Youngstown,oh People In Pain
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Hello, I live in Youngstown, Oh. An area going through a recent "DEA dragnet". I really don't know what else to call it. Several Pharmacies and at least one very large Pain Management Clinic were raided in the past 8 or 9 months. This has caused so much more pain and suffering for the folks who were already suffering and in pain I don't have the vocabulary to express the frustration, helplessness, humiliation & anger towards the DEA and Ohio Pharmacy Board's self righteous & totally clueless "leaders" who're dictating to the doctors how much pain medication they can prescribe because they've determined the "trigger point" limit of certain narcotic pain medicines patient's have been taking for years. They put the fear of God in the Dr who feels threatened at possible sanctions etc….It's not even a group of expert physicians making these rules! It's civilian drug police!! And don't even get me started on the Doctor shoppers & prescription drug diverters(selling their pain meds illegally for profit),which obviously means they don't NEED the medicine. It's absolutely devastating for those that really need the medicine so they can live quality, productive lives. I gotta go but I'd love to see if anyone else in this area feels this way. Or not!

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Hi Yes I agree my friend with you completely. I took a minute to read your post and you hit it right on the head. Here is a quick bio on my situation. I was prescribed Oxycodone 30mg and Tramadol for about 4 years. Also Soma to help with my severe back and knee pain among other stuff. When I lost my health insurance I could not afford to keep paying to go to the Doctor and for the meds. So about 18 months ago I stopped my meds and got on Suboxone which does absolutely nothing for pain a big fat 0 as pain reliever. So recently my pain has got so bad that I went back to the doctor and was honest with him and told him my pain is bad and quality of life has gotten so bad I am not able to do any exercise I have put on a lot of weight in the last year. Having issues doing basic daily stuff and intimacy issues with spouse because of pain. So I told the doctor I never abused my meds I took them as prescribed, but after 5 years of taking 180mg of Oxy and 200mg of Tramadol my doctor felt getting off them would be tough with no pain to try suboxone. I explained that to the doctor that I'm back on health insurance and want to get back on my meds to improve life quality. I said I am willing to do anything because arthritis runs in my family. I said I will take a drug panel anytime he wants to show I am off Suboxone if he prescribes me meds to replace it. So basically when I went in there he took a bunch of Xrays, MRI and all that good stuff and tried to give me a prescription for Meloxicam and Flexerill which won't do s***. Soon as he heard Suboxone he didn't want to hear anything else. So like you mentioned in your post I thought how the hell can I stop this pain. Directly after the Doctors apt I went to a local rehab place and told them about severe pain and that I have tried Suboxone, but prefer now to try methadone because of the severe pain. Within 30 minutes I had an assessment, UA and met with a counselor who set me up with an appointment in 10 days. Bottom line is I will now get Methadone to help with my pain and that's by being someone who went into a rehab facility. So in most cases you are right someone who has a drug problem and sometimes no pain at all has a better chance of getting Methadone than someone who is in massive legitimate pain and has showed no history of abuse and just wants their meds to help in life. Because I can tell you from experience and in a few weeks when I go to Methadone clinic that I will get the help there and I could go to 20 more doctors and get no help f***ing sad brother

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LostinOhio, Are you OK? Reply if you need support. From one Ohio Chronic Pain Patient in turmoil to another re: 80 mg Morphine "trigger point". UGH. So miserable and really pissed after I read another new letter from GCOAT. The Ohio Governor's prescription plan. Put together by those who've not experienced chronic pain. Such a travesty. How DARE they? Is this still a democracy?

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It's not just happening in Youngstown. It's all over Ohio. I had what will be my LAST spinal injection at my pain management clinic last Friday - a place where I've been a patient for 12 years. I've had numerous procedures done, but for the first time in 12 years, they hurt me. And when I told them I was in pain, I was told to "get over it, it's almost done." Four days later I'm still in agony, & I've learned that they've cut the muscle relaxer and anxiety-reducing agent from their conscious sedation, which is why I was awake for the first time, why I remember the procedure, and why it hurt like hell. They don't want people getting high off the anesthetic.


I give up. I've already had my medication jacked around & screwed up because some bureaucrat decided 80mgs of morphine equivalent was the magic freaking number (not 75 or 100, but exactly 80). So now the i****s at this pain clinic are lying to their patients & telling them they have to prescribe this way BY LAW. It isn't a law. It's a state guideline & it was never meant to make legitimate patients in pain suffer.

I'm searching diligently for a new doctor. But I foresee myself in the line of people at the methadone clinic. Because the sad, sick truth is that drug addicts now have more rights, get better access to more drugs, and don't have to fight for them. Why be a chronic pain patient unable to get meds when I can be an addict, protected by the Americans with Disabilties Act, and covered by public health? Sign me up for the Kool-aid. Everyone else is apparently already drinking it.

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Hello Verwon, I was wondering what you think about my original post from April, 2013 as far as is it in the wrong area or something? I can't believe theres only a couple of folks in the youngstown, Oh area who experience chronic pain and all it's unfortunate "trimmings". Should I move it to a drug forum page? Thanks!!

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Hello, Keikee! How are you doing?

I am very sorry about the way things have been going. No, you are not the only one that feels this way, there have been many posts like yours and it has been happening all over the U.S., not just in Ohio.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

Does anyone else have any experiences to add?

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