Will Oxycontin Be Changed Back To Original Formula (Page 30) (Top voted first)


is Oxycontin going back to their old formula? OC instead of OP.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Purdue took out the oxytocin that gives you the well-being feeling which is a major ingredient in pain relief. It has made a huge difference and not a good one. Other opiate pain medicine like Norco has done the same. It's the damn street addicts that have caused this so-called opioid epidemic. Not us people under a doctors care. But then its easier to go after us than the addicts on the street. They buy the street drugs and od on them because no one knows whats in those drugs. They are the reason for this crap, not us!!

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Re: anonymous (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

If I was saying what you are saying, my nickname would be anonymous as well! I think you are the one telling falsehoods here.

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Anonymous, you are accusing someone of posting terrible misinformation when you don't have a clue to what you are talking about. With time release meds certain people due pass the shell of the drug. This is called a "ghost" by the pharma companies and it is indeed a known fact. Also, the medicine is most assuredly been delivered to your system.

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Thanks alot purdue! My Sister just died from a bad reaction to the new op formula. She was on the old oxycontin formula for 5 years with no problem, never higher doses, and as soon as she tries these new shiitty ops, she thinks she should take 4 or 5 because the 1st couple werent working. Turns out she was allergic to whatever ingredient the new formula has in it that the original did not.

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I would encourage anyone who believes this "ghost" nonsense to do a simple experiment. Take an op 80 and suck on it for thirty seconds. The wax coating will turn to sticky mush and dissolve. Now, using common sense and the brain god gave you, try to imagine the coating going through TWENTY FEET of your gastrointestinal tract, which includes your stomach that has a powerful acid in it, and be able to pass through all of that, while still managing to let the much harder plastic polymer medicine inside come through it somehow and be completely dissolved, while the coating stays intact. I don't care what the drug companies tell you about the shell, these are just "ghost" stories.

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Your cormment shoes your ignorance, just becasue uses and abbreviaiton of a word does not mean they are an addict or that they have a pain medication abuse problem. How many people abbreviate when texting? Get yourself educated.

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I was on Oxycontin for 5 years the brand and it allowed me to get threw a day feeling somewhat normal after i suffered damage to my spinal cord in 1999 and spent 3 years at Hershey Medical Center ll i was diagnosed, anyway getting to the point I knew about a week that something was wrong because I was in intense pain and the pills would not work that is when I found they had changed the formula I was 45 years old at that time and went to the Dentist 02/09 for my check up cleaning and x-rays and still had no cavities, however 2 years later after taking these new pills and now stronger pills in between to try and help I go to the Dentist and now have 20 cavities after 45 years of having a perfect record? The Pharmacutical company cares more about the drug addicts then the people who really depend on the medication to get threw a day and now tooth damage from the glue!! that they put in the pill to keep the addicts from using it!. In my opinion they really need to look at their priorities! So now I can not even eat right because of the medication go figure I lost my teeth and smile that I always tried to keep even for the pain because I always tried to look on the brighter side and knew I could be worse!

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you people are ignorant.
the reason your family members are in such pain is bc of how addictive and disgusting those pills were...
Do you even realize how many people started abusing them. Its synthetic heroin...
tell your family members to get use to a different pain medication then....Oxys shouldnt ever be allowed on the market. its disgusting.
I have seen soo many lives ruined from them.

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Im getting really sick off the new oc please bring the old ones back

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After being cut off the original Oxycontin through the Canadian Government for a year, the first Oxycontin 40mg I took, I knew it wasn't even remotely close to the old formula. These new one's don't last near as long, nor do they help with the pain as well as the original Oxycontin 40mg back in 2011 (I think that was the date our government put an end to them) and came out with oxyneo. Neither one works for pain as good as the original ones.

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Naloxone is NOT a diuretic.
By itself, it is used to bring someone out of SEVERE respiratory depression, brought on my natural or synthetic opiods..
In other words, and overdose.
It's just so happens that one of the side effects of naloxone is that it has diuretic properties.

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I have been on Oxycontin for 10 yrs. For 7 yrs on OC I was able to work. I am now on OP for the past 3 or 4 yes and had to quit work due to lack of pain relief. I am sad and depressed. My. Dr will not change my med

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Jeanie, you need to go to a good pain specialist. They will help you with different options of meds & other therapies you can try. If its pain from a physical injury, there are nerve blocks, spinal stimulation which makes the nerve pathways change the signals being sent to your brain, meditation(you may think is stupid, but can be helpful when combined with other treatment) & then there are in hospital meds like ketamin-a very strong anaesthetic which given over a 10-14 day period can re set your pain transmitters & can help to reduce the amount of pain relief your on. I understand how you feel, i have an extremely rare disease that has no cure & little treatment available. I was diagnosed about 16yrs ago after 10yrs trying to get help. I stopped working 14yrs ago after realising I just couldnt run my business properly anymore. I lost so much that I loved about my life & spent the next 10yrs chasing a cure or anything that may help & I mean anything, wasting 10s of $1000 on the longest of shots. It was depressing & I became an angry person because of it. A few years ago I finally came to a stop, id bled my bank accounts dry & run out of options to chase. Im now in a really great place mentally & I cram the things i enjoy into my good days, ive started a fundraising charity & I volunteer doing things close to my heart. I have a great gp & pain specialist who have been with me since the beginning, they do everything they can to help me. You need good a medical team to help you Jeanie, i wish you the best. Jeramiah, yes they are releasing generic forms of the old OC formula in Australia. It goes onto the market in mid August & its up to the individual pharmacys wether they stock it or not. So for those on here who live in Australia, there will be relief soon. I hope it will help stabilise my pain levels again, & as many of you Im concerned about the long term use of the OP on my digestive system, I dont think ingesting silicon is good for it.

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Ronnie, Im the first person to offer help to anyone who needs it, dont think your so rightous! I know a lot about drug addiction, im not an addict but my body is would definitely go through withdrawal if i stopped the medication suddenly. Your body can hsve all sorts of reactions to stopping all sorts of medications suddenly. My GP, who Ive had most of my life, from when he was doing just family medicine, is an addiction specialist & has helped thousands, prob 10s of thousands get off H, pills, drink & other substances. I take my hat of to the many addicts trying to get help & straighten out thir lives, its not easy. On the other hand Im in a massive amount of physical pain with no real treatments available & the only real option I had was to take narcotic pain relief- a decision i took very seriously after exhausting every other option. The thing that really does my head in is when addicts, hurt others, & then want everyone to feel sorry for them. Bad stuff happens to everyone at one time or another in their lives, & yes some have it worse than others for sure. If mistakes are made which lead to a drug addiction, i feel for you. Its when an addict, robs people for money, burglarises a pharmacy to steal pills etc. follows a customer whos just had a prescription filled to their car or somewhere out of sight & robs them, or tries to con them into selling their meds that annoys me. The addicts who get on here & write about how clever they are, that they've worked out how to make the pills abusable anyway, so those having problems taking the new medication formula, are suffering side effects & uncontrolled pain issues for nothing. I wish they didnt think they are so damn clever, & have to let everyone know about it, its just plain mean, & you think i should feel sorry for them? You know nothing, Ronnie. If you read my posts properly, you would see i blame the pharmaceutical companies for their greed, i know thats what this is all about, Purdue cornering the market with patents, but the junkies that do the above mentioned things, give these companies ammunition to throw at the government. To the addicts who hate their lives, are defenceless, have been hurt so terribly, their are options available & help is out there-alot of help. Take advantage of it & straighten your lives out, you deserve to be happy & healthy, but only you can make that choice. I wish i had the options to deal with my disease, that you have available but there have only been 200 like me diagnosed in the history of medicine. We are used as guinea pigs with no one doing any sort of research to help our pain or save our lives. I hope that everyone, no matter what their disease, injury, or addiction is gets help & are able to make the most out of life. We only have one & its very precious, take care.

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Michelle, Thank you for info & trying to help. Unfortunately, I live in a very rural area with few options. Plus, I don't have the money or the means to go elsewhere. I did go to the only local pain clinic, 60 miles away & saw a pain specialist. The pain specialist did try many of the treatments you mentioned & I really stuck with the treatments & gave them ample time to help. However, nothing really helped, & because nothing helped, my primary doctor decided that the OPs were good enough for me. There's only 4 doctors in our rural town & they all work together so no chance of switching docs. My only choice is to return to the pain clinic, but it's too costly to go there again & they really didn't help me the last time. Apparently, my doctor believes that the pain clinic should have been the answer to all my prayers, but since it wasn't, he is going to leave me in a dark limbo on the OPs that do nothing for me, except make me sick, depressed & fatigued.

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Hey John D are you a pharmacist? Ive been having this same discussion with my pharmicist, she told me they had been advised of generic versions also, i havnt been there the last week or so, but havnt heard that this will not be the case now. If you are a pharmacist, do you have many of your customers reporting problems with the OP formulation? I just dont know what to think, Im on a high dose of oxycontin but have been stable at that dose for about 4 years & I havnt had to use break through medications at all (i prob could have used it here & there, but i try not to take anymore medication than is absolutely necessary.) i only take oxycontin because its impossible to function without them, the pain from my disease is unrelenting & there are no real treatments available to help beyond pain relief. Robert Im really happy for you, that you get the same relief from the new oxycontin formula without any side effects. Not everyone reacts to medication the same way, & one different ingredient can make a lot of difference in the way one person absorbs a med to another person. Chemicals react differently for different people & because you are ok it is not the same for others. I wish i could change to another medication such as MS Contin or Tramadol but i have serious reactions from both, i have an anaphylactic reaction to morphine & seizures from Tramadol. I dont have options & now the one medication that worked for me, is not working the way it was. I dont abuse the medication & my GP who is now actually an addiction specialist, he would be very quick to notice if I was abusing my medications in any way. I sincerely hope that mundipharma havnt won, its certainly very unfair & is going to leave me in a difficult position, I really have no idea where im going to ho from here.

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Oxynorm contains oxycodone with naloxone. It was just approved in the US a few weeks ago under the name of Targiniq ER.

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Thanks Michelle. Let me know what you find out. I have read the August report of PBS listings and 100% no new generic Oxycodones. The only real hope is if a brand is selling as a non pbs item. Would be expensive but as you know more effective. My pharmacist would not ask the question to the suppliers I don't think. Maybe yours will?

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My chem says there definitely coming out And some pharmacist are stocking already but they already ran out of the 500.000 boxes that were sent

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Thanx Dox, Im not going into details about doses & that on here but Im on a very high dose. I have an extremely rare disease which has no cure & beyond pain relief no real treatment. I was diagnosed 16yrs ago & have been on OC for around 13yrs. I refused to take narcotic pain relief for a long time, I tried everything possible, nerve blocks, internal acupuncture, all sorts of natrapath treatments etc. I eventually had to give in to my doctors advice & take the meds. I cant take Tramadol, Morphine, MS Contin & others because of allergic reactions (seizures, anaphalactic shock, hives) My pain spec who I saw last week, has given me a permit to up my dose (I really dont want to) or admit me into hospital & try changing to fentaynol (Im not doing that!) Targin is no good because the trials were all done on lower doses & wouldnt be able to equal my current dosage. Ive had ketamin treatments to give me a 'holiday' as my specislist says from the pain, but I cant stand the hallucinations (I have them when awake, not just the wacky dreams) My GP is an addictions specialist who treats thousands of people addicted to allanner of drugs & alchohol, so Im in very good hands with a doctor who is an expert on narcotic medications. Ive also had him as a doctor since I was about 11, when he was just out of med school so with all that & his knowledge of my disease Im lucky in that respect. Oxycontin is really the best choice for me as it works & I dont have an allergy to it, I just need it to work the way it was before. I had been stable on my current dose for about 4yrs & not even taking break through meds, now Im up & down like a yo yo with the pain & its ruling my life once again. I loved that the med was tamper proof, I had someone watch me get my prescription & follow me. I had my daughter with me, this was years ago, & he pulled a knife, stabbed me & stole a months supply of my medication. Im all for anything that will prevent that sort of thing, but not at the expense of the medication working properly. Anyway ive garbled on enough, time to suck it up & get on with it. Ill have to accept the increase of dose & hope that works cause i dont have another option, I just hope there isnt sny damage to my stomache or bowell etc. i had a bowell onstruction last year & dont want to go through that again. I read posts on another conversation here of people in the US & there are many with stomach damage & many bringing legal suits against Purdue, the company is well aware of the problems its causing but that hasnt changed anything. Good luck people.

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