Ref: DailyMed
Given a pill to take as if it were Neurontin.....yellow capsule with IP and under, 102 written across.
Need to know identification of capsule that is yellow with imprint of IP 102
I have the same thing and have NO idea what it is. Did you ever find out what it is?
we have the same capsule & none of our resources at the pharmacy knew what it was either!!!!!!!!!!
little yellow/white,capsule with IP on the yellow side and IP on the whiye si de
i found the ip 102 white pill - it says it is used to control siezures
If it is used to control seizures then there is a chance that it's Gabapentin after all. Anybody have additional details such as the manufacturer's name, country, or anything else?
IP over 102 written on a yellow capsule is Gabapentin 300mg. It is manufactured by amneal pharma and carries an NDC# of 53746-0102-05
I was just put on this for extreme nerve pain in the back...It has several uses such as for epilepsy (sure I spelt that wrong) but basicly they found that it works well on nerve pain so it will be used for that as well...Bottom line please be careful taking meds your not sure of...I take this with rapid release morphine and fentanyl patches all for back and knee pain...It was given to me due to all narcotics not cutting it and ultimately becoming imune to them...I hope this helps some...And yes whomever said it's name is Gabapentin you are correct...Have a good day...
it is gabapentin 300mg. it is used to treat epilepsy, and other neuropathic diseases such as parkinsons disease and nerve damage. it is a opiate alkaloid like morphine or codeine. they use it for sedation in people with anxiety disorder and bipolar. hope this helps.
what is the dosage instructions for IP 102 aka Gabapentin 300mg?
I've been taking this for about 3 months for my neurological pain, it often helps better than some of the pain medicatioins I take. So if you have nerve pain ask your doctor if this might work for you.
It is not at all an opiate alkaloid. It is a GABA precurser, a neurotransmitter.
yellow pill ip 102?
neurontin...it was initially an antiseizure med, however, it is used often for nerve pain, as well as mood stabilization (like lithium) It is not a narcotic, won't get ya hi
Hey just wanted to reply to ur post....I looked up this pill n picture matched etc....n it says its used for pain as well as seizures n restless leg n insomnia..... Was just thinking if its used for pain wont it get u high?
Re: Verwon (# 3)
Google says 'Gabapentin'. Yellow capsule with IP 102.
Re: Roy (# 39)
Yes they changed mine two an I have notes that their 102 dose not work but my 300 did
I am desperately trying to find a pharmacy that carries D03. It works great for RLS. I used up what I had and can’t find a pharmacy that dispenses it now. They gave me ig322 and it does absolutely nothing.
Re: Chrissy12 (# 26)
Is there a big difference between the 100 mg and the 300 mg size? This is for nerve pain (wrist) only not for “getting high” like I’ve seen on other posts. Only asking since I am at 300 mg a day which isn’t enough.
Re: Tessie (# 40)
Out of curiosity did you start out with the 100 mg? I’m only asking since I am currently at 300 mg a day (100 mg strength only) but don’t know if there’s a big difference between that and the 300 mg size. Rhis is for nerve pain only not for “getting high” like I’ve seen on other posts.
It's gabapentin 300mg, A mfg of Gabapentin, there are thousands of mfg for the generics of Neurontin
Had back surgery 6 years ago and went well.6 months ago started having sciatica. Doc prescribed gabapentin. Works great. My mom just went through back surgery and started having sciatica. Gave her one and workeworked great. Next day it didn't work. Looked at the code and one was ip102 and another was d03. Both were 300 mg gabapentin. One manufacturer was Amneal pharma the other was Aurobindin pharma. We are now testing if one works well for her vs the other. Has anyone else had this experience? I get my scripts and pour the old on top of the newer and never noticed the difference.
Spelt is a word used in British English. It is their version of our "spelled".
I take 800mg 4x a day and a 300 1x a day they work for my pain but if I take them before I'm ready to go to sleep I dnt sleep that night idk why it does that so be careful it might make ur insomnia worse
Will this capsule help me sleep how many 300 mg should I take to get at least 7 hrs sleep as I dohave Insomnia
Are they for anxiety? And will it put me to sleep? HOW STRONG IS IT REALLY? MY ANXIETY HAS BEEN BAD SINCE I LOST MY JOB ...
How will these effect nerve pain an sleep ## Hello, Jenna! How are you? This capsule is manufactured by Amneal Pharmaceu...
gabapentin effects ## I located the pill in description to be Gabapentin (300 mg). Gabapentin was originally developed f...
yellow capsule with IP102 on the capsule Can you tell me what this is and what it is used for? ## Hello, Zoey! How are y...
I have three capsules in my pill box which I cannot identify. They are a soft yellow color. On each piece of the capsule...
pill ## I located the pill in description to be Gabapentin (300 mg). Gabapentin was originally developed for the treatme...
what type of drugn is it and can it make you high? ## Hello, Monique! How are you? This capsule contains 300mgs of Gabap...
What does this pill make you feel like I'm curious to the side effects ## Hello, Rhonda! How are you? This capsule c...
oval shaped half white, and half yellow. possibly an oxycodone ## I located a similar match to a white capsule shaped pi...
I took 2 of these thinking they were midol...should I be worried? ## Hello, Cathy! How are you? These capsules contain 2...