Where To Purchase Paregoric (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've used Paregoric for 15 years and can't find it. Is there anywhere in the U.S. or other countries where this can be purchased?
I have been on paregoric therapy for at least 18 years myself. (not to mention Sandostatin, Lomotil & Pamine) Have had occasions the past few years when it was not available, and now I am told the manufacturer has discontinued it. (royal pain) so Dr has now RXd tincture of opium - much less to take, but the stuff tastes like cat s**t (not that I ever tasted cat s**t) - I was hoping to find paregoric again, maybe from Canada - I'm still looking - let me know if ya wanna chat more & / or if you find a source. Would be nice to get out of the house again! Thanks bud - Jim
If you don't know anyone in Brazil and can't afford to go there, does anyone know of any particular doctors that will ship it to you? I can get a prescription for it. Have taken it for 50 years and feel like everyone of you out there that feel helpless without it.
My mom has always given me paragoric with honey for colds and I was looking for it in the US without luck. I was able to get her to ship some from a pharmacy in my country Trinidad. Hope this helps someone
F*** the FDA, they think there so damn smart!! This stuff is liquid gold and is the only thing that provided me relief with my UC! They probably want us to subscribe to taking more meds that are more expensive!!
Paregoric and so many other compounds have ceased to exist for a plethora of reasons all involve control issues and money.
Being a chronic pain sufferer I understand your conundrum and frustration. It has taken me over ten years to play the system and the aid of a knowledgable and compassionate doctor, they too are becoming extinct, to get as far as I have.
Control: if some bureaucrat has a “little†bit of power they will milk it to the ends of time to get their “control fixâ€. Anything that comes from “thebain†is scrutinized to the N-th degree of ridiculous, simply “because they canâ€. The people with the knowledge are told to dummy up and not encourage anyone or thing that could be politically embarrassing to the powers that be. Thus starts the bribery and mutual back scratching.
Money: It costs you a “filling fee†every time you go into a pharmacy with an Rx, usually worth more than the cost of the drug its self. And that's just to count out pills etc. (Around here approximately eighteen dollars per Rx.)
If they had to stop (as in days of old) and prepare a “compound†like paregoric for you then something else for Joe down the road, their fast buck would not exist.
The pharmaceutical giants can't ask ridiculous sums for non or off patent products. That's why they all hate mother nature. Be glad you can still buy ASA for under a buck per hundred. Sure beats boiling up willow bark.
So you and I are the pons caught up between greed and bureaucracy, oh yes the fact that we are suffering to whatever degree is totally irrelevant. Just so long as the stock prices remain high and the rich get richer.
I hope you cannot detect too big a hint of sarcasm or bitterness in there, god forbid.
If you have any chemistry back ground or knowledge there are ways to get around patents etc. for what you require. Seeing as the doctor is willing to prescribe opiates for you “learn to cook†to make something more palatable to you from what he prescribes for you. And you can drop the dosage to what is more comfortable for you. Your tincture is a great starting point.
Fortunately we, so far we have a wonderful knowledge base at our finger tips, use it well and often my friend. Particularly before some damned bureaucrat decides to legislate intelligence and learning illegal as weapons of mass destruction and they abolish the internet.
Why are they taking paregoric out of the drug stores? Is this temp or is it off completely?
If you need paregoric for IBS, the only place I found it was in Brazil and I've been getting 2 one ounce bottles from friends who have travelled there. It's legal there and no rx needed. However, if someone in Brazil gets an rx from a local Brazilian doctor it can be mailed here. Only 2 one ounce bottles can be brought out or mailed at a time. The cost is about $5.00 per ounce and it can also be bought at the airport. I'll collect as many as can get just to secure in knowing that when I get those debilitating stomach pain, a teaspoon of paregoric stops the pain within less than an hour, with no after affects.
Funny how so many people are dying or experiencing debilitating effects of the FDA's "approved" medications, such as blood thinners, nsaids, etc. The only people who died from taking paregoric? Drug abusers. Look at the IBS drugs out today. Their side effects are worse than the pain from those with irritable bowel symptoms. So I say the FDA and DEA are full of s***. Big Pharma didn't like that such a simple, low-cost drug was the perfect solution to people's pain. It makes me sick. The FDA and DEA are a joke.
I have used Paragoriv/Opium Tincture for 3 years. I have no colon & 13" of small intestine left. My illeostomey is almost in my stomach. So all I eat /drink,especially if it contains sugar leaves my body anywhere from immediately to appx. 3 hours. This, of course depends on what I have consumed. Crohns disease is my issue. I live in eastern NC & haven't had much of a problem getting my medicine until about a year ago. Today I found out Hi-Tech has it on back order due to supply & demand. When I asked the spvsr when they would begin mfg again she didn't know. However, she did say she hopes to know something by Wed. I get mine from Walmart & Express Scripts/Medco. I don't believe the powers that be understand the severity of the need for this drug. I need it to stay alive. By taking it, my nutrients is able to feed the other organs in my body, I don't pass out & I don't have sprained ankles, bruised knees or knots on my head. I have been on TPN, HAD NUMEROUS PICC LINE INFECTIONS & I WOULD JUST LIKE MY MEDICINE SO I CAN LIVE A SOMEWHAT NORMAL LIFE!!! I guess we will all have to put our big panties on & go to Washington. That or move to the Bahamas.
does the generic paregoric help? How much does it cost. My life was taken away when the FDA banned this drug. I now take so many different medicines each day just to do what one capful of paregoric did.
If you need paregoric for IBS, the only place I found it was in Brazil and I've been getting 2 one ounce bottles from friends who have travelled there. It's legal there and no rx needed. However, if someone in Brazil gets an rx from a local Brazilian doctor it can be mailed here. Only 2 one ounce bottles can be brought out or mailed at a time. The cost is about $5.00 per ounce and it can also be bought at the airport. I'll collect as many as can get just to be secure in knowing that when I get those debilitating stomach pain, a teaspoon of paregoric stops the pain within less than an hour, with no after affects.
It can be bought in Brazil without prescription. If you have a friend in Brazil that can obtain a prescription from a Brazilian doctor, they can then mail it to you. If not, take a vacation and go to Brazil.
Thanks - Immodium is only an "add-on" for me - I am already on Lomotil, Pamine & Sandostatin - they tried to put me on Opium Tincture, but that stuff tastes like cat s**t! (not that I've tasted cat s**t, but you get the idea) - was hoping there were other pharmacies that could obtain paregoric, since I've been taking it for so may years - thanks for your feedback buddy!
Thanks to all of you that replied. Maybe there will be a new medication available before long. From what I understand, the only med comparable to paregoric is Tincture of Opium, which is what my doctor has me on now. It is much stronger than paregoric, and obviously opium-based, so I'm at a loss as to why this is available and paregoric is not! Go figure... Thanks again & good luck to all. - Jim
Please help me. When you obtain tincture of opium who is your drug insurance carrier . My sister is a Ca survior and is treater with tinc of opium. Now her insurance won't cover it. MD started her on Paregoric and she can't get it. My name is Monica. I am a seasoned nurse trying to help her sister
Paregoric is available for at chateau drugs in metairie Louisiana. I got it filled today for the first time in 3 years!,
I contacted Hi-Tech Pharmaceutical in Amityville, NY by e-mail. They manufacture paregoric and distribute to many pharmacies including CVS and Walgreen's. My local (Florida) CVS pharmacist checked online and found that CVS has paregoric in their warehouse. I got a new prescription from my doctor and had it filled a day later. I got 120ml or 4oz and it cost $69.14. I think my insurance paid some on it.
I got the prescription for Paregoric from my doctor. He couldn't use the computer to print it as it was not listed on a prescription list. He had to type it in himself. CVS had it in their warehouse, and ordered it when I gave them the prescription. That was last year. Since then, on two occasions it has kept me out of the ER when I had a couple of bad attacks of cramps. One 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon eases the colon spasm and allows me to have the bowel movements without having to suffer for hours prior to being able to go. I have had these bad attacks of IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) for most of my life. I've had many colonoscopies and there is nothing wrong inside my colon.
Since it was Opium based, Paregoric has been removed from the market, by orders of the FDA. They considered the amount it contained to be unsafe.
Many people have said it was the only thing that helped their issues and several doctors and pharmacists have reported that there is nothing comparable available.
I am very sorry and wish I had better news for you.
As to where else it may be available, I have no idea.
I know Canada has also done away with it, but I do not have much information available for other countries.
Are there any comments or questions?
I have used paregoric off and on for nearly 50 years since the day I was born for pain in the bowels. Since they have taken it off the market.; there have been days I have been in so much pain I nearly pass out. I also use lomotil, but that does not help with the pain. Any ideas or help will be appreciated.
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