Why On Earth Abilify.
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Based on all the warnings associated with Abilify, some of which can result in permanent impairment or death, why would anyone take the drug, and why on earth give it to a child.

There is now a name for every twitch we go through and people are so quick to take a pill to fix every thing that is called life and living. It is not always easy or fun. I am depressed almost every day and I would never consider taking this drug. I fill my days caring for others and try to make myself useful.

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Doctors who prescribe it are reacting to parent's who are looking for help. They are not out there drumming up business just to write prescriptions. There are children who need help. However, this drug is not for "kids who just can't sit still", are slightly depressed or rebellious, and does not help with autism or Asperger's Syndrome.
It is for major psychotic behavior like putting your head through drywall in rage or hearing voices that tell you to hurt yourself or someone else. For that, it helps us all.

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No more technical questions, I guess my questions are to parents who would give this to children, and actually - even to adults. Having assisted with a research paper on the pros and cons of advertising prescription medications on public television, I can say there are almost none I would ask my doctor for, and if he recommended Abilify, I would turn it down, and try to pursue a healthier option. And it is not just Abilify, although I think the reason I posted here is because it has so many warnings associated with its use, it is unbelievable. My mother had 3 boys, and I am pretty sure they drove her crazy every day, acting up and not sitting still and breaking things, climbing everywhere, and not once did she ever think there was something wrong with any of them, like bipolar or ADD/ADHD - they were just boys. And she never thought there was anything wrong with herself either - like they were making her so depressed and crazy she could not take it another day, so she needed a pill. I think people now just want to take a pill and make all their problems go away and make their children perfect. I hear so many parents at school and soccer talk about putting one of their children on this drug or that, and it causes side effects, for which they have a 2nd drug or even a 3rd sometimes, and then the kid is screwed up far worse than to start with, so they take everything away and start over - meanwhile, if the kid wasn't screwed up to begin with, they will be at the end. I also know parents who control their child's ADD/ADHD with diet - it takes a lot of planning and preparation, but works. People are just lazy. And I have to ask, since these disorders seems to be on the rise, are we, as parents, doing something to proliferate this? While I do believe there are drugs that save lives, I do not think drugs are always the answer.

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Abilify is an antipsychotic, so it is really only intended to be used for severe treatment resistant cases, it's not intended to be used to treat minor depression, anxiety or other similar conditions.

And all medications do carry the risk of causing serious, long-term side effects, or death in rare cases. It's really a matter of researching things and discussing it with your doctor to make sure you are as fully informed as possible to decide whether or not the possible benefits to you outweigh the possible risks.

Abilify works very well for many people who were unable to get control of their conditions with other medications and therapies, the most commonly reported side effects are weight gain, dry mouth and lethargy.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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