Zoloft Making Depression Worse (Top voted first)


Does any one else with treatment resistant major depression have the same problem?

It's making my anxiety through the roof. I didn't have anxiety before I was put on 25mg of Zoloft. It's horrible I feel like I'm having a heart attack and my jaw is clenched so tight I'm taking 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours with not much relief.

When are doctors gonna realize, SSRI meds do NOT work for everyone and when I say I've already tried 25 meds for this & they didn't work, things aren't gonna suddenly change the second time around??

3 Replies

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If your doctor isn't listening to you, then you might need to try a different doctor.

But are you making sure that they get copies of your medical records, so they can see what other medications you've already tried?

You may do better with an SNRI, since they work a bit differently.

Learn more SNRI details here.

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You know that's ironic because I thought that of my first doctor who was the ones who tried all these meds.

I'm on my 4th doctor and I got a copy of my records from each doctor so I could be certain each doc was getting past records.

They all seem to poo-poo the whole thing which is extremely frustrating.

I've actually been on 3 SSNI meds before with no results.
The only thing they haven't tried are the MAIO inhibitors. I've begged to try one being fully aware of their interactions with other meds and foods but it's like pulling teeth to get someone to prescribe it.

It's a sad day when doctors don't listen to their patients.

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Hi, My jaws were verk pianfull for about à month and à half, then my body had adjusted and I felt pretty ok. I sincerely think it is worth taking loads of saliva producing tablets and bare he pain for now and see if that works for you as well. It was only the initial dosage that caused this problems for me, ramping up the dose after 6 weeks worked fine. Good luck!

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