Where To Purchase Paregoric (Page 4)


I've used Paregoric for 15 years and can't find it. Is there anywhere in the U.S. or other countries where this can be purchased?

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This note appears in small print at the bottom of where you can write a message, so to JJ: I would say that they are very clear in the answer to private messages being "NO".

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Cure for Whooping Cough and Whooping Cough is back. FDA that was not cool. A cure to stop a pandamic by use of paregoric (very small use). Using a simple recipe to cure Whooping Cough. Been used by our ancestors for centuries. They really want us to depend on government. We need to get smarter.

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Very smart of you.

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I would so be interested and so appreciative of any information/help you can give me! Thanking you in advance

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I would love to get your source for Paregoric, can you please send it to me ? Thanks, W. Booth

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Hello...I just called the FDA re paregoric and if it, in fact, ever will come back on market...the lady I spoke to was very nice, sympathetic....she acknowledged that a letter to Hi Tech was sent, but it was their choice to stop manufacturing it after rec of this. She also said, because it never WAS FDA approved does not mean it could not be, if someone (Hi Tech or any other mfg co) would go through the process of applying for it (expensive) and repeated what I had heard before "most won't because there just isn't that much of a demand for it (paregoric)...So, my question (and I do have a bottle from my compound pharmacy...not sure if it works as well as original paregoric as I have not had the need to use it more than twice...it seems ok...also, expensive, ...I'm rambling, but...guess it's frustration! Is it really truly "gone" forever? Is there anything we, the people, can do? Thank you in advance, again.

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Thanks Betty, I am frustrated also, because our country make these drugs that work and then take them off the market. WHY>>>> I don't know if we will find anything as good as peregoric..

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I have attempted to describe to people on this forum site how to find out ALL about 'paregoric' and 'opium tincture', but I really don't know if anyone pays attention or reads the posts. Hence, below, you will see the URL straight from this website. Read it. Get yourselves educated about 'paregoric' and face the fact that it isn't coming back. But there still is 'Opium Tincture', which is similar, but much stronger. It is still legal as of now. If you can persuade your doctor to prescribe it, then you will get the same help from it that you did from 'paregoric'.


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To Kathyrn H...

I can only speak for myself, but yes, I understand what you're trying to get us all to understand...I think it's more than just "not being able to get what works for us", but...it's the fact that we're able to get tincture of opium (10 times stronger than paragoric), and those of us with real problems TRUST it and KNOW it works...I guess it's just that we keep hoping "we the people" will be heard...if you've ever had the embarrassing problem of "sudden diarrhea"...(and I mean "sudden") and are more than 5 steps from restroom, you would, I think, understand what we're saying...we're "comfortable", feel "safe" with this "drug"...it's really not that strong, and because there's not that large a demand (hey, tincture of opium? take that...yeah...) to apply to FDA to make it LEGAL, (cost co's too much money)...well, you're right...on with life goeth we...take our "tincture of opium"...again, it's stronger so...chances of be coming addicted (especially to those who have to take it daily!) are...what, 9xgreater? Maybe a bit of subjective thinking on this would help all of us...to be this objective (your post) may hurt some of us "just a bit too much"...but I do thank you for posting that site...Sincerely, Betty

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Thank you for your note. And yes. To most of what you were saying. I have had the bad diarrhea, which is how I found myself on this website. And, listen, about the 'Opium Tincture', since it is so much stronger, you take "drops" of it in water. So, you really don't have to worry about a greater chance of addiction. People have said that it tastes bad, so I would say to put sugar in the water and maybe a tsp. of Vanilla to make it more palatable. And actually, the FDA and the DEA worry more about the 'Paregoric' getting people addicted BECAUSE it is weaker & more palatable, so people would be inclined to take more of it. Personally, I think they ignore the fact that it is a medicine, and has been of enormous help to people. But . . . it is what is nowadays.

In this country we have the notion from times past that "we the people" have a right to be heard. But over the issue of narcotics, in this time period, it's just not going to happen. The DEA has been given an authority, that ends up letting them put enormous pressure on the doctors and the pharmacists (probably the FDA too). Doctors that want to help people like us, get into a lot of trouble for prescribing what the DEA thinks is prescribing too many narcotic meds to patients. Truly, ask your doctor. They worry about losing their licenses over these issues. But, the DEA does consider the specialty of the doctors that are prescribing narcotics for pain, and I would think probably the Gastroenterologists that would be able to prescribe for diagnoses that result in terrible diarrhea.

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Where have you found paragoric?

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From what I understand from this site (and information on internet by looking up Paregoric), it is no longer available...if you read through all the posts on this Site, you will find that the carrier(s) that use to supply it just weren't making enough money to supply it to pharmacies anymore. The FDA wrote a letter to one of the major ones (according to this Site, there were only two), informing them that, even though Paregoric has been on the market FOREVER, it (because it contains morphine) has NEVER been legalized by the FDA. As there is tincture of opium (10x stronger than Paregoric!) available, (and more profitable), the only manufacture left making it stopped...many of us writing in on this site (and others) miss it so as it was a God send. In my case, many surgeries (stomach) and IBS put me on SS Disability, as I could not be far from a restroom and able to leave my work to use it AS NEEDED. I swear to you (and others) 1 (at the most 2) tsps if on "the road, traveling" kept my problem at bay...I didn't even know I had a problem when using it...I didn't have it every day, or even week, sometimes go a month without "problem", but when "it" hit, "it" hit...I live in the state of California, and here, it required a triplicet prescription (other states, such as Nevada required just plain prescription)...when they stopped manufacturing it (I believe last Nov), I was prescribed tincture of opium by by gastroenterologist with the verbal warning of "take more than 10 drops twice a day AND YOU WILL DIE", threw me into a tizzy...(no one wants to die, really)...so my family Dr came up with a compound pharmacy, talked to the pharmacist there, and they were able to make the equivalent for Paregoric for me...Others on this site have looked up compound pharmacies in yellow pages, and are able to take prescription from their Drs to them. As of this morning, I have only had to use it TWICE...for me, it works (so far) the same as Paregoric. I live in Fresno, Ca, and they said if they have a RX, they will make it and ship it to the patient...It IS more expensive then, say, Von's or Walgreens, etc., but if you have medical insurance that covers it, it is the answer...read all the posts on this thread and you will see all the the problems, anger from those of us who have used it for years WITHOUT BECOMING ADDICTED! ok, I have taken enough of your time, if you have other questions, please ask, and people on this site are most helpful...no one knows what we feel/suffer...unless they walk a mile in our shoes. Sincerely, Betty

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dried papaver sominerfum poppy pods can be purchased online to make tea. Immerse pods in hot water, put in a blender for 5 minutes. Filter out the opium laced mixture and that is an opium tincture. For those suffering from bowel related disorders and pain. Don't drive under the influence.

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There seems to be a lot of confusion over where to buy tincture of opium.

Marathon Drugs in Illinois sells it. Of course, via prescription. I have Humana Health Insur. and when I've used up my $4,000 allowed for meds, I have to pay $1200 for 8 oz. at WalMart and every other place. When I've paid MY $4,000 out of pocket, Humana picks up again, but even then it's $800 a bottle.

I understnd Canada recently outlawed it in the whole country. I have had no success in finding it overseas, but I just read today that Marathon bought out the Asian company that made it. Another drug co. in the U.S. recently started selling it and I don't remember their name because when I called them, they said they charged $1100 a bottle.

And for those who suggest other drugs for diarrhea such as Levsin, Lomotil or whatever, most of us have tried those since most of us have been to oodles of drs. I was inpatient in a University hospital for 14 mo. while I had every test and medication known to man to find out why I had chronic diarrhea. Was homebound for over 20 yrs. They finally decided after 14 abdomenal surgeries and 2 ft. being removed from both small and large intestines over the years, my digestive track is ruined. Right now I can afford the opium, but the time will come when I can't and so am now looking into another way to buy it. And shame on the laws here for not caring about those of us who need it to live a normal life.

Hope this info helps.

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well folks, been off line for awhile. has anyone found out if our liquid gold can be purchased in brazil? Some one had mentioned it. I dont have IBS or diarea, BUT I do have a problem with MSG (monosodium Glutimate) I hate that word! This gives me diarea, emence stomach cramping, I baarely make to a bathroom and then have to spend quite a bit of time just in there rocking and hanging on tight. But when I had my paragoric, one teaspoon would cut it instantly with in minuets.So now I rarely eat out and watch what I buy for home cooking. I never pruchase any item with MSG in it. O HOW I HATE THOSE LETTERS! I think I'll send off a letter to our countrys mom, Michelle O. See what she can do. Or maybe Dr. Oz. Good luck to us (; Laura

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Lee Davis Compounding Pharmacy can compound Paregoric for you! We will of course need to receive a prescription first. Give us a call for more information!

Lee Davis Compounding Pharmacy
Mechanicsville, VA 23111

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Unfortunately, after recent contact with the FDA, we will not be able to compound Paregoric any longer. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Lee Davis Compounding Pharmacy

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Hi Tech pharmaceudicals
amityville NY

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