White Watson 10mg 325 #853 (Page 4)
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I just recieved a new prescription of norco 853 10/325. The last script was yellow and the new ones are white. The pharmacist said that Watson changed the color but the pill is the same, does anyone know if this is accurate?

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Fault about what. What are you trying to say?

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They should take responsibility for their own actions. That's like blaming firearm companies for gun violence.

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The white pills watson 853 suck the yellow ones were better they take the pain away in seconds

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Got smashed by a semi into a loading dock years ago. White norcos are absolutely weaker then yellows. There's a reason they changed the color. so sick of of f.d.a!! Crooks. Id rather be a little lala and comfortable then in the severe dam pain im in. About to see lawyers to sue the bastards. Wish i could let them feel what i do every day. Like being on a torture machine. Used to get oxycontin but drs are too afraid of feds now and being raided. Just one day in my shoes they would blow their brains out. So dam sick of righteous people. And yes there's a difference. Anyone who says there's not is an i*****. Period!! Go back to pharmacy school! I*****s. I've been taking them since 1986. That's how i know i'm rt. Fda are commies. That's right.

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Yes. Watson are white and the quality and effectiveness are poor.
Qualitest is the only ones that are effective. You will have trouble finding Qualitest because Watson 's are cheaper.

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I have neuropathy and arthritis also. And I am also a father of 3 beautiful sons that have now become opiate addictions. And I give all thanks to doctors that can so easily prescribe opiates to people, and then just keep feeding to them as much as they request it by saying they're still in pain. My boys had multiple sport injuries, that lead them to require pain meds. And each of my boys became addicted to these pills. So much that when the doctor finally cut them off, their addiction had took over and they started finding them on the streets. But then when their funds begin to run out because these pills are costing them $5-$10 each one, well that's when the low life dealers introduce a much cheaper opiate that will last longer and get them higher..... And once on that one.... Well it's like inj'ing the devil right into your bloodstream. We are now suffering a battle that is devastating and exhausting. Now you may think drug users are all low life *****s. But opiate addicts come from all walks of life. And it's sad. And it's not all their fault or even all their choice. Opiates not your mental and physical makeup of your brain. And once you start taking these opiate pills, that change begins. Your body becomes dependent on it without even trying. It just happens. A person brain has a receptor to receive the shot of dopamine the brain releases anytime we feel or experience pleasure. The normal persons receptor receives the dopamine and your brain tells the rest of you that you feel good, you are happy, you smile, you relax. Well when someone takes an opiate pill, that process happens and you feel good. But as a person takes them, the body begins to become accustomed to them and that dose of 10mgs that used to make you feel good, no longer works. So you need to up your dosage, and that pattern continues and you end up needing to take more and more. In the meantime, inside your body/brain, your dopamine receptor is not big enough to handle the amount of large shots of dopamine the brain is releasing. And as our amazing body does, it's begins to create more receptors so it can handle all the shots. An opiate addicts brain to create 30+ extra receptors. And then what happens is those receptors never go away. So when the person that was just taking them for those multiple sports injuries (example) stops taking them.. They begin to stop feeling pleasure. Because now with so many extra receptors, when that person does something pleasurable, like being intimate or eating an ice cream cone, the body releases the correct proportion of dopamine related to that particular pleasure. And as it comes out, the original receptor and the 20-30 extra receptors try to split up that small shot of dopamine between them all.. Add because it's such a small amount, the brain/body can not experience pleasure that should come from that. The body begins to crave it, without you even realizing it. You soon find out that the only way to feel good again is by taking more opiates. Your high volume of doses on such a frequent pace, also begins to shut down your brains frontal lobe. That's the part of the rain that helps you make wise decisions. The part that tells you not to walk out in front of that speeding car. So from there, they do what they need to do to get them. Whether faking an injury, until that does t work anymore. Then you start trying to find them on the streets. Then you start buying them, you start feeling good again. Then you start needing more, to feel good. And then more and more. Until your bankroll just can't afford them anymore. Then you find out about a cheaper way. A way you can get more for your buck. And it will get you feeling good quicker, and for longer. And then the brain begins the pattern again. Making more receptors and it gets worse and worse. Harder and harder to feel good. You become more desperate to feel good, so you just keep buying more and more. Until now your bankroll can't afford the cheaper alternative. That's when the steal begins. To support the addiction. And with the frontal lobe paralyzed, you are now not only battling the addiction of needing to feed all those receptors so you can feel good, but you are doing without the luxury of having the part of your brain that should be there to tell you that it's a bad decision to keep doing it. Then you die of an overdose. Unless you are one of the 6-7% of opiate addicts that actually can get on a workable recovery program and stay on it long enough for those extra receptors to go dormant. That usually takes a year or two in most cases. And to go that long without feeling good is tougher than it sounds. Most relapse because the pain, depression and anxiety set in and become to overpowering. So they give in to it. And if they relapse, even if they thought just one more time, well those dormant receptors come back to life immediately and you are back to the beginning, as if you never stopped for a day. The the devilish process starts all over again. Unless of course you died from an overdose already. So when you want to compare a low life drug abuser with yourself... Maybe you should understand the facts before you judge. Because you just may be in the same boat, and not even realize you are. Opiates should be monitored and regulated at all times. That's my opinion. And I'm in pain everyday all day!!

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I also agree that the yellow Norco worked better for me. The white 10-325 pill that has 176 on it also worked really well for me. I just picked up my script yesterday & it is the 853 Watson & they don't seem to work as well. I don't understand why the people that are allergic to the yellow dye couldn't take the white ones? Why did they have to do away w/the yellow all together? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

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Have you ever tried Butrans chronic back patches? You wear it for 7 days at a time. They helped my back pain & I took the Norco for breakaway pain. I would start out w/the lowest dose though because they are strong.

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To everyone, the government has been funding big pharma to produce narcotic analgesics that are difficult to abuse. It isn't just hydrocodone, it's all opiates. They basically watered them down. Drug abusers can't abuse them as easily. But with that said, if you're in severe chronic pain their not going to help your pain situation either... We've already experienced this ridiculous fact! New ridiculous prescribing guidelines are coming very soon too, the time frame depending on the state you're in. So basically the government has watered down all opiates and now their also going to have doctors prescribe less of an inferior drug and or stop their use all together with alot of patients. My information comes from my pain management doctor that I saw on last Wednesday 12/02/2015. I just finally asked him point blank about all the stories like here on MedChat, the Internet and my own experiences. I've been scared to have this type of conversation because I didn't want to appear to be drug seeking toward my newer pain management doctor I've been seeing since my old one retired a few years ago. If you're a severe chronic pain sufferer with several decades plus, me 27+ years. You'll remember how it was in 1989. You basically almost had to have cancer to get a schedule II opiate outside of a hospital and then in the early 1990s you had to have cancer to get more than 40mg of Oxycontin. Well those dark days are on their way back.

Unless some group of politicians can stop the i**** politicians who are doing this. That's highly doubtful too, almost lottery odds... If I hadn't heard it out of my doctor's mouth in person about what has happened to the potency of pills and all the coming changes I wouldn't have believed such insane things are being done to suffering human beings, but then we are talking about the federal government and anytime they get involved in anything innocent people (that would be us, the severe chronic pain sufferers) will be made to suffer due to complete incompetence... We're being stuffed into the closet to help cover up their failed polices. Don't you all enjoy being punished and suffer more for what someone else has done? After all we've been victimized at least once to be in our current suffering conditions, now the government's going to victimize use again. Yes our government has reached an all time new low... Loser lowlife drug abusers lives matter more than an innocent suffering human being these days. Their actions speak louder than any words, but I'm sure they have lots of lies and denials that will help them sleep fine every night as we suffer needlessly. Basically any of us who can't live with watered down narcotic analgesics and less of them too can just kill ourselves because I believe the government would see us as drug abusers. Not because we couldn't stand to live with unrealistic amounts of pain! So basically Innocent Severe Chronic Pain Sufferers are the new victims in the failed war on drugs and no one seems to care, but us and our families who watch us suffer needlessly because of a mountain of failed policies... Guess what Odumbo? Severe Chronic Pain Sufferers Lives Matter Too, in fact they matter more than loser drug addicts do, but not in Odumbo's world...

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The only yellow Narco that is still being produced is by Qualitest..I talked to them. There is no reason you shouldn't be able to ask your pharmacy to order them for you. Most all other makers of hydrocodone/acetaminophen are white and have more fillers and less pain components.

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I been Watson hydrocodone/acet-10-325 t for years the yellow ones were really good but then they change to white and they suck they make you tired that's it no pain recovery bye the way what does t mean on the end of the name!

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The pharmacist has no control over the manufacturer. They order the medication and they get what they send them. If you don't want a certain manufacturers medication, ask if they are giving you Watson or Qualitest and if you don't like that tell them you will get that one filled somewhere else. The pharmacy is responsible for filling your script as the doctor prescribed. So calling your doctor will not do any good. You have to ask before they fill it, what manufacturer is your Norcos?

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My pharmacist said that many patients said the white ones did not work as well.

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First of all, Actavis has recently bought out Watson. In my case the Watson 853's do best with Qualitest a close second. Always remember we are all different as far as our metabolites work so you have to shop around to find what works for you. Generics by federal law only need to contain 80% of the active ingredient hydrocodone however can contain up to 25% more. IE: 10 mg. generic Norco can lawfully contain 8 to 12.5 mg. hydrocodone but in my opinion all will contain between 8 & 9 mg. After 3 years of taking Norco 10/325 I prefer the Watson name as opposed to any other. The worst for me is Amneal which has a stamp of IP & numbers but may work for you. If you need to take 4 and still no effect, it could be because you down them with soda pop or grapefruit juice. Take with as much water as you can stand for good absorbsion while still in your stomach.

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For those of you that say the white Watson 853 is just as good as the yellow watson 859 for managing chronic pain, congratulations!! You are exactly what big pharma wants...the placebo effect!! I usually take 2-3 at a time, depending on how bad the pain is, but never more than 3 because I will make me sick. I took 4 of the white watson 853 and got absolutely zero relief. I called to make an appointment with my Dr. so I can get a different brand but can't get in until next friday. I will not purchase off the street, as I WILL NOT risk my family or my job. But what I will do is make sure I get some really good herb to at least attempt to take the edge off!

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If you were adicted to H then no one can really beleve you bro.
My wife recently got these u03 norco, ON 5/4/2015 & its like when the pervious pain management doc took her off of 80mg's of morphine. Its day 5 & she should have been in some pain, like last month, not in 50% to 75% more pain from starting the first pill. The soma & zanax are working, but I can clearly see that these aurolife u03 norco/ arobindo u03 norco. Don't Work Half As Good & Cause depression "like I'm going to do harm to my self or others along with a hand full of side effects like withdrawal, nausea, stomach cramps, & flu like simptoms.......so that has been fun for a husband of 13 YRS & little girl of 13..ALSO I can't really find the product on there website. Witch is weird? Now I managed to get a app to see what the doc can do, but she will still have to take these, So we will get to see what her levels are, & if there even is any hydro in her system.
I'm planning to wright a full medwatch report & wright a letter to the fda, dea, & pretty much anyone & everyone.......I don't give up quite that easy, my wife is the world to me, & I try harder than anyone I know.
& if you are taking gabbapention from the same manufacturer BEWHERE!!! They recalled the product in November 11/2014 BC the capsules had nothing in them. Real cute for anti seizure medication!

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I always take yellow ones, I went to get mine filled yesterday and they where white so I asked them why, and they told me with the new law, as of Oct,6th they will no longer be able to give yellow ones in large quantities, REALLY, when I take a yellow tab my pain is gone and I feel like I can at least get some stuff done, now the white one make me tired don't help my pain at all. So with this new law is this there way of tampering with the medicine it's just crazy, but I do know one thing there NOT the same!

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I have been on the same medications for almost 5 years. Norco 10-325; I do not abuse them or take them when it is not necessary and I always still have medications left when it's time for a refill. In those 5 years I have not become 'tolerant' to the Norcos but there IS something wrong with these new white watsons. I don't care how many times the pharmacist or the manufacturer says there is no difference, there IS. I am getting almost 0 relief from a single pill when just a few days prior to receiving the white watsons, I could get relief from a half of a Norco many times. Someone needs to do something about this.

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How can I report this to the FDA. My Mother's Dr said it's the same meds. It clearly is not. I see my Mother in pain, she been taking this med for 2 yrs it helps her get out of bed and do some things on her own. Now this M367 has her back in bed, in pain and doing nothing for herself. She had a major stroke in 2008 and has lot's of pain. we are a month into taking this M367 and just received 2 more bottles. I wont give them to her, they do nothing at all. I even took my myself over the weekend just to see why they were not working for her, it made me very tired and that was it. I have knee pain and having knee surgery in Nov but I deal with the pain because I don't want to be on pain meds and this is an example why. I want this pill tested to see exactly what is really in it, if there is really anything at all for pain in it. I've never experienced such a thing as this. It's terrible what it's doing to people that is in horrible pain everyday & need the meds just to get out of bed.

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@Webhead - if you have a good relationship with your doc, do what I did and tell him of the issues with the Norco. I told mine what was happening when it first happened and we went through hundreds of pills before we settled on a new routine that worked.

I'd call them and tell them what I'd received - he knew I was calling pharmacies to find out what brand(s) they used, too - and if something didn't work or I had a reaction to it, I returned the pills to my doc to be destroyed and they'd give me a new script and then call the pharmacy to let them know nothing shady was going on.

I finally found an independent pharmacy that doesn't use Watson anything and have had good luck there.

Given the nature of my injuries - I'm seeing my surgeon in a week - we've had to change up my meds a bit just to keep it so I can continue to function at my work at the level I expect. We're still doing Norco 10 (Qualitest), time release Morphine 15mgs x1-2/day, and Baclofen 20mgs. I supplement those with herbal caffeine. So far, it's working, but I've not been pain free in ages; I'm okay with that because my injuries are getting worse and the pain keeps me from totally overdoing it.

Good luck. Pain is a beast to live with.

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