Will I Stop Smoking (Top voted first)


I just began taking Chantex yesterday 2/18/07. I was told to continue to smoke for the 1st week and quit 1 week later. That will mean my quit date is Sunday, 2/25/07. I am a 1 1/2 pack a day smoker and I'm not quite sure this will work for me. When does the urge start to go away? I heard from a friend that if she tries to smoke, she gets very nauseas. I wish this would happen to me so I won't want to smoke but it doesn't. Will it by the 2nd week? I have smoked for almost 30 years, I can't imagine this even working but i've heard so many people having success with it, I thought i have to try it. I don't believe that any others i've known to have success with this drug had smoked as much as myself.
Am I suppose to be cutting down this 1st week? How long does it take for the medication to get into my system?

20 Replies

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hey! ok great i think they will work for you. i smoked 15 years and i been smoke free now for a month. u can smoke that first week and i didnt cut down at all i was smoking still like a champ that first week. but when my quit date rolled around i completely stopped even though i so wanted one. that first week when u take those white pills, i think those are the pills that build up in the system, after that u start the blue pills by then its already in your system.

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I have been smoke free for one week now. i did not slow down either when taking the drug for the first week. The only difference is i am also taking Wellbutrin in conjunction with Chantex. Wellbutrin is also perscribed to aid in stop smoking. I have no desire to smoke and on a side note my husband is still smoking right in front of me and i am still ok. Good Luck!

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I used this to stop smoking way back in September 2006. I don't have any urge to smoke and I am not bothered by the smoke of someone that is smoking. My wife is still smoking, but I have had great success using this medication. Do everything exactly as prescribed and go on for the full three monthes of treatment even if you don't think you need it. You still do after a month trust me on this. The plan will work if you really want to stop, but you have got to really want to stop. The pill is not for will power, but does assist you by the chemical it makes for your body. The nausia comes if you completely stop while on the med and then start back smoking while still on the med. Kind of like the stuff given for stopping drinking. I don't like that feeling so I never challenged what they said would happen. That was incentive enough not to start back smoking. I have been off the meds for over 2 monthes now I think. I lost track of exactly when I stopped smoking and when I stopped the Chantix. I will tell you this. It is the best thing out there to assist you when you want to stop smoking. I tried them all many times and this one only once. I am a non smoker! I did smoke over 2 packs a day when I began this program and I do not work for this drug manufacturer. I am as real a person as you. You can do this IF YOU really want to. Good Luck! and stick to it.

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I started using Chantex in August 2006, and I have been sucessfully smoke free since then! I do know that by the end of the first week when I would smoke I didn't like the taste of the cigs anymore, so I caught myself smoking less and less just in that one week.

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as you near you QUIT date ciggerettes do not have the same taste, you are really just going through the motions at that point. After you are on Chantix for a while the smell of cigs is not appealing and just try to take a drag from one. i tried it last weekend to see how i would react. it tasted horrible, i had to brush my teeth to get rid of the taste and i felt nausous for hours. All that after two puffs!

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I have been smoking longer than 30 years and just started my 2nd week on Chantix. Yes you get very nauseated if you smoke. I just lost my mother in law and I had an occasional cigarette. It tasted terrible and I get nauseated every time I light one up. So believe me, It's not worth it. Give it time. It will work. Think on the possitive side. If you want it to work, it will.

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I appreciate reading all the replies. It helps! I have heard good things about this med. I am a heavy smoker (2 packs a day) for 21 yrs. I am hooked! I need to quit smoking for health reasons & cancer runs in my family anyway. The bad thing about nicotine is, it makes you think you want it! I have been hesitant about quitting cold turkey, but Chantex sounds great1 I am going to the doc this week to start. I will let you know how it works. Thanks!!

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I am starting this medication today. I am a 15 yr smoker, over a pack a day, and only 31 yrs old. I also have diabetes and was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis last year. I have tried so many times to quit, and I really hope this does the trick. I'm encouraged to hear that some of you have been successful even when your spouse still smokes, as my husband does. Has anybody noticed more or less weight gain while taking this? Each time I have tried to quit I've gained about ten pounds and am hoping to avoid that.

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i have been on the drug for 2 months now. I have not had a change in weight. I caution you with this though... you will have more free time on your hands with not smoking and you may experience an oral fixation. If you choose to soothe that with food make sure you choose somthing extremely low in calories. I just get up and walk around the parking lot on my breaks at work instead of huddled in the smoking area. Just change your habits with a healthy alternative.

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Missy, Believe it or not, I've lost weight on Chantix. Because of the nausea, I don't want to eat or smoke. So I guess it depends how the medication works on you. Just drink plenty of water which helps flush out the nicotine out of your body and also helps with weight loss. I'm also on weight watchers. But the nausea is a bummer. Took my appetite right away. Very sensitive stomach. But it does work. I'm smoke free now for a week and do not desire any cigarettes at all and my husband smokes in front of me. It actually turns my stomach. I have to go into another room. Good luck and don't give up.

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I took this for two months. I had to cut down to the half dose due to insomnia and other sleep problems, like moving in my sleep and talking in my sleep. I am still having problems with insomnia. I am going to talk to my doctor soon about this. I did quit but yesterday I had a half of a ciggerette. It took two weeks on the pill before I could quit. I think I need some more but I am concerned.

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Wow, I was wondering if anyone else had noticed sleep problems. I've been on Chantix for 3 days and I dream all night long. It seems like I never completely disconnect from the conscious state. If you've ever tried to control a dream you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm a 24 year pack-an-a-half-a-day smoker who knows I need to quit but really doesn't *want* to quit. Hoping what I know is right, overpowers my desire and addiction this time. We'll see...

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Chantex helps, but you have to do your 50%with willpower. I have quit cold turkey twice in the past and with the help of Chantex this time, 1 month now 3 weeks no pills. It all boils down to the same thing. You will never stop craving a cigarette, sometimes it will hit you upside the head like a brick, but don't give in. The cravings come fewer between as time goes on, and last only a very short time than in the beginning. Don't make the fatal mistake ever of smoking just one because you think you have the habit licked, because at that point you stand a 90% chance that the habit you kicked is going to come back and bite you in the ---. Stay strong, pity and support those trying to quit with no success. It's very very hard as we know.

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35 yrs 2 pks a day chantix for 1 mo smoke free 6 months. hate the smell so much I am repainting all my walls! I had no withdrawals and no side effects. I simply stopped. at 35 bucks a carton I was going broke.

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Has anybody noticed visual changes. I am just over a month of being smoke free using Chantix, however I'm noticing that my vision seems to be getting bad...like I need glasses???

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I have been on Chantex 5 months to stop chewing. Is there stronger doses or does anyone know of someone that Chantex did not work for them....

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MORNING COFFEE: One of my few pleasures. A cup of coffee and about 3 cigarettes. I am on day 5 of first week. quit day is coming up, but my morning ritual has not ebbed one bit. Love those cigs with coffee in the a.m. However, on a good note, after the morning thing is done, I am noticing that I dont want them very much for the rest of the day and if I DO smoke, i dont finish it, it tastes bad. Why does it still taste so wonderful in the a.m.?????? Now im scared when my quit date comes, I wont be able to do it! anyone out there relate to this?

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When reading tons of posts, you will see that not ALL were able to quite exactly on their quit day. That is OK, dont be hard on yourself if you dont. Today is my quit day. i have smoked for over 40years. I just had two cigs with my morning coffee and am smoking one now. However, it DOES taste terrible, normally i would have had about 6 cigs by now and they would have tasted great! I know it is working, but each of us has their own pace. If i quit on day 12 instead of day 8, so what?!!! I will still have quit. Throwing yourself into an anxiety attack will do nothing more than make you want one. Yes, i am trying to avoid it at all costs, and have learned alot this past week. I have gone from over 2 packs a day to one pack. I am PROUD . and I will quit when I quit and I will NOT stress over it. Heard one person say it took them 3 weeks. BUT THEY DID IT. dont give up. dont stress. just take your meds, and go about your day! You can do it, WE CAN DO IT. ON ANOTHER NOTE: I am very dissapointed at Pfzires GetQuit plan, they keep telling you to call and talk to live counselours if you feel like your going to slip. I did it, got a recorded message saying as of April 1, there ARE NO MORE LIVE COUNSELERS!. COMPLAINED TO PFizer and they send me a canned email stating, sorry, call your State Quit program or go to a hospital quit program. They need to update there website and daily messages about calling live people!!! Very VERY upsetting, especially in the delicate stressful situation us smokers are in right now!

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Forget the meds. Quitting cold turkey is really not that difficult and you can skip the horrible Chantix side effects. You can do it!

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