Where To Purchase Paregoric (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I've used Paregoric for 15 years and can't find it. Is there anywhere in the U.S. or other countries where this can be purchased?

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You can always buy dried poppy pods and create your own.

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I am at the end of my paragoric on hand that I have been using for years. I use it only if I really need to and not more than once or twice a week, if that. But it works every time to stop my issues. I do not abuse it and what I have left is old but still works. Just knowing It is with me helps stop the nerves that cause my problems. I had my new doc write me a scrip but cann't find it. I just hope that when what I have is gone, that I still can get out and not stress out and into uncontrolable sh********

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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals - Norcross, GA is the current maker of paregoric. It is back on the market.

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Paregoric is being made by Hi-Tech Pharmacal who operates from Amityville, NY, and pharmacies should be able to order it from there if they are so inclined. In my opinion, paregoric works like a charm for stomach cramps and diarrhea and not much else works as well as it does.

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Paregoric is made by a company called Hi-Tech. Since it is made with opium, it is a controlled substance. Some compound pharmacies can make it for you, but it is hard to find one. The opium in many cases can be replace by a morphine compound. I hope this is helpful to any looking for this medicine. My wife has to use it 4 times a days, and the prescription runs about $400-$500 a month when medicare doesn't pay, otherwise the co-pay is about $10.

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I made some typo errors the first time I posted this. Here is the corrected version: Paregoric was over the counter in the 1940's, 50's, 60's. I think by the late 60's you had to sign for it, but it was still available. Finally, by the late 70's or early 80's it was only available by prescription and now it doesn't appear to available in the United States at all. The doctor would prescribe paregoric and Pepto-Bismol mixed for intestinal flu when I was a kid in the 50s. The chemist would mix it for you. Later Donagel PG ( Donagel with Paregoric) was available.. Later it had to be signed for and it now gone. Nothing has ever worked as well as paregoric for IBS, and intestinal flu diarrhea. It stops the pain, relaxes the intestine and allows for bowel movements to happen WITHOUT the horrible spasms of the colon.

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Make it yourself! Grow some poppies, dry the bulbous heads, then grind them up in a coffee grinder. Place into a strainer and pour boiling water over the powdered poppy heads. You can mix the resulting liquid into iced tea. You may have to play with the dosage to find one that suits you. Much better than taking chemicals - get your opium naturally!

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Please see my response on this. It is again being manufactured in the United States. I know that CVS drugstores have it in their warehouse.

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I understand 100%, I found the same kind of relief with Paregoric, from the same kinds of symptoms. I don't understand how writing a prescription would help, though, at least not where I live, because my dr. did give me a handwritten prescription and I was told by several pharmacies (I live in Maryland) that it is not made anymore. So, I wonder if CVS in my state would have it....... Have you found anything else that works for you the same? Because I have not. Thank you.

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I have a drug store in Harpersville AL who compounds paregoric for me but it is very expensive. $80 a bottle

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What pharmacy carries this? I'm desperate. I have extreme IBSD. (Explosive). This was the only drug that worked. I need help. I can't eat if I have to go out. I'm down to 97.5 lbs.

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Hi. The name of the pharmacy is ORIGINS Pharmacy & Compounding Lab. You can send an email to
[email protected] or call them at 905-847-9696.

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Paregoric is available at Walgreens and Chateau drugs in the New Orleans area. Walgreens will only fill it written as tincture of opium. I have had it filled at both stores in 2016 and it was covered by BCBS Louisiana ($7 copay). Hope this helps someone out there!

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Just had a prescription for Paregoric filled for my mom yesterday at a Red Cross Pharmacy in Missouri. Akorndirect is a distributor in NY...

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BY JOVE,I think you got it Kathyn. That is why we need to wake up and clean the house in govt. Any substance can and will be abused. Should we take cars off the road because one person was killed in an accident?

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dried papaver sominerfum poppy pods can be purchased online to make tea. Immerse pods in hot water, put in a blender for 5 minutes. Filter out the opium laced mixture and that is an opium tincture. For those suffering from bowel related disorders and pain. Don't drive under the influence.

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Tracy (and all)!

Good Morning!

OK...the manufacturer that makes the "original" paregoric
is Hi Tech Pharmaceudicals out of Amityville, New York.
They are the ones that had been supplying it for quite a while, but suddenly stopped. Many of us who suffer from embarrassing symtoms of IBS, Chrons, spasms of the bowel causing sudden diarrhea (at parties, at the store, driving...you get the jest) were heart broken when Hi Tech suddenly stopped making it...the alternative was MORPHINE, 10X STRONGER than paregoric...go figure why THAT was available and not paregoric, which (history is on internet) has been around FOR EVER AND EVER...It, until ....I BELIEVE....the 70's was available w/o prescription! When I was a child, many years ago (wah) I had "nervous bowel problems & tummy aches", my mother gave me paregoric...

But I digress (sorry)...call your pharmacy and ask if paregoric is available (IT NOW IS...AGAIN) tell them Hi Tech Pharmaceudicals (out of New York) makes it...(if they say no)...it requires a prescription from your Dr (in the state of California a triplicate), but from what I understand, other states it's just a "regular prescription"...
I have (thank God) insurance that pays for it, but price varies (close to or over 100.00 per bottle), I rec a 16 oz bottle (not from a compound pharmacy where a pharmacist makes it for you), but from (again) Hi Tech, ...see history of all these posts on opions of compound pharmacy and Hi Tech and opinions of which is better...the "original Hi Tech" or a pharmacist compounding a RX from...your Drs rx...

Personally it seemed the compound prescription worked almost the same...whether it was psychological (compound pharmacy or Hi Tech) being better...I'm not sure as i trusted Hi Tech's paregoric...(compound gave a dropper and it rather frightened me) paregoric, which I'd taken many, many years, again I trusted and "just took a swig from bottle"...(I thought small one)...it lasted for a long time...settled my tummy,, I could ride/drive/eat/drink wine with it...

When paregoric (AGAIN when Hi Tech stopped making it) went off market, I went to my gastoenterologist and and said "ok, I'm giving you the opium (10x stronger), with dropper....take 10 drops, NOT MORE, OR YOU WILL DIE....so, back to "staying home..for fear of the sudden diarrhea...now, with prescription from Hi Tech, I feel once again confident...my husband and I travel (I take a swig and go literally days without another attach), I go to store myself....

I'm so sorry, "brievity is not a virtue of mine", but hope I have helped you...

Bottom line, if you have symptoms of all writing in, talk to your Dr...get a prescription, go to your pharmacy, and I, for one (and all writing these posts) will guarantee you you will have a free, happy life!

I hope, so, that I didn't confuse you?


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Hi Gene and all...

OK, "where to get paregoric"...first, you must have an rx from Doc...then call your pharmacy (mine is Von's in California, or Raley's), also a lot on this site get it from Walmart, or...just call around to local pharmacies? It was off the market for a while, but now back? Hope this helps, Betty

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sO HAPPY to hear that we all have paregoric available to us again!!!Some one, some where heard us (hi tech ph
pharmacuticals?) heard us! Now, as has been stated on this thread, oh, how I pray it doesn't go off the market again...I'm (as have said before) tempted to hoard it...I (don't have to take it every day, just when on "the road" or away from home), so....hmmmm....that isn't "cheating" is it? (as long as I don't abuse it???) sing to the tune of "happy days are here again, ta da te da te da te da" "paregoric is here again, those of us suffering can once again live 'a life' ta da te da te da te da, happy days are here again"! Yes~Betty

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