked it. Talk to me when your on methadone for years & kick it for years! Dude its a chat for everyone to give their opinion, their personal experience with the topic. Who are you to say someone shouldn't give advice? When you become an M.D. come at me but even then I'm seeking a 2nd opinion cause your so far up your own experience you think its the only one that exist!!!

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Anyone that says no is just flat wrong here.....withdrawals from pain meds causes many symptoms from actual pain muscle spasms being uncomfortable sleeplessness high anxiety....yes from experience xanax does help w dealing w detox from pain meds and anyone who's ever went to a detox facility knows that one of the meds they treat you w to make it easier to get off of pain pills, and reduce your chances of relapse is none other than alprazolam

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H detox is not that bad compared to detox from methadone. I've been dope sick more times than I can count and I thought I was in hell, until I decided to do a 90-day methadone detox. I only wish I could go back to my worst dope sick that only lasts 5-7 days tops! Even after 90 days if I was not to go on Suboxone, which is my plan, I would still be sick for another say 6-9 MONTHS. And it's a dope sick intensified X 1000. But if it weren't for Xanax and Seroquel, I would not have made it this far. Been on methadone 11 years, 150 mg a day...I am now down to 36 mg. When I get to 20 mg, I get to switch to Suboxone. Methadone did keep me clean all these years, however, now that Suboxone is an option...I would definitely point someone in that direction looking for help.

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Remember, u go to a MMTP & your talkin about tapering off? Be realistic, I have throat cancer & take methadone & Xanax & although Xanax does ease the pain of w/d, it is NOT a smart move! Esp for someone who has an addictive this dudes hooked on opiate/opioids. Real talk.

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For opiate detox they normally give u librium (which works wonders for withdrawaling from opiates. It is a benzo as well. They typically give u this for 3 days only to avoid dependency being that the first 3 days are the worse.) Another helpful drug for opiate withdrawal is trazadone 100mg+ for sleep and clonidine 0.1mg for blood pressure but be careful with the clonidine though, u need to monitor ur blood pressure while using this to avoid super low blood pressure which could cause u to faint.

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My drug of choice was always oxycodone of course in large quantities. I switched over to the methadone clinic bcuz the cost of my habit was insane! I am now on subutex and it has been the most successful for me. I have tried everything possible to get off opiates (in-patient detox, out-patient detox, court-ordered programs, etc.) I have to say the worst detox I've had was methadone and xanax (I failed to mention I got addicted to xanax as well.) Please use the methadone clinic as ur last resort bcuz the withdrawals are terrible. I would recommend subutex/suboxone treatment to anyone wanting to get off opiates.

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You read my statement completely wrong. I said H detox is not as bad as "METHADONE" detox. H detox lasts up to what a little over a week? If you walk off a methadone clinic, you'll be sick for like 9 months and the sick is way worse. Of course I'd prefer to kick Xanax than any opiate any day!

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As a chemical specialist subs one coming out now is actually more addictive and less effective than methadone just a professional P o v

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If you are a heavy user screw subs get low dose methadone cause it helps with cravings where subs do not

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Completely wrong

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blues are way better bro. i.r.!

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Do not EVER GO ON METHADONE!!! Was on 75mg for 3 years tapered down to 10 mg and walked away. Was DOPESICK for 37 days and it was like withdrawing from H and Oxcys but 1000% WORSE!!! Methadone detox is a LIVING HELL!!!! AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS!!!

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You are so right! It is hell for weeks & the depression that comes after is the worst too! I would never recommend it to anyone. Maybe suboxin, I hear that the detox is way less severe but I'm not sure.

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I'm trying to detox off opioids, can any body have any home remedies that will help? I am prescribed xanax, what else can I get over the counter no insurance... Please help me out with anything

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