White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?
Wow, read some of the comments, not all, but what I saw was NOTHING that sounded like a success story...So I had to leave mine---SUBUTEX gave me back my life...Free of opiates 5 yrs now, I did use subutex for over two years, but was a small price to pay in my mind...and I tapered down my dosage, the last six months I took one a day, 1/2 in the morning 1/2 in the evening....I was actually able at times to go without subs for days at a time, but mentally still needed the crutch--and yeah, anyone letting go of them for ten bux, you're undervaluing the junkies around you--I have had junkies offer me 20 bux for a half! When you are dope sick and have no opiate option one subutex can make you well for at least a day....anyway I no longer take subutex, havent touched opiates in 5 yrs, and no subutex for about 2 yrs. It can be done. And I was a primo junkie opiate whore, I think a really big part of cutting yourself free is you have WANT IT BAD....I kicked opie, but cant kick cigs. That's all I have left, cigs...so everyone who gives me s*** abt cigs, I ask "perhaps you'd prefer I shoot smack? Oh, I know, a 6 pack of beer would be fine with you, but no weed, no cigs." F***ing douchebag hypocrites....step away from the twinkies too.
Just smoke marijuana people - it's natural and safer!!
As an opiate user for ten years I have learned to deal withdrawal many different ways, the best so far has been suboxone. I have shot subs with naloxe, and never been shot into automatic withdrawal. But as my doctor noticed that after 8 years of oxy pain management I started to have track marks as I had gotten addicted to heroin too. An old college budddy saw my downward spiral he handed me a bag of 24 subutex. Thank god he did. even know I am addicted to the needle.I have learned to be able to take the subutex and not to shoot it. Thanks to subutex I am now a week clean and a week and a half off the needle. Thank the good lord father I am finally clean now.
Yes YesYes!!!! I am 42 and have had a (H) problem for 25 years on and off. Methadone is worse than heroin. The withdrawls alone last 30 days and can KILL you. I have been on Suboxone for 3 years and now on subutex. It is a great medicine and is difficult to abuse because effect tapers off at a certain point so people quickly realize that it is a waste to take more than prescribed. Of course people who don't have a opiate addiction will get high on it and can OD, it is a narcotic medication but I believe that it is the best out there. Tramadol can be used to wean off of narcotics in high doses like 300-500 mg a day but I am not a doctor so don't take my word for it. I am just saying what my experience was with all these drugs. Good luck and if you are gonna be stupid enough to do opiates make sure you are NOT ALONE. So someone can call 911 when you "go out"
That is ridiculous to give this lady advice to send her daughter to a methadone clinic. Suboxone is a way better option, suboxone is an opioid blocker and she can taper off but methadone is just as bad as heroine or OxyContin. It gets inside your bown marrow and coming off of it is actually worst.
I have been asking this question in this forum and i cant get a legit answer lol thats all i want to know is if it will kick in withdrawals or not
Being that everyone ended up switching the subject and making it about the withdrawl effect of suboxone/subutex, i might as well add my 2 cents about that part. I have been a drug addict for 3yrs now and even though it may not seem very long, it feels like ive been to hell and back with this addiction. Especially being only 21 years old and almost losing everything. Fortunately, we have medicine like subutex and suboxone to atleast take the edge off so we can recover from these terrible habits, but yes.. if u take an opiate and then take suboxone, u will be sicker then a dog. ive done it and felt like i was literally going to die. Only before you take the suboxone though. if you take suboxone and then take an opiate, you just wont get high no matter how hard u try.. But with subutex, i can take an opiate right after doing it if i really wanted and be fine AND get high. So thats bulls*** that subutex kicks u into withdrawls, but if ur taking subutex you should really use it to get clean, not just as a crutch to hold you over til your next fix (as i do) . addiction is a terrible thing so if you found a needle and a subutex in your daughters room, she already has the habit and does NEED the subutex. From my opinion, no one without an addiction would be sticking a needle in there arm and i dont judge or look down on any one for doing it.. but its the addiction that brings you to that point. Most people dont try heroin by shooting it... they sniff it then once there habit gets bad, they move to bigger and better(worse) things. but sincerely, be there for your daughter, dont put her down and make her feel like a junky because the guilt she carries with her everyday because of this habit is probably way worse then you could imagine. she carries the weight of the world on her sholders everyday and im sure this isnt something she enjoys. i hope she recovers and wish the best of luck to your family.
Wow! $35 a piece? I need to come over there and start selling. Over here they're $15 at the most!
This is very incorrect. both suboxone AND subutex WILL both send you into precipitated withdrawal if taken too soon after taking a full agonist (heroin, oxycodone, methadone etc.) The buprenorphine or active ingredient in both suboxone and subutex is what causes precipitated withdrawal because of it's much higher affinity yet much lower activity at the opioid receptors. The naloxone has NOTHING to do with it! This is a common misconception. The addition of naloxone to suboxone is only to prevent people from injecting it (which is ineffective IMO). If you are prone to precipitated withdrawals, then whether you take subutex or suboxone is irrelevant, both will cause precipitated withdrawal if taken too soon after a full agonist, PERIOD.
I have been reading this thread for over an hour and felt like it was worth kicking in my 2 cents. I am in my late 30's and used to not even like taking aspirin if I could help it. Then I had a medical issue and my life changed. Firstly, I started on perc 5's after a surgery about 2 1/2 years ago. I honestly didn't know much at the time about pain meds or even that they were opiates like heroin. I used the 5's for a couple months and then made the worst mistake of my life by buying some 10's on the street when the 5's ran out and the doc wouldn't give me more. I LOVED the way I used to feel and all the extra energy in my physically demanding job that they gave me. Well, I went from 2 5's to 2 10's a day in about 3 months. By 8 months I was running through 3-4 a day. I wasn't "pushing the envelope" or taking them to get high but they seemed to give me energy and help me function better than I thought I could on my own. From time to time I would run out for a couple days and be a complete miserable mess that nobody wanted to be around. The first bad WD's I had scared me so bad I thought I would die. After a year I was taking 5 or 6 and didn't get even close to the same euphoria I would get from the 2 10's back when I started. Within 2 years I was at 10 perc 10's a day or 3-4 roxy 30's, whatever I could get, and could see my work performance, personal life, and pretty much everything I'd ever worked for slipping away. I had to eat pills all the time to feel "normal" and wasn't getting the high anymore. Not to mention the 60-90 bucks a day that was rapidly draining my savings and assets. But on the other hand, if I tried to go "cold turkey" I couldn't work at all. I couldn't even see straight to drive a car or hardly get off the sofa for the first 2 days of WD's and couldn't think straight or sleep, or function on any level. I have been through WD's many times but usually only a few days of it. The restless legs at night and the chills/runs/skin crawling was the worst and always worst at bedtime for some reason and would be really bad for 3-4 days and even after almost 2 weeks I was still just going through the motions of life but not enjoying much of it and still feeling occasional wd effects. Exercise helped a little and so did hot showers and smoking pot, so I tried that but days 2-5 were the worst and even after 2 weeks cold turkey I was maybe only at 50% functionality. The physical part of the dependency was only part of it. The mental part was trying to believe I could function without pills but I couldn't overcome the feeling that I would somehow be better with pills in me. So, by this time I really wanted a way out and I got some Methadone from a friend of mine and decided to give it a try. That was the second worst mistake I ever made. The methadone took away the WD's but it put me right back into full blown addiction and I didn't function much better than on the perc's so I decided to quit them. I was irritable, short tempered and usually couldn't think straight, not even as straight as when I was on the percs. HOLY S##t the WD's from the methadone were unbelievably bad. I gave up and I was happy to get back on the perc's just to quit the methadone after the first month because the percs at least made me feel a little "normal". Most of the "high" I used to get was gone by then and I was always tired and my day revolved around pills. When I could get them, how many, where the money came from, everything revolved around pills. I felt I couldn't be social or perform at work without them and I hated that I couldn't get off them without what I was pretty sure would be really terrible WD's and weeks of poor performance and maybe losing my job. My wife was aware of how bad things were but didn't understand how hard it was for me to quit because she thought I was just trying to get high and she even left me at one point for about a week that I was in WD's because I was so hard to be around and all I talked about were stupid pills and the money for our bills always first went to pills and the bills got paid with what was left over. That was the low point for me because I felt trapped. Really trapped by this addiction and I started to lose hope that there was a way out and my tolerance was going up so fast that I was pretty sure I'd be banging heroin sooner or later if my kidneys and liver didn't give up first. I have always heard that everyone has to hit a low point to really want to quit. That was mine.....the prospect of losing everything I'd worked for, but most of all the love of my life, and I knew I wasn't the same person I used to be before pills and I hated that. That was when a friend of mine who had been through the same patterns gave me a Suboxone 8. Ironically I found out about them one night when I called to see if I could score some percs from him and we got in a whole conversation about how much better his life was and I decided to give it a try. The next day he gave me a few Suboxone's (which I wouldn't have tried at the time if I had more percs or roxy's) and I made the mistake of taking it the first day I was out of Perc's and felt kinda stoned and went through the precipitated withdrawals which were hell but didn't last more than a few hours. After that, I started feeling much better. The second day, I took a half in the morning and a half in the evening and felt more "normal" than I had in almost 2 years. But on the suboxone I was worried that if I got hurt at my job (which is dangerous) that I wouldn't be able to stop pain and that is when I was told to try the Subutex. I have been on it now a few weeks and I feel great. I feel more like myself than I have in a couple of years and I'm not worried about not being able to take pain meds if I really need them but so far, so good. I started with 2 a day but within the first week got down to 1. I take melatonin to help sleep and hot showers and exercise a little before bed help me stay asleep all night. For a long time I didn't think I could break the "downward spiral" I was in and that I would end up like some of the unfortunate souls I've read about that got up to 250 or even 300 mgs a day of the poison and really lose everything. I really hope that anyone who suffers from addiction will get the help that they need, and to also know about these wondrous meds and that there is a way out. I am down to half a pill once a day and should be off them in a month and be completely pill free. I am getting more joy out of my day even at work than I thought was possible. Ironically, much of the pain I was feeling everyday was apparently in my mind because once off the perc's my body started feeling/acting better than it has in years even though I was convinced in my addiction that if I stopped taking pills that I would hurt again. My wife is my best friend again, and I can think straight like my IQ went up somehow. I can remember things better, and all the "big" problems in my life when I was on percs seem somehow much smaller and easier to conquer them. Every aspect of my life is better without being a slave to the pills even though I had to start by trading one pill for another. If they are used correctly the subs can give you back your life even better than it used to be and better than you thought was possible. Sorry so long but I hope that maybe someone out there will hear my story and find hope and joy again like I did.
I was a heroin user for a couple of years which started out with a pain killer addiction from a car accident. I got on Methadone and it did work and got me off the heroin, BUT is is extremely addictive itself and I slept all the time. I then went from Methadone to Suboxone strips. After a few days on the Suboxone I actually felt clear headed for the first time in a long time. I will say that if you are using heroin heavily that you probably have a better chance at staying off of it going on Methadone first because you do still get a euphoric affect, but Suboxone is a "better" drug to be on when it comes to health affects and WD. Im not sure if I would have been able to stay clean if I had gone straight to Suboxone from heroin. Some can, Ive seen alot not be able to. I saw many more go to Methadone and stay off heroin.
There's been alot of questions regarding taking other opiates before or after taking Subutex or Suboxen, and alot of responces that are NOT correct. Subutex and Suboxen are NOT the same medication. They are the same active ingredient, buprenorphine(sp?). Subutex has just buprenorphine as it's main active ingredient. Suboxone on the other hand is buprenorphine AND Naloxone combined. Naloxone is an opiate blocker which is often used to help bring people "back" that have overdosed from opiates. If you are taking Subutex you do not have to worry about taking opiates before or after. If you are taking Suboxone you DO have to be mindfull of when you took your last opiate beforehand. Of course this varies from person to person but taking Suboxone while an opiate is still active in your system can lead to violent WDs. This is why any Dr that prescribes Suboxone will monitor you and make sure that you are in stage 3 or "full withdrawl" before medicating you. The reason for adding the Naloxone to the Subutex was to try to prevent people from misusing the medication and to discourage people from continuing to use while on the medication. Usually you will not go into WD if you take an opiate AFTER taking Suboxone, but while the Naloxone is still affective in your system for 24-36 hrs after taking it, the affects of the opiate will be diminished greatly. So I repeat, while Subutex and Suboxone both have the same main active chemical in them, they ARE NOT the same medication.
I've been reading this entire thread after searching online for things that are relevant to what I'm currently going through. I'm a 29 year old single mother and a opiate addict. I couldn't find my drug of choice this evening which is blues, so my boyfriend had acquired, (from his best friend), some subutex. I decided to shoot it because Im also addicted the actual act of shooting. Well needless to say it was fine because like the true addict I am, I know how to shoot myself correctly. {edited for public safety reasons}. It actually hit me pretty fast. I didn't feel much so I did another half and that was my mistake. I didn't get withdrawals but rather it felt like I did way too much but I didn't receive the full effect until about 20 minutes later. I should have just did 1/4 to begin with because it made me extremely dizzy and I threw up. I lasted down and fell right to sleep. I felt so much better even though I took too much. It's better than felling like my legs won't stop aching and getting hot and cold swears and running to the bathroom every ten minutes. I know that what I go through is my battle everyday and one that I will battle for the rest of my life and I'm not trying to glam it up and make it cool because it sucks. All I know is that if this addict can help by giving even the slightest information that may make it so that someone will have a better understanding of something I will. What I do is dangerous and I own that but ill admit that I come and read this forums for info myself and it has saved me many nights from thinking that I'm all alone and scared. Please don't start shooting if you never have it's a crappy road to start on and if you choose to please be safe and somewhat responsible by not sharing needles. That's one thing I've NEVER done.
P.s. thank you to all those who have shared some insight on your struggles. Remember, you're never alone. One day you can be free from this hell you just have to make the first step and I think today's mine.
I took a subutex the generic ones my friend told me to snort it...it was the worst 4 hours of my life. I never went through a withdrawl like that I was freezing, sweating,pukein and had the worst cramps. Is it because I snorted it instead of putting under my tounge?
I have been on subs for 8 1/2yrs. I started out in a suboxone "study" of heroin addicts, funded by the drug company(they gave me free meds for the 1st 2yrs) I completed a 60day lock-down rehab followed (voluntarily) by 2 1/2yrs in a halfway house, recovery group meetings, etc.
The subs have saved my life, but it is NOT an overnite remedy! I was absolutely MISERABLE on 16mg/day & didnt sleep for 21days. The main reason I didnt go AMA was I had no $ & absolutely nowhere 2go. With the grace of God, I stuck it out &im still alive.
Make no mistake people, this addiction is a lifelong struggle. We are prisoners of our own thoughts. The only way 2be set free is through the belief in something greater than ourselves & the love + support of others in recovery.
Its pretty sad 2read these silly comments re: suboxone vs. subutex, when it all began w/a mother looking 2help her daughter! WTF is wrong w/u peeps?!? Do u think u r actually helping anyone? BTW- Lynn, I will keep u & ur daughter in my prayers. Unfrtunately, ur girl HAS to hit bottom before she will want 2change. Love her w/all ur heart. DO NOT ENABLE HER. I knw its painfull, but it will only further her addiction. Let her go til SHE seeks help for herself. THENsupport her in any way possible & shower ur baby girl w/all the love in your heart.
Best wishes & God bless.
Thanks for your comment! I am a recovering addict and what you have stated is all that needed to be posted! People do NOT have even the tiniest hint of a clue, especially when they've NEVER experienced what true addiction is ... God bless ya.
Like someone else said she is either shooting the subutex/suboxone for a high or she has been doing herein and resorted to subutex to try and get off heroin. Or like someone else said it could just be for a rainy day when nothing is around or the money isn't there to get any heroin. I know for me when I was an addict and I was withdrawing or looking for my next fix I would do anything necessary to get it or anything I could get my hands on to hold me over till I could find something. Heroin is literally the Devils drug. The devil is god on heroin because it will take the most innocent, honest person and turn them into the most devious, un-honest person that will step over anyone and lie to their closest friends/family to get their fix. Just remember there are no friends in the drug game. And like someone else said she will not quit until she is ready to and wants it for herself she will lie and deceive you and make you think what she wants you to think if she thinks u will jeopardize her high. I know for me it took getting caught and getting multiple possessions and doing jail time before I wised up and realized it wasn't worth it so hopefully it doesn't take that long for her to realize but it's best to talk to her in the most calm manner that u can and find out how far in/gone she is
She seems to have iv used b4 looks like? So I'd say she is using subutex/suboxone to stay well (avoid being in withdrawal). She most probably is or had been using pills intravenously (oxycodone) or herion... Very rare to just IV sub's. It can make u feel high but very unlikely she hasn't already gotten dependent on opioids first. I know of no one who starts off using sub's intravenously? The drugs came first now the sub's are an attempt to quit the drugs or just to get her by until she can get more drugs when availability is possible. Sorry your going through this. But she will need help if she is iv using. This has been going on longer than you think.
Concerned Father of 2 and ex drug user.
Don't ever tell some one to go on methadone. That's just replacing one drug for another. Take away the needles brake the pull up an have her orally take the pieces over the course of a few days till she feels better, then get her to start working a program of AA or NA. This s*** is life or death. This is a disease. It doesn't just go away. She needs to hit rock bottom an have a spiritual experience. And don't enable her, you will only make it worse.
No the subutex won't throw you in to withdrawal. That's the diff between them and suboxones. I prefer suboxones bc I know it'll help me not use. I've taken suboxones after using dope and I didn't go into withdrawal just didn't work bc I used them to close together everyone is diff but no subutex WONT throw u into withdrawal if Uve used recently
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