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Does anyone know of any possible FSD medicines specifacally for helping with arousal and weak or absent libido? im looking for international online sources or resources. im also taking zoloft and narcotic pain meds. please respond if you know of anything that could help. thanks ## Hello, Ange! How are you? In your other post that I answered, you didn't mention being on medications. The problem you're having could be due to the Zoloft, it has been known to cause these types of issues as side effects. The FDA lists the other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and weight gain. You may do better if you speak to your doctor about trying a different medication. Is there anything else I can help with?

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My friend is getting a new job and they want to drug test her. Well she takes Zoloft and we read Zoloft shows up as benzodiazepines but she does have her prescription for the Zoloft. But if they choose to do a hair follicle test will it show up as Zoloft or as benzodiazepines which once again she would show the prescription for Zoloft?


I've been on 50mg for 2 months now and I'm noticing they are helping my depression but most days I have moments of happiness and really feeling good about myself then hours later I will feel really depressed and sad. There's not really a pattern that I can notice. Some days I'm still sad all day but there's never days when I'm entirely happy/ok. Any suggestions why this unbalanced emotional state is happening. ## Hello, Jen! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems you're having. It may be hormonal related, many of us ladies experience that, because our levels can change throughout the day and at differing times of the month. Alternatively, this just might not be a high enough dose for you. The FDA classifies Zoloft as an SSRI and lists its typical side ...

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Hi there. So I have been on zoloft since I was 14 years old. I am now 21 years old. I started at a low dose and made my way up to 200 mg. So I have been on zoloft for 7 years. My anxiety was horrible when I was younger. I constantly felt like I couldn't breathe and that my heart was racing. I felt like the breaths I took were not full and I would worry and worry until I went into a complete panic. For 7 years, the anxiety was gone. I never had a symptom of it. Never had trouble breathing or feeling that way. Since about a week ago, everything came back. I was prescribed with amoxicillan, biaxin, and prevacid for a bacteria called "h. pylori" in my stomach. It is not that serious but the antibiotics are strong and I am taking a LOT of them. (2000 mg of ammox a day..) The doc ...

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I am 63 years old, generally in fit condition. but it takes work. I have a fear that from what I've heard and read that Zoloft will make me gain weight. Then I will have an additional problem to overcome. Is it worth trading one issue and getting two in return? It is a personal decision, I know that, but why can't a Doctor prescribe a med that helps my panic attacks and depression without making me fat at the same time? Come on Doc! Get that prescription pad out, write something good. It's out there, gimme some of that! ## Hello, Sally! How are you? Yes, I won't lie to you, Zoloft is very well known for causing weight gain. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. If you're concerned about weight gain, ...

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My Dr switched me from 37.5 mg of Effexor to 100 mg of Zoloft. I told him Effexor made me tired. So he says Zoloft should make me have more energy. I was down to 37.5 Effexor from 75mg because I was trying to wean off. Now I feel like I am on a higher dosage than I was before. Plus I've gained weight. I don't feel anymore energetic either. Is 37.5 mg Effexor equivalent to 100mg Zoloft? If it's a higher dose then I'm not happy. ## Hello, TMomm! How are you? They are actually different classes of medications. Effexor is an SNRI antidepressant, while Zoloft is an SSRI. And the dosing is approximately correct, so you're really not on a higher one. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Zoloft as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight chan...

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I need help with finding a new doctor in Asheboro nc. I had been a patient at a doctors office for 35-40years even though different doctors have come and gone. I am on disability and take Zoloft, hydro/acetamin, ultram and gapentin and I have anxiety also in which I take meds for and recently I took a drug panel for this doctor and was recently called and told I could not come back because none of my meds showed up and I was like what I take my meds, something is wrong and they talked to me like I was a piece of crap, like I am doing something wrong and I said what are you accusing me of and honestly I did not even know what they meant but, now I know they think I'm selling my drugs and I'm not. I can't believe this is happening to me cause I take my meds. how does this happ...


I think Zoloft is a junk pill & Xanax rules. What's your opinion on the two meds? ## I think that you're trying to compare two different medications that aren't comparable, at all. Xanax contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, it is a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. It has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness headache and irritability. Learn more Xanax details here. It is something that can have have an immediate effect, so it can be taken as needed, rather than on a regular basis. Zoloft, however, is an SSRI antidepressant, these can help with conditions such as depression, anxiety, and OCD, but they do not have the immediate effect that a benzodiazepine does, th...

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I'm only on day two of zoloft. initial side effects are immense. I have been monitoring severe anxiety attacks with xanax for years. It is really the only way I function in society. I found out a week ago I'm pregnant and had to stop immediately. They prescribed zoloft. I am a bit familiar with antidepressant side effects and know that two days is too soon to give up. But the past two days have been so intense and scarey. My panics are through the roof. Trouble typing the shakes are so immense. Very hard to eat or sleep. And I'm getting lock jaw from grinding my teeth. And of course I'm worried about my pregnancy. I will certainly speak with my Dr about this but want to get through 72 hours or a week first. Anyone willing to talk any advice appreciated. Pregnant or not. ...

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Hi, all. I'm just beginning my third month of Zoloft and it's been quite a ride. First few weeks and as my dose increased, I had nearly every side effect listed: headache, nausea, dreams, dry mouth etc., but about week three I started "smelling the roses." I remember thinking I got my life back. I honestly still think it saved my life. Then for a solid 1.5 weeks, out of nowhere, I couldn't fall asleep longer than 2hrs a night. I would sleep 2 hrs and wake up and that was it. That's NOT like me, at all. Eventually, that passed. The fun Zoloft dreams ended about the same time. Now, I just feel totally lethargic. My #1 fav thing to do is lay in bed, lights off. I even called off work to do this all day yesterday. I had stuff to do to prep for work, decided I'd r...

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I just started taking sertaline (zoloft) 8 days ago and i have been experiencing tooth/gum pain i know i need fillings but this just seems different anyone else go through this? ## Do you grind your teeth while sleeping? that can cause tooth and gum pain. maybe it got worse since getting on the drug. other than that, I haven't heard of this as a side effect of zoloft. could be periodontal disease. see a dentist. ## I believe that Martin is on the right track and thank him for his post. SSRIs, such as Sertraline, have been known to cause bruxism, as well as gum disease and bleeding gums. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight gain. I experienced it myself, when I used to take it. Have you spoken to your doctor?...

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I am on 50mg of Zoloft to help treat night eating disorder. I am very sensitive to meds - so expected some effects - but: - teeth grinding - elevates heart rate - shortness of breath I have started on Zoloft for the same issue before but stopped after a week or 2 because of the above. QUESTION: is anyone's experience similar and do those things "smooth out" as body adjusts (and about how long does that take?) Hoping to power through for a few weeks more this time to see of there's light at the end of the tunnel. ## Hello, Alex! How are you? Side effects are usually transient, so they'll taper off in severity and eventually go away entirely, once your body gets used to the medication. However, that could take 4 to 6 weeks. Unless they are so severe that you can't ...

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I Just got mine today, and I took pill on 3-9-15 at around 12:30 pm. and After fews mins I start. Feeling a little hyperactive and Little dizzy ish kind It's hard decscribe It. but i do know one after taking that med under 50 mg i felt a little light headed already but only for a short while. ## I don't know. It almost felt euphoric but rather like chatty and laughing a lot for a short little while. This medication is prescribed and i think maybe you feel that way because it's you're first time taking this and you're body may have acted differently or something. i don't know. All i KNOW is that i felt like laughing like crazy for a short while though. ## But I don't Know It may have Just have been side effect for the 1st time usage of it as part of ur body ge...

3 REPLIES Updated

First day on Zoloft.. no noticeable side effects other than a little tired. I'm praying this stuff helps. I refuse to live with this anxiety/depression any longer! ## Hi Denise, Thanks for sharing your feedback on Zoloft. Not to discourage you in any way, but I actually remember seeing Zoloft being mentioned on television over a year ago regarding patients filing litigation against its manufacturer, due to serious side effects they incurred while taking it. I pray that you don't ever experience that side of Zoloft, but because of this I would strongly encourage you to proceed with caution if you notice anything too unusual or bothersome. I'll look forward to any future updates on your progress! Overcoming anxiety/depression can be a life long journey for some, but where ther...

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Been on 75 mgs of Zoloft for 3 weeks, I was tired a lot before taking it but now I'm even more tired. My question is would maybe jumping up to 150 help this? I was told the tiredness was likely from depression (had all blood tests run to see if it was anything else. Thanks ## Hello, Gary! How are you feeling? Tiredness and drowsiness are among the possible side effects of Zoloft, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. However, it should wear off and improve in severity, as your body gets used to the medication, so it may take 4 weeks, or so. Raising the dosage could actually just make it worse. These medications tend to cause REM Onset Latency which means your don't enter the REM phase of sleep as fast as usual and don...

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I was told it is like adderall. Is that true? ## Hello, Lpuay! How are you? No, that is not correct. This tablet actually contains 50mgs of Sertaline, a generic for Zoloft, it is an SSRI antidepressant that's also used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have been on a baby dose - 12.50 mgs. of sertraline for over a year with a low dose of escitalapram and clonazapam. I recently had my sertraline increased to 25 mgs. as a means of helping me to get off of the clonazopram and Escitalapram. That was over two weeks ago; and now for the past week I have had this terrible sore and burning feeling under my skin in the front and back of my ribs. I have been to the doctors two times saying it is an inflammation of a nerve and to take 2 aleve 2 times a day. I don't seem to be improving and am beginning to wonder if it is the sertraline. Any ideas? ## Hello, Hope! How are you? Yes, I've had similar symptoms, when I first started taking Prozac for perimenopause symptoms. However, the good news is that it all cleared up around 4 weeks in,...

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started on 50mg zoloft one wk ago exactly for depression. having a few side effects from it but dont feel any different, how long b4 it starts working? ## Hello, Single08! How are you? It usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks to reach its full efficacy level in your body, so you can tell whether or not it is working for you. You'll be able to tell, because it will be around the same time that any side effects you experience hit their peak intensity and then start to taper off and slowly go away. Typical side effects to this medication may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Name of tablet for anxiety starting with z ## I'm sorry, I'm not sure what the brand names may be for medications where you are located. However, you can find more information and details on most antidepressants at the following link: Is there anything else I can help with? ## Zoloft?

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I have been on 150 MG of Zoloft for anxiety for about six month (give or take). It has really help with my panic issues. I have felt much more like my "old" self. I am very active and my energy levels have remained high... I exercise 5-6 times a week (crossfit, kettlebells, intense cardio, and basketball). My issue/problem - I have been experiencing weird body rushes during heavy/hard workouts. I read up on brain zaps but what I feel is in my body (not head) and only happens when I am working out. It feels like an amped up adrenaline rush that I never experienced pre-zoloft. Could zoloft be casuing this? Has anyone experienced this? Thanks for any information, eah3 ## I took Zoloft for a number of years for OCD, but I never experienced such a thing while on it. Additionally, it...

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