Bleeding In Mouth While Sleeping
UpdatedBeen on xarelto for 5 1/2 months now for PE in my lungs. My gums bleed thru the nite and when i wake i have to go rinse it out with cold water to stop it. The last few days it has gotten worse. Seems my tonsils are bleeding too. Called to try to get some labs done to see if my blood is too thin. Pharmacist says to get checked asap. Anyone have this problem?
1 Reply
Hello, Darrel! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.
I've not read any other reports of such an occurrence from this medication and that is something that you need to have checked out, right away. Typical side effects listed in the PDR may include nausea, headache, dizziness and easy bruising.
There is an increased risk of bleeding with this medication, so that is a known risk. Have you had any recent dental problems or infections? Throat infections?
Have you heard back from your doctor, yet?
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