Will Oxycontin Be Changed Back To Original Formula (Page 29) (Top voted first)


is Oxycontin going back to their old formula? OC instead of OP.

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Hi Jay, all good.....dont stress to much, i dont think you need to worry. I dont know if Sandoz will have the answers though to be honest, this is the health department off their heads....they havent told pharmacists or anything. Late last year they went to all the pharmacists & doctors checking who was stocking the generic & distributing to which customers. (I dont think it shows on filled script which is despensed) The pharmacys heard nothing more, but as i said my doctor receieved a letter about it & when he rang them they said no exceptions all high dosage patients have to have the OP..... I think they believe people on high doses are maybe selling them or they are being stolen off elderly patients (something like that) & the number of overdoses has gone up...... Mind you they're not saying if thats overdoses from all narcotics or if its only oxycontin. Will see what happens, but if it does come down to them being removed we will fight it Jay. Its inhumane to treat people in genuine pain like that, & should be left to doctors & pain specialists to prescribe what their patient needs. If the number of overdoses has gone up, because junkies are getting hold of the tablets i think its more important to find how thats happening rather than taking it out on sick people. Why are they being prescribed if they arent going to genuine patients.....there cant be that many robberies from chemists! If you need these tablets to reduce pain, you are not selling them.....i know that much!!! I keep mine locked away, & never let people see what im picking up from chemist because of the worry someone might follow.....its scary! Anyway, take care mate....I feel terrible for Carol, its very sad no one is helping her. Is there no other doctor you can go to Carol? It sounds like yours is an a**hole!

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Hi Michelle, Bobby here again. Well, I've just returned from my monthly gp appt. he still made some rumblings about me being on higher doses of sandoz OxyContin and oxynorm for breakthrough ! I did mention to him that I have been on the same dosage regime for four years (not once asking to go up and in fact the only time I've had an upping of my dose was whilst I was in hospital in extreme pain due to a flare up) I'm 34 now, was diagnosed with my illness at 16 and been on various levels of oxycodone that whole time. Like everyone else I had to take the op formula when it was introduced though through your postings and an Internet search found out about the sandoz and haven't looked back since. I'm so anxious, he made mention of the fact that apparently I'm on an excessive dose (even though I'm stabilised and have been approved by my multiple specialists to continue this dosing) however the health dept has decided a one size fits all approach and anyone on equivalent of 200 mg total a day of morphine will probably have to move down. This is insane as morphine has I believe a 30/ bioavailability (ie that's the most u can absorb from swallowing the tablet compared with up to 93 / with oxycodone !) so to compare the two is like apples and oranges. Not to mention I don't do well on morphine as its too sedating. The generic oxycodone is the only pill I've found relief from and I've tried everything: mindfulness therapy, acupuncture dietary changes, hydrotherapy .... I'm sure most ppl here are in the same boat. I feel I am entitled to continue taking a medication I have never abused, receive from the same pharmacy and have been on in some iteration for almost 20 years. The barbarism This small minded approach and one size fits all ideology is astounding. If u could, please let me know how you convinced your dr to take a stand for you with the health dept. I'm dealing with Queensland health. At this stage I've got my months supply however I'm so scared for next month. I mean, I even pick my meds up weekly and have offered to do blood or urine evaluations. I also want to mention that your posts are always so compassionate and you seem like a lovely person. If u do, as mentioned decide to fight this and become an advocate let me know I will sign any petition that aims to stop govt officials effecting legitimate chronic pain victims like ourselves receiving adequate pain relief so that we may live our lives under the guise of supposed altruistic intentions in regards to saving drug addicts lives . What about our lives? I know for a fact my quality of life was greatly diminished when I had to take the op formula, and now to be hit with a double whammy of going back to that or a greatly reduced dose similar to that of morphine when as I mentioned (those figures on bioavailability are from Wikipedia and legitimate equivalence calculators that gps use!) Ahhhhh! I'm so tense and as I'm sure u know stress is a big no no when it comes to regulating your pain... So, basically could u give me any pointers on how u got around the heavy handed vic health dept as it seems that qld is about to apply the same heavy handed tactics indiscriminately to all chronic pain patients. Kind regards.

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Hi Bobby, my doctor & pain specialist explained the problems i have with OP which has worked for now, i really cant go into anymore details on here. See how you go, dont stress about it for now....it may be all smoke trying to scare people. Do you have a good GP who's helpful & understands your pain? Also a pain specialist, they are the best advocates you can have on your side....if you dont, get onto it & find a pain specialist for 1 & another GP who's more compassionate. Your doing all the right things in terms of not abusing & only having a weeks medication on you....i do the same most of the time, makes me feel safer. I hope this helps you... Ive known my GP since i was a kid, which helps a lot as he knows i have a high pain tolerance & he's been with me the whole journey since i was diagnosed, so has my pain spec. Let me know how you go.

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Wow I thought I was the only one with these problems, my Dr who is great has been treating me for free for about 14 years now, has swapped me off oxycontin to targin and it gives me the s***s, I never had a problem with oxycontin and constipation but he thinks targin is better for me. "I don't think that", what can I do?

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I am so sorry to hear this. All I can say to you is that I completely understand where u are coming from in regards to lack of efficacy with the reformulated OxyContin. I know this as I had a very similar problem when the reformulation came out (in regards to it not working nearly as well with awful side effects) luckily I am in Australia and there is a generic . I assume u are in America . Don't listen to the so called specialist and pharmacy reps - there is a marked difference in the way this reformulated stuff works on certain individuals . I myself was one of them. I feel for you , I would have been in a similar situation if the generic had not come out , and was also being told I was making it up and that of course it still worked the same -absolute bs! It's so sad our quality of life and medication that worked for us has been effected by drug addicts (although Purdue pharm is also to blame as they marketed it as non addictive when they knew it was)
Have u tried other meds? Perhaps fentanyl patch ? My mother is highly sensitive to all opioids other than that. Before u do something as drastic as taking your own life (tho I understand why) please look jnto other opioids such as fentanyl or oxymorphone...
I'm sorry if these have been suggested before or if u have tried them. The other option which I had to use due to side effects from the reformulated OxyContin is taking multiple doses of short acting oxycodone . These need to be taken every four to six hours. I'm not sure of the brand name in America but worldwide there is always a short acting oxycodone formulation available -often used for break through pain. Obviously it's not ideal, but surely it must be better than acquiescing to this insane war on prescription drugs that is going on and which u through no fault of your own have been caught in the crossfire . I'm so sorry to hear what u are going through and my thoughts are with you. Please ask your dr if This can be done . U are in a very extreme situation and oftentimes when Drs titrate your oxycodone dose they begin with short acting drugs and then switch over to extended release . Obviously u would want to stay on the short acting dose as the reformulated junk doesn't work for you (like many others) please let me know how u go.
Sincere condolences and empathy being sent your way .
Bobby L

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Targin still has oxycodone in it a d yes it mess your stomach up.I took it for 2 months..

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I just got some 40my oxys stamped on what does this mean. Not oc or op but on. Help ty

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Michael, are they immediate release or slow release oxycontin? If immediate release the ON could stand for OxyNorm, which is one of the brand names for this....... Cant think what else it could be...... Who is it made by?

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That stuff with the targin upset my stomach all the time.

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Zaborav OP is distributed in Australia by Mundipharma, it's the reformulation.....we do however have a generic Oxycontin. I know that Oxycontin is the brand name for controlled release. Someone was asking about a tablet with ON stamped on it, only thing i could think of was OxyNorm.

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ONs are a tamper proof Oxycontin, also produced by Purdue. They were released on the market in 2012 as OxyNeo.

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Thank you so much for your kind words .maybe I will write more another day ,too sad to write today ,but thank you again

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Her post was detailed and indeed indicated she is currently a patient at the only pain clinic in her area.

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Sandie, no, sandoz did not then step in at all. The plastic crap was made because sandoz was bringing a generic to market in australia as the patent for australasia was up ending mundipharmas monopoly. I have put it in my other post. Read it ebfore you spout crap, The only reason you think sandoz was there after is because of why i stated that chemists were not selling it and because obviously your chemist was buying the new OP and handing back the OC because they dont like selling it. OC was still on shelves in australia in mid 2016 dpending where you go. I know because i get OC still sometimes when i can be bothered going to a certain place and the expiry date is even 2018.

If the doc doesn't want you taking sandoz they tick the box to say that you are not allowed generics. They dont take it up with government and crap like this being spouted in victoria. They tick a box. Your doctor can decide if they dont want yuo taking generic because they dont trust you.

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My doctor doesn't tick the box..?
What's your problem Kimba.? Not that I care though...
All I was saying is how I feel by taking the two different brands and I don't chew don't suck the coating off...because maybe that's what you have done doesn't mean we all have...
Your a weirdo...

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There is Oxycontin the old OC formula. It is by Mundipharma and is the official Oxycontin here in Europe.

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If I have a prescription for OxyContin 40 mg BID in United States can I order the original 40 oc from Europe instead of having to settle for the op version in the United States? If so what is the cost?

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I am trying to figure out what went where and when I can get the original formulation of Oxycontin 80 mg generic forum here in San Francisco. Please let me know if you have any Vital Information With regarding this.

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Can I have mundipharma fill my prescription of OxyContin 40 mg and mailed to me in the United States?

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Re: hanna (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

It's the strength of oxycodone continuous release tabs that makes them heroin-like.

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