White Oblong Pill Scored With I N On One Side
UpdatedSmall, white, oblong (rather than oval) pill scored and imprinted with I N or N I on one side - I am in Canada, in case that makes a difference in the appearance.
17 Replies
white, oblong (rectangular with edges rounded) pill, scored in the middle, and imprinted on one side with and I and N (or N and I) - Canadian - trying to identify
Oh, here's the post. This gentleman reached me by email.
None of my searches have turned up anything for this. This does seem to be Canadian in origin, but I have yet to make a positive I.D. I even reached out to a pharmacist in Canada but they were stumped as well.
Does anyone else know?
the imprint might be a lower case L, i.e. l or an upper case i, i.e. I
Mbnc can you post back with more details, such as the shape, color, exact marking and dosage?
This would really help us out!
Well I'm not totally certain. Kind of rectangule shape but not straight edges. Supposed to be 1 mg.
Looks imprinted with I and N. Scored in middle.
Could take a pic if that helped.
Mbnc, actually a pic that we could keep for reference would be superb!
We have no way to upload it on here, right now, but you could email it to me at verwon@gmail.com
Then I can send it on to our site administrator and we would both have it for future use.
And thank you so much for your help on this, it is greatly appreciated!
And just for further details:
Lorazepam is a Benzodiazepine, commonly sold under the brand name Ativan, it is used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.
Common side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability.
Was this identified? I have the same pill I found when unpacking. I think it is a 1mg generic ativan (I am also in Canada) but, I am not sure. I N oblong scored on one side.
If it's a small, white, oblong pill, with nothing on one side, and scored on the other side lowercase L "l" and then "N", it's 1mg Lorazepam, brand name Ativan. It is Canadian, and it's a benzodiazepine. Skeletal muscle relaxant/hypnotic/anxiolytic, etc etc.
White, Oblong, Scored -one line through middle, other side, scored or marked with I N they are Canadian, and they are definitely 1mg Lorazepam I was on them for a few years. Sorry but I do no recall what company makes them or what it said on the bottle.
yes it is lorazepam, I am in ontario and take them, white oblong ir rectangular with rounded ends. only the one side says. I/N
America, white oblong scored, n s1 ..I take them.. sucralfate tab 1gm generic. Carafate tab 1mg. They are for my really bad ulcer.. There ya go folks.. NOT Lorazepam..the score is straight up and down and it's a large pill...no slash anywhere. You may want to look it up and check for yourself.. It's a miscellaneous GI Agent.
Dude we R talking Canadian n they R lorazepam 1 mg Canadian not american
They are tiny white flat oval pills, smaller than a Tic Tac ,about 5mm long with rounded ends, about 3mm thick , appears like ( l | N ) markings on one side and blank on the other side. Very tiny.
Lorazepam/Ativan. Found an old one in a drawer from a family member and thats what i was told.
Re: Mary Mcats 777 (# 13)
Writing words In such an authoritative manner, in this case, is very much dangerous. Writing this statement, as if it is fact, may lead people to believe that it is, indeed fact. The tablet in question, is Lorazepam, not the substance of which you claim. If a person read your statement, consumed these tablets believing they are what you claim, thus believing that any contraindications with other medications is safe, could lead to respiratory arrest, and even death.
Re: Amapharm (# 16)
So, you replied with authority, how do we know you know what you’re talking about?
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