White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Top voted first)
UpdatedI found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?
You are all very uneducated and misinformed. First of all, administering subutex/suboxone intravenously is no different than taking it sublingually- there is NO rush or euphoria - it just requires a much lesser dosage and has a faster onset.
Some are fooled into thinking that just because you inject a drug, you will get some crazy high or rush. It's all about how fast the drug crosses the blood brain barrier that determines the rush. Diacetylmorphine (heroin) is essentially the same as morphine except that the diacetylization causes it to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) faster, and then metabolizes into morphine in a few minutes. Hydromorphone, oxymorphone, Demerol, etc, do this quite well. It's just a more efficient way of getting drugs into your body.
She probably is an opiate addict who also has the suboxone as a backup plan in case she can't hook up & is getting dopesick, or is planning on stopping her dope habit soon. Whatever preconceptions you may have, DO NOT TAKE AWAY HER SUBOXONE. That is cruel and unnecessary. Opiate withdrawal is no joke and is a traumatic experience - if you want to help her, then level with her and work with her to find out what the most successful method of quitting will be for her. She needs your support and understanding not your judgment, punishment, or your "so-called" wisdom on the subject. Unless you've been through it personally, then don't act like you know what it's all about, cause you don't know jack s***. Period.
You must be careful on your approach in every aspect of this. Addiction has nothing to do with intelligence, status, love, or lack thereof. It's a genetic predisposition that once the brain gets that chemical, it's like a Christmas tree lighting up. Life then becomes all about nothing less than survival.
To touch on some specific comments in this thread :
1.) Don't IV pills. If you do, then don't heat/cook them. If you do, then you are just melting all the fillers & binders down so that they enter and become lodged in your lungs, liver, kidneys, vessel walls, etc. Most, if not all opioid pills are water soluble and require no heat.
2.) Buprenorphine has a higher affinity for your opioid receptors than naloxone, so just because you IV suboxone doesn't mean you'll go into immediate withdrawal. Precipitated withdrawal is caused by the buprenorphine out-competing other opioids at the receptor sites and binding tighter, but having less activity on the receptor site, thus causing an immediate (precipitated) withdrawal. Buprenorphine is a partial agonist with antagonist properties. Oxy/hydrocodone, methadone, dilaudid, etc are full agonists (lots of receptor activity =high) and naloxone, naltrexone, are antagonists (rips agonists off receptors =dopesick). So you will only get sick from it if you take it too soon after your last opioid dose.
I hope someone learns something from this.
I need to know if this 54 411 can be taken close to taking an opiate. I know that if you take suboxone too close it will kick in withdrawals really bad. I heard with these you can take it the next day and it WONT kick in withdrawals which will allow someone to take them and go about their day without getting sick, anybody know if this is true??
Please read your post a couple times before posting. Having poor grammar and less than fluent and comprehendable commentary does little for the case you try to support.
Methadone (full synthetic opiate) is worse for you and makes you lethargic and cloudy in comparison to buprenorphine(partially synthetic partial opiate)both give 24-48 hours of relief with a daily dose. Do to the long half life they both last beyond your 24 hrs.Plus, you can get 4 week prescription instead of a daily or weekly ration. Your daughter should get treatment and start using buprenorphine in the correct method. sublingually.
F*** METHADONE TRUST ME! stay with subutex, she could be pregnant to by the way, so check that out also
My question was can you take the subutex early after taking your last dose, as opposed to suboxone which makes you sick and kicks in withdrawals, i heard with the subutex, you can take it as soon as you wake up even if you arent sick yet, i tried it and didnt get sick, i loved them, i want more to get off the blues.
I've been a heroin user, for almost 5yrs now, I've been sniffing it. I have a $200 a day habit. So what I want to know is, if I do a line @ like midnite, can I take a subutex 12hrs. later & it will work almost immediately unlike suboxone that would make you sick?
I agree. If these people would actually read the info giving on all these posts and yours they all wouldn't have to ask the same questions over and over again. If they need help they should read the posts. I used to be on heroin, like $300 a day habit. Before that oxycontin 80mg. About 10 a day. When I went to detox they gave me subutex. I waited about 24hrs and yeah I got sick but about 15-20 min after I took a half one under my tongue, I satarted feeling better and better. I took a half a subutex 4 times the first day, so 2 pills, and the next day I went down to 1 pill, half in the morning and half at night before bed. Then a half one the third day around noon and that was it. Now they will give you another half on the fourth day. I never felt better. Until I got home and all the meds I was taking wore off. But after a few weeks I was perfectly normal again. When I was doing heroin I waited almost two days before taking a suboxone. It made me even sicker.so its different for each person. I was always so scared to take suboxone because of that one experience I didn't take it til recently. I was taking Dr prescribed oxycodone 30mg. But when I stopped taking them I got sick. My friend had a prescription for suboxone strips. I was scared to take it, but I took my last pill the night before and when I woke up I felt sick so I took 1/4 of a strip, didn't really feel anything so I took another 1/4 so half total and in no time I felt so much better. So my recommendation to people who really want to stop using, try and cut your dosages back as much as you can, then if you can get subutex that would be my first choice, take a half of one under your tongue. Let it dissolve, my second choice would be the suboxone strips. I would not recommend suboxone orange pill. As soon as I felt sick I took a 1/4 strip and was fine. Either on subutex or the suboxone strip, wait as long as you can and then take what I wrote. 1/2 subutex 4 times the first day, 1/2 pill twice on second day, and 1/2 pill on the third and/or fourth day. You will not be 100% when you stop taking the subs, but you will be over the worst and be able to get through the rest. Suboxone you can start with half strip and follow the same directions as subutex, or start with a 1/4 of a strip first and if you still feel sick then take another 1/4. Stick to a strict plan for about 4 or five days and I know that if I can do it after using so much then you can. Feel free to email with any questions. don't feel discouraged or ashamed. Be proud that you want to take the neccessary steps to get clean. I'm not a role model but have been thru alot and if I can help people then I will try to help.
Happen to read over this discussion. Addictions hurts. Not just yourself but everyone around you. Still trying to fight this addiction everyday living in a community where pills and dope is popular yet you'd never think all these ppl in this middle class community of woodbridge, nj have such addictions. Subutex or suboxone are both great. Getting clean is the greatest of all though.
Your test will be fine, buprenorphine is what they test for and it is in both suboxone and subutex. So don't worry you will be fine.
Ok. If your gonna tell someones family what their child is doing make sure you have your facts right. Subutex sells for 10 each. Maybe your husband tells you 35 cause hes buying 3 not 1. And you dont get hospital sick from cotton fever and you cant die from it. It lasts 30 to 60 min. You get cold and shake a little bit. Not tryin to be rude but being an addict myself and knowing first hand, I know it sucks when family is misinformed. It sux their daughter is an addict but it wud be a little extreme for them to have to lock up the Qtips cause they think child is gonna die from cotton fever
Jenn(Jan.2012)& others are completely wrong about suboxone/subutex. Between Jenn's supposed experience(doubtful)&various incorrect "opinions" here, if someone naive to the effects of subutex &/or suboxone were to believe Jenn & certain others on this site it could cause someone to suffer terribly, it would be absolutely nightmarish. Above all else, when unfamiliar with a drug, research,research,research. And consider the sources naturally. Finally, while both suboxone & subutex are used to treat all kinds of opiate addictions incl. heroin, you do have to be in moderate to severe withdrawal to take suboxone(you can search on the internet to find what is known as COWS-clinical opiate withdrawal scale, the scale is all over the web & will give anyone who looks at it & matches up their own withdrawal symptoms a pretty precise & SAFE gage of where they are in their withdrawal as well as the CORRECT time to take the suboxone or subutex)while you only have to be in mild to moderate withdrawal to take subutex(due to the fact narcan is not added to subutex only suboxone but this is neither here nor there). Suboxone & subutex are similiar, they are chemical brothers & they both work much the same way, the only difference being what I just outlined above(mild to moderate withdrawals symptoms=subutex, moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms=suboxone). But please remember above all else, no matter what ignorance you may hear otherwise(my father is a doctor who specializes in addiction)IF you are addicted to opiates & want to detox with one of the subs then NEVER, EVER take either one a few minutes, a few hours, or even 7 hours after your last vicodin,oxy,heroin etc. The bupe in both subs WILL cause what is known as precipitated withdrawal. There's a common belief out there right now that only suboxone(due to its extra ingredient of narcan)can cause so called precipitated withdrawal.100% FALSE.I dont want to get into any of a lengthier discussion as to why it is the bupe in both that will cause precipitated withdrawal,while the narcan in suboxone will make it worse(thus why you must wait longer with the suboxone)but suffice to say you simply must wait until you are in withdrawal to take either or you will be very,very sorry indeed. Precipitated withdrawal in this case,simply put, is when you take either sub before youre in sufficient withdrawal,it will displace some opiod receptors without activating the receptors enough to where it could help & instead "hurts". In layman's terms, either subs taken any earlier then 12 to 24 hours after your last opiate will throw your body into having hideous, horrifc withdrawals. So please, do yourself a favor,take the COWS scale 12 to 24 hours out(after your last pill,shot,etc)gage where you are & depending on whether you are taking subutex or suboxone, you may then proceed without fear, knowing if you want it that this could be the first day of the rest of your life living life without being a slave to opiates.
Here's my question: Why would a doctor prescribe you Subutex/Suboxone when you've only been on opiates for 2 weeks? Two weeks is nothing. I would question your doctor's motives. He belongs in prison.
OKAYYY. Another "I found this pill blah blah blah", "how soon can I take sub after dope", "can you get high from shooting this/is it dangerous" thread where random derelict minds dip in asking stupid questions and supplying incorrect information with the random enlightened junkie/recovered junkie coming in with the correct answer to every question. Lucky for the people that come to this site from here on, you can bet your bottom dollar you have found the correct answer to every question you are coming here with. I am your Junkie Savior.
To address the original post, obviously that is generic Subutex 8mg. If you found it next to a needle, I'd say it's safe to assume your daughter is using Subutex intravenously, along with who knows what other pills. The best thing you could do is sit down and calmly tell your daughter what you found and try to have a calm, nonjudgmental conversation with her about her drug use.
Now, for the dime a dozen questions. I'll just do it all in one paragraph. Suboxone/Subutex gets you high, yes...unless you are an opiate addict/junkie...then, if you are in withdrawal, it will level you out but you won't feel high. Buprenorphine is a very strong opiate and has been a common pain medication in Europe for quite some time. The difference between buprenorphine (bupe from here on so I don't have to keep typing the word) and other opiates (from hydros to heroin) is that it is only a partial agonist on the opiate receptors on your brain, with a very high affinity for those receptors. This means that when taken, due to its high affinity, the bupe is going to fight through any other opiates/opioids already present on the receptors, push them off, and then cling tightly to your receptors...but since it is only a partial agonist, depending how long it's been and how potent the opiate, there is potential for precipitated withdrawal...if you're high on heroin and you take buprenorphine in any form, it's going to make you come down quick, possibly to the point of full withdrawal. This only lasts for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. THIS IS THE CASE WHETHER IT IS SUBOXONE OR SUBUTEX. The naloxone (Narcan) in the Suboxone formula is SAID to be there to discourage IV use of the drug...however, as anyone who has injected a Suboxone pill or strip will tell you, the naloxone does nothing when injected, you still get the same effect as if it weren't there...basically making the naloxone inert and unnecessary. THE NALOXONE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PRECIPITATED WITHDRAWALS, THEY ARE ONLY AN EFFECT OF THE BUPE'S HIGH AFFINITY FOR YOUR RECEPTORS. This brings me to the question of injecting Suboxone/Subutex. Obviously, it can be done. It kicks in a little quicker and leaves you with more of a relaxed feeling than it would if you took it sublingually, snorted it, or plugged it. There is no rush, and how high it makes you depends on your tolerance to opiates. There have been hundreds and hundreds of milligrams of both Suboxone/Subutex injected into the veins of yours truly, until I wised up. I still have all my limbs, but I have a large darkened area of skin on one arm from blowing a vein shooting the stuff. if you shoot this stuff, you WILL eventually blow a vein, especially if you hit a small vein or have a hard time hitting in general. I also noticed that after long periods of bupe injection, I would get a nagging cough that produced sputum that tasted like the nasty fillers and binders in the pill/strip. If you are shooting either of these drugs, even with no problems, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRODING, HARDENING, AND CLOGGING BLOOD VESSELS IN ALL OF YOUR IMPORTANT ORGANS.
I don't look forward to reaping what I've sown as my body ages and deteriorates more quickly due to IV bupe use, and have heard countless and seen several horror stories that commonly go along with long term IV use of Suboxone/Subutex. IF YOU CONTINUE INJECTING SUBOXONE OR SUBUTEX FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME, YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY DIE MUCH YOUNGER THAN YOU NORMALLY WOULD HAVE. Some guy earlier on in the thread said he injected it for ten years and still has all of his limbs and his heart is still tickin, but I find that hard to believe. If it is true, that would make him a very lucky man with a very exceptional case...but I doubt he has too many years left. Shooting any pill is just as bad for you, but it's not really worth it with bupe...you are doing a lot of damage for a third of the high. Also, I noticed that buprenorphine will harden veins you hit regularly VERY quickly, so you have to find a new spot every time to avoid that, which is a b****. If you are looking to potentiate a buprenorphine buzz, look into plugging it (dissolving into solution with sterile water and taking it in your ass with one of those bulb syringes that are typically used for cleaning out a baby's nose). It is not very comfortable and possibly a bit invasive to you, but once the solution is absorbed, you are as high as buprenorphine could possibly get you. It should be noted that taking too much buprenorphine often causes nausea, and there ABSOLUTELY IS a ceiling effect with the drug. Once your receptors are full of bupe, you are as high as it is gonna make ya. For the people who have only been on opiates for a few weeks or a month, TRUST ME, just go through the three days of pill withdrawals. Suboxone/Subutex are very powerful drugs, and much harder to come off of, as the withdrawals from extended use of either drug last anywhere from a week up to a month, even a little longer in some cases. The first time I came off of the drug, my withdrawals lasted about 25 days. This is why I say just tough out the hydro/percocet withdrawals, as they only last a few days. Yes, you can snort the pill or strip, but all it does is make it kick in a little quicker and requires a smaller amount of the drug. It is terrible for your nasal passages, sinuses, and the back of your throat, however, and could lead to complications with your nasal passages or sinuses. Not recommended. Basically, if you're coming in here with a question about using the drug recreationally in any way, my advice to you from years of learning things the hard way is to put it in your medicine cabinet and go find real drugs. If you are looking to get high, this isn't really the drug for you. Hang on to it in case you find yourself in withdrawals one day. You will be glad you did when that day comes. If you are not a DAILY USER of Suboxone/Subutex, or other potent opiates, YOU DO NOT WANT TO ABUSE THIS DRUG. If you aren't a daily user, even a very small amount taken as directed could be enough to MAKE YOU SICK FOR DAYS. I've seen so many non addicts try sub for the first time and find themselves bed-ridden and vomiting for as long as 4 days. Remember, this drug is a partial agonist on your brain, so you don't get the full euphoria that would normally be there to outshine the nausea that also comes with opiates. It is common even for addicts to feel very sick to their stomach from taking too large of a dose of Sub. Eating something or drinking an alcoholic beverage will soothe that nausea, however. Even a dose of hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Histaril, etc) can calm down the nausea. FOR THOSE ASKING HOW LONG YOU SHOULD WAIT BEFORE TAKING SUB AFTER OTHER OPIATES, the ONLY correct answer is WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE SHOWING SIGNS OF WITHDRAWAL. by that I mean feeling the sweats and chills/clammy palms, etc. it isn't necessary to be in full withdrawals. Once you start the clammy chills and sweats, you are good to go. Some people can take Sub right along with other opiates with no problem, but most can't...and since you are here asking, you don't know how your body will react, so take my advice.
I think that should cover about every question except for street prices, which range from $10-$40 and even up to $60 in some areas with apparently desperate addicts. I'm not gonna lecture anyone for wanting to get high, that's very normal and I believe it should be every human's personal freedom to put whatever they want into their bodies. But if you're gonna put Suboxone/Subutex, I assure you that this post is accurate from firsthand experience and closely observed secondhand experience. If you follow everything I said, you and Sub will get along fine. Good luck to those trying to kick it, and for those not trying to kick...drug on, druggies.
-the junkie savior
Subutex is oval with a b8 on one side and a score mark down the middle on the other side. Or a smaller 2 mg will have a 2 on it. The generics are round with 54 411 on it. Suboxone is orange and octagon shaped. If u find pills in your daughters room that you are unsure of try using an online pillfinder. I used drugs as a teenager and if my mom would have caught me in time my life may be completely different now. I wish you luck addiction is a horrible thing to overcome.
Good info steve. Drives me crazy when non addicts post s*** they know nothing about. they get their info from loved ones or whoever it may be that is an addict in their life. What ppl should keep in mind is that when I myself am in active addiction, pretty much everything that comes out of my mouth is bulls***. So please ladies and gents, ifyour going to post something you know nothinh about or have no experience with, research it
Some of you are very ignorant. Putting people down because of spelling etc..
People have problems and are looking for help, not to be put down by long winded know it alls. Your low self esteem shows with your put downs. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
No she is doing heroin,and taking suboxene when she is withdrawing..i shoukd know..u should get ur daughter into rehab quick..without help ur in for a ride with her..i know from expierience.
The pill in description is Buprenorphine hydrochloride (subutex) 8 mg. It is a semi-synthetic opioid that is used to treat opioid addiction in higher dosages (>2mg) and to control moderate pain in non-opioid tolerant individuals in lower dosages (~200 mg).
Yes, Subutex can be administered intravenously. This is a very addictive drug that gives off a euphoric rush similar to other opioids in addition to a slight "upper"-like effect.
To add to my reply you dont get cotton fever from injecting a peice of cotton. You get it from a bacteria build up in the cotton. Its almost impossible to draw up a peice of cotton and by chance it happens it clogs the needle and makes it impossible to use. The chances of actually injecting yourself with cotton are ZERO
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