Yutopar Aka Ritodrine Experiences (Page 3)


My husband and I have had our daughter, which is now 30, tested for everything and the doctors can't seem to be able to give us a diagnosis, and things are not getting any better. My beautiful daughter has struggled and suffered so much and it breaks my heart to know that the Yutopar that was given to me, affected my baby. My daughter is the one who suffers from it on a daily basis. My second child is normal, and I did not take the drug while carrying him. I would really like to talk to all of you, something needs to be done to care for these kids that are now adults that can not cope. They sleep, eat, are extremely depressed, suicidal thoughts, learning problems, unable to conform to society, lies, bi-polar, anti-social, can't function in everyday life and with everyday problems.We need help. If anyone out there could possible contact me {edited for privacy}.

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I was given Ritodrine in my 7th month through an IV. My son who is now 24 was sick a few weeks after he was born and to this day has never been diagnosed. When he was 6 months old they did a spinal tap on him because his soft spot on his head was so swollen. For the next 7 or 8 years and many trips to ER and ambulance rides he experienced episodes where his eyes would glaze over, his temp would go up to 104 and he would just drop and fall asleep. The doctors chalked it up to Asthma because they didnt know how else to treat him... sorry but it wasnt Asthma, I dont know what it was but hes had many issues since, was born with a birth defect, and started drug use at 10 yrs old and eventually turned to H. He has always had an urge to be high no matter what, he told me he cant help it, many rehab visits, and a suboxone program couldnt help him... I know someday I will bury him and I blame the drug Ritodrine for most of his issues. Has anyone else experienced this with your child or anyone whos Mom had this drug had any of these issues? I would love to hear from you.. ty

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Yes I understand your fears,frustration, and pain...I have watched my daughter experience many things all of which are bad and wrong...she has to take many meds and self medicate herself...she to take suboxone...I wish I had answers... But I to am at a loss...the only real thing I believe is this drug is bad news...they stopped using it in the US but are stilling using it in other countries...I wish I could tell you more...but we live in hell everyday watching our kids struggle.

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I think there should be a nation wide legal suit, I have plenty of documentation. I emailed an attorney with the FDA yesterday.. I prob wont get an answer!

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My daughter who is 22 also is on suboxen for a year and a half now. She's on anxiety and anti depressants also. Dropped out of college and sleeps all day. I wish I knew what to do with her. If I only knew about this medication, I never would of taken it

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Hello. I found a natural medicine Rhodiola Rosea, that works on to reduce the adrenaline (Stress, flight, fight, freeze reaction) levels and increases the serotonin levels( good mood, feeling secure, positive etc) I am taking this now and it eases me I feel less tight, stress and I feel it has a positive influence on the deep rooted damage that was done during my mothers pregnancy where she was given Ritorine. It is an antidepressant, reduces stress. Because i do not want to take any chemical antidepressant or whatever, this is a very good alternative I think.


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A NY attorney got back to me this morning, I asked if there were any upcoming or pending legal cases for Ritodrine. They
took my phone number & email... I also gave this website

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please keep us updated!. Thanks so much.

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Cathy that is so great please keep me informed...I to have talked to many lawyers here in tx....nobody is willing to help...I even thought of contacting Dr. Phil....because of the desperation I feel ...we cant' even find a way to talk...this site keeps editing my blogs....so many families I would love to visit with....so frustrating

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Yes, I'll keep u posted.. stupid if u can't speak to other members {edited for privacy}, good luck! Lol

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I too was given yutopar when I went into preterm labor, my daughter now thirty has suffered numerous problems. She has been diagnosed with bi polar disorder ADHD and depression. I know that drug was responsible for our life of hospitals and rehabs. Please let me know if any information or help is available. We just want to know if there is anything we can do or any help that is available to us. This was in 1983. Every time it seems another diagnosis is added to an already long list of problems.

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Hi angela, I'm cathy.. my post is under yours. Unfortunately the side effects of this drug has effected thousands, maybe millions! So sorry for all you've been through... hope to hear from you again.

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I so feel your pain...we are right there with you...I can't tell how many times diagnosis has been changed and another different medication we buy she tries and it doesn't work!!! maybe more of us we find and we can get some help!

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My daughter will be 31 in September. I was given Yutopar at 26 weeks in a 24 hour span by IV. I probably endured 3 or 4 of these treatments and took the pills when I was at home. My daughter and I would have rapid heart rates during the treatments and I could not keep anything down, but as most of you have said, I was faced with losing my baby or taking this medication and I chose her. She was born at 36 1/2 weeks and stayed in the hospital for a week with jaundice. She has a high IQ but it was difficult to keep her in school to get her high school degree. She has tried to get a college degree, but like most things in her life, she does well for about 6 weeks but can't complete the task. I noticed that she was hyper sensitive as a child- emotionally, physically and socially. She has been diagnosed with ADD, Depression, Fibromyalgia, and has seizure and arrhythmia difficulties. Suicide attempts have happened and she has been hospitalized for mental health issues a few times. It's difficult for her to put forth the effort to work so her job status has been on and off. So far she has difficulties having/maintaining relationships. My grandson is 9 1/2 and also struggles with ADHD, depression, and social issues, some of which are from the difficulties faced by being raised in an unstable environment. I have not had these issues with my youngest daughter. I have tried supporting them every way I can including financially and having them live with us. I can't do either anymore.

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My daughter is 21 now. I took Yutopar pills after going into labor at 20 weeks. I suffered from shaking hands and heart palpitations. I had her 2 months premature as it was. She was healthy. Then. Now she suffers from psoriatic arthritis and as I've been reading, she has always had sleeping issues. She suffered from colic for 7 months and severe ear infections as a baby and young child. She is big boned and over weight and has always gained weight easily. As I have read, she is unscathed by neurological issues and has never had a learning disability. I am really concerned for her constant pain from her arthritis.

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Thank you for letting us know this about your daughter...I'm so glad to hear she doesn't have the problems we are facing...you are the first parent that has found this site to respond that you took this medication and your daughter is normal with the exception of arthritis... And I know that is bad to be so young...my daughter is 32 and has the body of a 65 year old...she to has lots of joint pain..though she has never been diagnosed with arthritis before...my daughter at the age of 21 had a gastric bypass.... Lost 180 pounds in a years time... She has almost gained all of it back...does your daughter go to college?

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I am 25 years old now I have been diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia. My mother took yutapar 6 weeks before I was born and I was still born 2 weeks early. I will say that I do lie allot. Not pathological because I don't believe my own lies. I'm an insomniac but not sure sure due to yutapar unless it causes severe night terrors. They told her it could cause migraines and bladder problems in herself. She suffers from severe migraines but I had bladder problems until I was 8. I'm social awkward but yet have little strive too be accepted. Reading all these posts are horrifying but give me a sense of relief that I'm not alone. I'm sorry for everyone that's been affected by this.

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I never really understood why my daughter was so different and had so many problems that doctors could not understand or give me any answers. Baby you are not alone, this drug was given to so many mothers that as myself had no idea what was going to happen to our babies. I am able to help her more now that I'm aware of the reason behind the problems hang in there and if you have any questions I'm here....thanks so much for writing and bless you.

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IMPORTANT NATURAL MEDICINE !!!! I have been writing about my experience as a "ritodrine child" I have found that this medicine damages the Hypofyse Hypothalamus adrenal Axis. Ritodrine is a antagonist or adrenaline like substance and it blocks Oxitocine the love hormone that plays an important role in social contact, feeling connected in this world and feeling happy and feeling trust and being able to handle stress. I found important natural medicines for this damage: I am taking 5 months now and feeling very good results. I feel more centered, loving, social etc . These remedies are the so called Adaptogenes, such as Rhodiola Rosea, Maca, and ginseng. I also found out that CBD-oil works on this Hypothalamus Hhyposyse Adrenal Axe too. It is said to restore and repair it permanently. I am taking this, and I feel much better really, I want you to know these Natural medicines are of great benefit. Please respond.

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Your story sounds like mine. My son age 29 has suffered from birth with one thing after another. Been extremely angry, agitated, impulsive and has been in psychiatric care diagnosed with everything from ADHD to schizophrenia and on every possible treating medication to no avail. He's been in prison in jail on drugs and drinks to cope which only makes situation worse. I have been asking the question; "How did the Yutopar/Brethine affect my unborn child?" for years and told every psychiatrist and psychologist the same concern for years and NO ONE WOULD LISTEN. I have suffered terribly to see my beautiful miracle baby turn into a monster and have felt so helpless to help him. He has suffered the most from emotional and social isolation and at times I can hardly bear the agony that he feels. Please help. If you know of any medical treatment or legal suits to get the help he needs, please contact me {edited for privacy}

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Im all in for filing major legal suit. My son needs help to this day and has no insurance, is homeless and basically cannot cope with daily life. He is 29 and prison or jail isn't the answer.

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