White Xanax Gg 249 Are They Real (Top voted first)


I have bars with gg249 on them but the other side looks like it's coated or something. Are they real?

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Based on the description provided, I can confirm that the pill you have is in-fact identified as Alprazolam 2 mg; (a generic for Xanax). It is manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Inc. & the National Drug Code (NDC) is: 00781-1089

Alprazolam is primarily used to treat moderate to severe anxiety disorders (e.g., social anxiety disorder) and panic attacks, and is used as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety associated with moderate depression.

Learn More: Alprazolam Details

I hope this info helps!

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the withdrawal may kick your ass. gabopentin will probably help to lessen it. try to lower your dose of xanax as slowly as possible.

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Yes please do not stop cold turkey cause i did try that and i had a bad sezuire and a heart attack from stoping cold turkey so please please dont try something stupid like i did i almost lost my life cause of it i was on life support for 8 months in a coma doctors didnt think i was going to pull through it cause i started bleeding in my brain after my sezuire which i have sezuires anyways from a brain injury i recevied in jail in good old bradley county almost lost my life then because of our so called serve and protect here law i was flown to erlanger with a broken bag legs arm neck and my head was layed open like a watermelon i was in a coma for almost a year when i came to the doctora said i want ever walk talk are function normally again well guess what i proved them wrong cause i can walk talk and well my brain has damage but hey i can still do what normally people do so when i stoped xanax cold turkey it liked to of killed me i didnt know it was that serious that u could loose your life stoping cold hearted i said ok i bet i can do it being hard headed i did it then i had a real bad sezuire that made me start bleeding in my brain and shortly they flew to erlanger on life.support i then had a heart attack right when i got to erlanger and thats when i took a turn for the worse i didnt think it would hurt me telling myself i can do this it want hurt me cause peoples body are didnt well what little did i know i almost lost my life i had to have open heart surgery and brain surgery they told my family i had no brain waves that i was brain dead that they needed to let me go and my parents god rest there soul said no my baby daughter will pull through this she has been through much worse then this and sure enough 7 months had passed and no change and the day my parents said ok i guess we will let our baby go dear god and the day before they was going to take me off life support i woke up and here i am today so please PLEASE DO NOT STOP ANY KIND OF DRUG YOU ARE ON COLD TURKEY CAUSE IT CAN COST U YOUR LIFE BEING HARD HEADED LIKE I WAS I AM STILL STUGGLING DAY BYE DAY ON SOME STUFF THAT I CANT DO BUT.I WILL GET UP AND BE READY TO RUN SWIM AND ALL.AGAIN GET LOWER YOUR DOSE WEEK BYE WEEK HOPE THIS HELPS GOD BLESS ALL GIVE THEM THE STRENTH TO GET THROUGH THIS AMEN

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Hello, I used to take 1mg Xanax 4 times a day for years. When the doctor switched me to klonopin, I was taking 1mg 3 times a day. I am now down to 1mg klonopin a day. .5mg around 5pm and the other .5mg when I go to bed. It's rough getting off the Xanax. The best way to do it is actually decrease the dosage gradually.

You said you were taking 2mg 3-4 times a day. reduce that to 1.5 mg 3-4 times a day for a couple weeks. Then reduce again to 1mg in a couple more weeks. The .5 mg in a couple more weeks.
Pretty soon you are down to .25 mg 3-4 times a day. Then switch to the klonopin.
It's still going to be rough because of the mind over matter syndrome. You're so used to taking the Xanax that you are already afraid to not take it.
I know I was.

Stay with it and you will persevere.

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My GG249 xanax are white and have 3 score lines so they can be quartered. And u will darn sure know they are real as soon as...or like 20 minutes after, u take them!

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What you have been sold is not xanax, I was ripped off too. They are an indian sleep aid called Tydol.

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Be very careful coming off these. Taper yourself off.Don't stop cold.Very dangerous.

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Please help if you can with my last post. I really need to get off these pills. I've been on them for 3 months and I feel like a druggie. Please let me know of any remedy to prevent w/d I have a son and I can't take off work.

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Suboxone and subutex are the worst things I've ever withdrawaled from. And I've detoxed off anything and everything. I highly recommend to not get addicted to sub. It is hardest detox and a daily struggle for me and the symptoms of coming off them can last months. Its the most horrible withdrawals I've experienced in my life and I Dont recommend for anyone to get addicted to them. The worst thing from my experience to come off of and the side effects last up to weeks or months. Depending on how long you've been on them... Sorry for rambling. Hope this helped though...

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David your right, only if they come from a pharmacy in the US. There are other ways people obtain drugs, and the GG249 bar is the biggest counterfeit out there. I've seen fake ones and I've took fake ones and you can tell there fake. Yes they can be real BUT they can be fake also.

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Suboxone is STRICTLY for OPIATE WITHDRAWAL. You could possibly kill this person if they listened to your dumba** advice. And trust me, I WOULD KNOW. Anyone would know. Do some simple research, you were on suboxone and they stopped your withdrawal because you were on oxy and morphine - opiates.

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Are these fake xanex hard to crush in a pill crusher?

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From a web-based pharmacy operating out of india most likely. Don't go near these, they are not xanax.

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Unfortunately you going to experience some kind of withdrawals. This is an extremely dangerous drug. I've been on them for 22 years and the lowest I can get is .5 3x a day. You do need to be careful and I would recommend going to a doctor to get off of them and if you can't just try to wean yourself off really slowly it does work though. Good luck

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You're going to need a doctor to help you come all over these Xanax
Xanax withdrawal is way worse than any other withdrawal.
I cannot stress enough do not try to quit cold turkey. This can lead to death
And this is a big CAN!!!!
I am a formal addict and my drug of choice was Xanax

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Best way to get off these devil pills is to gradually taper down .5 MG every 5 days then start taking them every other day

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The best Xanax bars are the White U94's. Everything else is being counterfeited. The GG249s are most likely 90% counterfeit. The Green Dava S903's are as well and you can tell. So look for white U94's. They are from Canada. And strong as hell. I mean i took 3 and felt like i took 8. Panic attack gone and i felt like i was floating. These can't be counterfeited yet with a pill press because they haven't made a cutout for it yet since they are brand new. Get them while you can. I live in New Haven, CT. It is July 1, 2016 today just for a reference point. However, the majority of counterfeit Xanax bars are the GG249's. They ate shorter and fatter. Real GG249's are 15mm in length. So you can measure them or just turn it on its side, if the pill is completely flat from a side angle view its real. If it sticks out just a tiny bit they are counterfeit.

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Hey Hun just taper down because benzos can kill you if you stop cold turkey it's not safe to stop taking them if you taper down you won't have any physical with drawals but mental it's a little difficult bu won't last long

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Since they are fake they are made worldwide by different people, some are hard, some are soft, some are real, some are not, I could go on....

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Suboxone is the worst drug to come off of. They put you on it so you can't come off. I had withdrawals for a month. It is also highly addictive. Buprenorphine is one of the strongest opioids in the world. Don't tell people about how safe it is when you don't know what you're talking about. It will destroy you. It has the worst wd symptoms of any drug and is highly addictive.

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