Xarelto Forums (Page 14)

Recently active Xarelto forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Xarelto and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I have been taking xarelto for about 2 weeks and started having back pain where I can barely walk. Is this common and what can I do to help relieve this pain. ## Hello, Casey! How are you? Yes, the FDA lists this among the possible Xarelto side effects, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. Unfortunately, most people have not found there to be any way to alleviate it, or any improvement. Most that have posted about it ended up having to switch medications, so you may want to speak to your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Just a quick question, don't know whether you will know the answer, but if in 6 months at my Dr review for my blood thinners,for pulmonary embolisms in both lungs, if I was told I can come off them do I have any rights to ask to be kept on them even at a low dose? As no one know where or why this happened and tbh I'm gonna be scared to come off them now ... Is it my right go ask to be kept on them? ## I went to a hematologist and did a full blood workup because I had bilateral PEs. They can let you know if you have any genetic factors for PE. My blood work turned out ok with no genetic factors so they think it was birth control pills. Even if you go off of the thinners, you will be more aware of the symptoms if it happens again. I am getting ready to go off of xeralto at the end...

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Been on xarelto for 5 1/2 months now for PE in my lungs. My gums bleed thru the nite and when i wake i have to go rinse it out with cold water to stop it. The last few days it has gotten worse. Seems my tonsils are bleeding too. Called to try to get some labs done to see if my blood is too thin. Pharmacist says to get checked asap. Anyone have this problem? ## Hello, Darrel! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. I've not read any other reports of such an occurrence from this medication and that is something that you need to have checked out, right away. Typical side effects listed in the PDR may include nausea, headache, dizziness and easy bruising. There is an increased risk of bleeding with this medication, so that is a known risk. Have you had any r...

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currently i am taking fragmin for double PE. thursday i am to get mirena. friday i am to start xarelto. anyone have any advice? any better options out there? ## Hello, Michelle! How are you? This seems to be the preferred way to do it, the Mirena with a blood thinner, to prevent pregnancy and the possible dangers to having been on a blood thinner and having a miscarriage or giving birth. However, the Mirena has been known to cause irregular menstrual bleeding, which might be heavier while taking the Xarelto, so you do need to keep an eye on that and seek medical attention, if it gets very heavy. Side effects to Xarelto may include nausea, dizziness, muscle aches and easy bruising. Is there anything else I can help with?

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How long does it take for your blood to be thinned like it was before the blood transfusion ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? How long ago was the transfusion and how long have you been back on the Xarelto? It really should work in about the same time frame that it originally did, when you first started taking it. This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and muscle pain.

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I was put on xarelto 5 days ago for a clot in my leg. They can't figure why I got it. So are testing for all sorts of things. As a mother of three I am very busy and the xarelto seems to be making me even more tired and my stomach looks like I'm 8months prego again!!!!! Why is this happening? I heard this drug is way better than any other. What will I and all the others do if its doing all these awful side affects. P.s I'm scared to see what my period will be like.! Anyone else's get worse? ## Hello, Dee! How are you doing? I'm very sorry about the problems that you've been having. Those can be side effects of this medication, many people have been complaining about similar experiences and a lot had to switch to different medications. And yes, there have been rep...

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I started taling xarelto 5/10/2014 after my 2nd DVT in my leg. The first DVT was in February 2013 and I was on xarelto until September of 2013. I had no major side effects. Today I woke up with a black eye. My eye was itchy the last few days and I am not sure if I rubbed it. The bruise runs from the corner of my eye, near where my eyeglasses rest and under the eye. No one hit me and I did not walk into anything. My vision is fine but my nerves are stressed. Does this sound serious? It's Sunday and so I can't talk to my Hemotologist. ## Hello, Mele! How are you doing? Have you had this checked out, yet? That sudden bruising might be the sign a dangerous level of blood thinning, so you need to be very careful. What dose do you take? Have you taken Aspirin or any other NSAIDs recen...

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I am 30 y/o and have been on xarelto for a month now due to a pe I have worked in the oilfield for 8 years with no problems of being tired at work since I have returned to work I have been really tired everyday half way into my 12 hour shift when I get a day off i can sleep for 12 and wake up for 2 or 3 hours and go back to sleep is this normal side effects of this medicine I can't find anything about it ## I have been on Xarelto a little over a month for a first time DVT in my leg. I am a fairly active 37 year old. I have been more tired than normal but not as tired as you describe. Of course, I have an 8-5 desk job which is less demanding than a 12 hour shift. I am not necessarily sleeping more, i am just low on energy. I am looking forward to getting healthy again and getting my ...

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I've been taking Wafarin for three years and that has been agony. Regular blood tests, not always pleasant,and the drug itself, a derivative of rat poison was and is a crude preventive measure.. Yes I was scared of changing the routine but now I'm on Xarelto and I feel so much better. No dietary restrictions. Yes I was tired for a few days. The difference between Wafarin and Xraelto is that I can think.. Wafarin destroys the senses. Yes I was scared of the change, but so glad I did. ## Had been treated for lower lumbar problems with IV's now had double PE and was put on Xrealto wanting to know how long I have to go before I can have my next IV the back and leg pain is bad to were I can hardly walk. ## Hello, Reinhold! How are you? Oh, make no mistake, it is not a derivative ...

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Hi i have been on xeralto since july 2014. i have extreme fatigue, weight gain,abdominal pain, occassional woozy spells with dizziness. now i am having blurred vision with my glasses on cant see happened while driving scared me. i drove very slow till i got home and it is still happening for 2days now. i do have a headache as well and going into deep sleep. any onr have.this. Oh yea at night my arms go to sleep and tingle alot. i dont take any other meds my body all ways has every side effect when i take them. i get so nauseated at time. i want off of.this. i have P.E.s....just wanted to share my ecperience. Namaste! ## Hello, Yvette! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. Those symptoms sound concerning and may be the signs of a serious medical problem. Ha...

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I'm on xeralto for over a year and a half for 2 dvts and one pulmonary embolism. I've gained some weight, 25 lbs but I am a huge eater, but more interesting I always have a very distended belly, some have mentioned this in the forum. It's not an easy choice as to any alternatives because vaginal I can get a clot and die very easily. Alternatives such as garlic, ginger, omega 3, vit e, are Clancy at best. So what is one to do? I'm extremely fatigued too. I didn't even think if this is because of the xeralto! Thanks all here, I love you all, we are in this together, it is a very New treatment for lupus hypercogulation which many of us have, a genetic disposition to clotting. ## Hello, David! How are you? Yes, the fatigue can also be a side effect of Xarelto, many other...

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Been taking xarelto for 9months after p e in lungs noticed fatigue right away but now having migraines and recent blood test shows raised alt on the liver function test. Has anyone else had these symptoms. My doctor doesn't think they are related to xarelto but I have my doubts. ## Hi Tina. Im Kelly. I had PE also. Tried Xarelto because my disabilities & the fact that I'm a single mum to 2 primary school aged very very active little lads made it difficult to get to my appointments to monitor my blood when I was on warfarin. Also I frequently drop everything to help out my dear old dad on his boat when the weather turns good (another difficult thing for me to do with 2 kids no help and not wonderful health or mobility but as his only relative... you gotta do what you gotta do...

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I stopped taking xarelto after 1 month post TKR. After 3 months, I still get dark, even raised , scarey-looking bruises if I bump my arms, especially. Don't seem to be lessening. Will this go away? Why is it still in my system? ## Hello, Mary Jane! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. No, this medication should not still be affecting you after 3 months. Are you on any other medications? Do your take any supplements? What has your doctor advised?

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I have been on 20mg xarelto for almost 3 months now after having a DVT come up. I am supposed to have an ultrasound at the end of the month to see if the clot is gone so that I can stop taking it. I have multiple side effects happening. I have numbness and tingling in my feet, where it started and now it is moved up my leg to mid thigh as well as my hands and now moved up to my biceps. I teach yoga, work out daily and have been noticing a distended belly and weight gain for sure. I notice if I keep my arms bent for too long it cuts off circulation and my hands go numb which wakes me up at night and have also had pain between my shoulders regularly that I thought was just from spending too much time at my computer but am now wondering if it has to do with the drug. I am hoping that my cl...

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I had a hysterectomy a couple weeks ago and a week later had a blood clot in my right calf. I was prescribed Xarelto 2x 20mg a day. Two days later I had excessive abdominal bleeding. Was told to take only 1 pill for the next 24 hours, the bleeding didn't stop and I was told to stop taking altogether. After 24 hours no bleeding so I was told to start back up (this was just a couple hours ago). As of yesterday I have an intermittent shooting pain in my left upper leg, when it hits me the pain is so strong I almost fall to the ground...then it goes away. I have also gained 4 pounds since I started taking it. I hardly eat as I'm still on paid meds from my surgery so it sounds like this may be a side effect as well. Anything on this horrible leg pain I am suddenly having? It hasn...

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Second time around for DVT in my legs this yr. The first time three yrs ago, I was on Coumadin for a yr and recovered well. This time on Xarelto. I felt OK for a couple of months, but now heavy exertion is not possible because of fatigue. I am suspecting that Xarelto is messing with my blood chemistry somehow to cause fatigue. Is this a known side effect? I now take 20mg a day. Would reducing to 10mg help? Or should I be on something else? ## Hi Jim, Sorry to hear about your situation. According to the US National Library of Medicine, "unusual tiredness or weakness" is listed on the side effect profile for Xarelto. The only strange thing I'm finding is that they have this side effect under a category called "Incidence not known". Perhaps it's been reported by oth...

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Hi... I confused the boxes, am toke the second pill in the day after taken the first 12 hours before. Is there anything to worry, o just skip the and change the time? Thanks a lot ## Well, I´m here again. Fortunately nothing bad happened. Thanks God.

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I had a deep vein clot in my leg. after having surgery I started taking Xarelto. Having takin it for 8 months now I have gained 58 pounds, and my heart seems to pump extra hard while trying to do activities. I was an infantry soldier and construction worker so I am used to physical activity. DID anyone else seem to gain weight and hold water? I can't seem to loose this weight. ## Hello, David! How are you? It isn't a listed side effect of this medication, but you are not the first person to post about this problem, which means it most likely is the cause. However, the best thing to do would be to consult your doctor to be safe, so they can check for any other issues that could be causing it. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Yes. 'Been on Xarelto for 8 mos. and gain...

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I started on Xarelto about 3 months ago. AFter about a week, my legs were in so much pain. I delt with it for about a month. Then noticed the worst pain was after I took my acid reflux blocker. I decided to go off the acid reflux blocker. My legs started feeling better and after about 2 weeks, I was pain free. Unfortunately I had to take a acid blocker and with in 15 minutes, my legs were in pain again. I never had pain in my legs from acid blocker before Xarelto. Again, by 2 weeks my legs felt good being off the blocker. Now my acid reflux is back. I tried a different acid blocker medication, the same thing. My legs are in pain. Does anyone else have a problem like this? I wanted to stay on the xarelto instead of going on warfarin, but I'm going to have to go back to the acid block...

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60 year old triathlete in perfect condition had severe stroke with hemiplegia. First 18 months steady recovery... feeling well, no weight gain. 6 months after stroke I'm back training 6-8 hour (bike ride, weight training and swimming) per week. However, 3 month ago doctor insisted I start Xarelto (this was the only change in a very structured life). Since then I've put on 20 pounds, started retaining water like crazy, all the while on the strict training schedule and diet. Now I'm having so many muscle pain and strains, especially in the legs and shoulders that I've had to stop training. Now the weight is really piling up and the BP is getting hard to control. ## Yes, Xarelto has been known to cause these types of side effects, you are not the first person to report such...

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