Will Expired Chantix Still Work?
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My chantix prescription has expired, is it still effective? I would like to try to quit smoking again without the cost that's involved. If its still good?

17 Replies

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I am happy to say I am nicotine free for 7 days now thanks to expired chantix. I took chantix years ago and quit for 6 years. I've been smoking again for at least 5 more years.the mood swings before were really bad. This time, using expired chantix, my mood feels even more stable than before I started taking them again. I have crazy, realistic dreams but that's it. I am not encouraging anyone to try this or taking any expired medications. I have noticed my normal hypertension stage 3-4 blood pressure has dropped significantly.

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Re: Roy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Roy I was wondering that , my champix say may 2021. ? U think I can take them thanks

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Re: Phyllis (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

My Chantix expired in 2020 can I still take it

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I know this is a very old post. That being said I tried to quit about 10 yrs maybe longer with Chantix. I had weird dreams, depression. Plus other side effects nope not doing that again. I talked with my doctor. I quit by vaping (don't believe all the bad crap about vaping). Buy quality juice for vaping you will have no issue. I quit vaping for about 5 yrs. Then like dumbass started smoking again. Now I am back to vaping. I am down to 2.5 mg of nicotine. So that's my suggestion if you're still smoking. I have helped people from his office (other patients) quit by vaping. One of those patients has smoked for 60 yrs. He now vapes 1mg now.

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Re: Roy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in the same boat mine is 2 months expired but I still want to take it. I looked up what I could it said that it should be fine, I just wanted someone's opinion or see if they had the knowledge. Do you think its still effective?

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My Chantix has expired as of a year and a half ago. $500 down the drain? Is it still good?

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Several years ago researchers found prescription drugs that had been in a retail pharmacy between 28-40 years. Upon evaluating the drugs, it was found that they retained over 90% of their potency, which is above FDA standards. There were 4 exceptions:

-Tetracycline (this antibiotic loses its effectiveness after expiration, though scientists are still researching this)
-Nitroglycerin (taken as heart medication)
-Liquid antibiotics

The research was published in 2012 in the Journal of American Medical Association, so this is actual medical research. As Chantix doesn't fall into any of those categories, it is likely safe to take, and still effective.

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Re: Lynn (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I'd like to know the answer to your question as well.

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Re: Lynn (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Also want to now if I can take expired Chanix safety?

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My chantix expired on 8-20-17 is it still ok to use

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Is hydrocodone and tylenol 3 th same thing? My husband says it is. But I say that tylenol 3 is Lortab.... Who is corrwct? Also it seems that the new white hydrocodone pills do not work at all like the ones that used to have the pink or blue specks. I know the difference. I was given it a couple of times at the beginning of last year. I started pain management for RA, Lupus, diabetic neuropathy, and fibromyalgia in December of 2017 and it feels like I am not taking anything!

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My chantix expired on 10/2017 can I still take. It thanks

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They say there's a one year rule but first the expiration date on your prescription bottle is always just for one year while the pharmacy bottle it came from could have just been delivered and may expire 4 or 5 years from that date. You an try calling the pharmacy you got it from and ask for the lot numbers (which they have to input into the system by law so they can verify to Dea and expiration date they have listed in the computer for that lot number. But in my experience which of course I can't officially endorse, but I just finished a bottle of meds that I only take occasionally that the pharmacy labels aid expired in 2009. But again like I said I'm my last comment I knew that the medication had been stored in a dry temperature controlled environment the whole time so I was comfortable taking it because the only real issue would be lack of efficacy. It's ultimately up to you but I'd say if you are positive of where it had been stored I don't see a problem with that. I would definitely call the pharmacy you got it from and ask for the lot number they entered into the system. If they didn't enter the expiration you can either look up the lot number with manufacturer name of the med or you call the manufacturer and ask the expiration date of the lot number if you can't find it online. FYI everyone will probably tell you not to take expired meds because they need to cover themselves against a possible lawsuit Although I have had pharmacistz tell me the meds will probably just not be as effective. I have heard some meds can become poisonous over time as we play but that's another thing a pharmacist can tell you. Good luck trying to quit! I've tried several times to no avail and for me Chantix was hell I had the worst night terrors and anxiety I had to stop it very quickly wasn't on it long. Wish you luck!

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My grandmother was a chemist for Pfizer, and I was always told that the efficacy begins to wear off one year after the expiration date.

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Yep I have no problem taking expired meds as long as I know exactly where they've been stored. Some meds can turn poisonous but for the most part if they're in a dry temperature controlled environment they usually just start to lose their effectiveness.

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Tina, what's the expiration date listed on the prescription? Certain meds should not be taken past the expiration date but I don't know if Chantix is one of them. I can try to find more from the FDA on that, but first it would be helpful to know how long past the expiration date your meds are.

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Unfortunately the sell by date with meds is important depending on how its stored after the expiration date its less effective but if stored under the correct temperatures it can last much longer. Humidity & heat tends to effect the meds.

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