Zanidip Side Effects (Page 2)


I have been taking this med for 4 weeks, and find I am getting more and more constipated (never have been before ) is this common??

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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Hi I am on the same meds as you and feel dreadful so much indigestion pain and light headed do you feel this have had a stressfull time with work lately which has not helped

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I take Zanidip 20 and itr makes me wee a lot at nite time, every hour ... is this normal

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natraliix gave me bad chest pains . so i stopped 2 days ago.. feel normal with macardis. but nite time i have zanidip and it makes me urinate a lot, make me wakeup every hour at nite... and this is my 8th BP medicine.. still not good for me, as for peeing a lot i have gout now as body is dehydrated and that gives you gout..

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I know exactly how you feel I have decided to come off all blood pressure medication because I feel as if am carrying a great weight around with me and I have put on 4 stone in weight since being put on lercanidipine and ramipril I have put up with being prescribed blood pressure medication for over twenty years some of which I have had terrible reactions to. It is not good to just stop medication but what can you do if you are not listened to.

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hi,can u take 10mg of coversyl plus zanidip at the same time

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I have the feeling that Zanidip causes depression.

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I have started Zanidip and now I have pain in my elbow joints. Is this a side effect? The pain is very bad I can not move my joints.

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I came across this page to look for why my blood pressure was going up even though I was taking mizart and zanidip, reading some of the side effects that people here listed I can say that I've had a majority of them! Started out doctors were worried about my blood pressure being 134 systolic/85 diastolic (high end of normal) then one day I had a 190/101 reading that landed me in the emergency room and from then on I've been stuck with blood pressure medications and an ever increasing blood pressure (147/90 to begin with). I started off with mizart and had a lot of the side effects they say were rare (can't remember what they are as my memory has become foggy) and when my blood pressure remained around 147/90 the doctor thought to put me on amlodipine but I had reactions to that too, so she changed it to twinster (I think that's how it's spelt). I had reactions to that too, so back to mizart and added zanidip. I've experienced headaches dizziness shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, blurry vision, all of which I've put down to my now high blood pressure, but some of the other symptoms I've had are: transient episodic redness of face and neck, going white as a sheet (possibly because of low pressure) fainting, sleepiness, broken sleep, having only 4 hours sleep a day or 14 hours sleep a day, increased urination, fall in blood pressure, lightheadedness, sudden short duration chest pain (coinciding with rapid heart rate), tiny blisters on my legs feet and arms (which doctors said was contact dermatitis) which would get increasingly itchy in the evenings to the point I was waking up to find I was sitting up in bed scratching my feet till they bled, joints of my fingers would swell and be painful, I am foggy, forgetful, can't focus, no energy, don't want to leave the house, non existent libido, no motivation, although already overweight I gained 35kg despite having no appetite eating only the equivalent daily calories of a bedridden person, often forgetting to eat, and the worst of all the pressure in my head and eyes would be so great that I thought I might have a stroke and my eyes were bugging out of my head (I fear of detached retinas) and had temperatures that were fever like.

I kept forgetting to take my medication often in the morning and on the days I forgot I felt fine and the worst symptoms would happen if I skipped more than 2 days medication before taking it again (skipped 3 days ended up in the ambulance because I crashed to the floor with low blood pressure before getting up and sitting down and became like jelly needing to be propped upright and a trip in the ambulance where my blood pressure was monitored at 170/118 and twice when the pressure was taken in the rig it had dropped to around 128/90 and 118/85 but the young guy was new and thought there was something wrong with the equipment). When I told the doctor that I had drop in pressure he said "That's not supposed to happen" then took my blood pressure at 150/90 and he said we only take the second blood pressure into account (I think due to the white coat factor people worried about seeing the doctor so their blood pressure goes up) and surprisingly for once my blood pressure acted right on cue, it had dropped to 128/90 and while he was remarking on how that was a good blood pressure I felt ill and began to get woozie and started falling out of the chair, as he was too preoccupied with the computer, I had to try to get his attention twice and told him to take it again while I was woozie and it had dropped to 119/86. He said "Oh!! Well that's in the normal range of a healthy adult" (um!! Hello morbidly obese unhealthy adult here!! Not a normal blood pressure for me) to combat my forgetting to take it in the morning he suggested I started taking my medication at night and that's when I noticed my blood pressure going up, low at 155/110 to highs of 176/118 (blood pressure normally goes up during the day and comes down at night, after the last trip to the er I bought a blood pressure monitor) and the events of crushing skull pressure flushed face fever and bugging out blood shot eyes became more frequent. I became scared of taking my medication so my mum suggested I drop one of my tablets, so I have stopped taking zanidip and all the worst side effects have stopped! Although my blood pressure is still going up after taking mizart but it has slowed down the wild fluctuations I'd have when I've not taken the medication for days, and now I've cut the medication in half my blood pressure is down to a more manageable 147/90 lowest to 155/110 highest yes still too high but I can now at least function like a normal person.

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Had my first zanadip last heart chest pain arm pain panic like feelings. Will not repeat. Check web for adrenal problems which cause high BP.

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Re: May (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Generic brands have the potential to be deadly. Their base is different and is more often than not carciogenic. Be very careful.

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Re: ron polson (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

This happened to me...only on ONE ankle....the finding was.....i had injured tha8t ankle some years previously and the medication caused the vessels in my ankle to not get rid of the fluid from my blood in that area...ANSWER....change your medication

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