Where To Purchase Paregoric (Page 3)
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I've used Paregoric for 15 years and can't find it. Is there anywhere in the U.S. or other countries where this can be purchased?

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This whole paregoric situation is insane. Im so sick today and need my medicine. Id be better so quickly if I had it. Of course there is a lot of pain pill addiction BUT Ive NEVER heard of anyone addicted or trying to hunt Paregoric on the black market. Maybe there just wasn't enough need so they discontinued it?

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Have you asked the pharmacist (not the tech) about any flavoring that can be added?

I find the whole paranoia about opiates insulting. I've suffered from severe chronic pain all my life & finally at 45 gave up and got help. Help's no longer available. Seems the only way to get opiates is on the street, and the new laws will have no effect on that. Given the addition of fentanyl to pills bought on the street, that's simply not an option.

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When my mother gave me paregoric in the 60's for severe menstrual cramps, she would put the liquid in an orange juice glass with 1/2 glass water and a teaspoon or 2 of sugar to get the bitterness out. I would then go to bed and when I woke up 4 hrs. later I felt like I never had the cramps in the first place. That's what I used it for and when I was teething. Wish it was still around because codeine and morphine does not help my pain these days. I have a broken foot that could not be fixed for lack of insurance (Codeine for that) and an injured hand that could not be fixed (tramadol and generic Lodeine for that)

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It is back in USA by prescription as of 2012

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Jim, Have you been tested for celiac disease? Or you may be gluten-sensitive. It would be worth a trial parody going gluten-free to see if your issue clears up.

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Oh paregoric also tastes terrible. I think paregoric and tinture of opium are the same thing just one is a retail name paregoric and the other is the generic name.

I think most controlled substances like this will require a prescription from a pain specialist and you will need to agree to an opioid contract to receive it. Some procedures may differ state by state. There have been a number of new regulations for the prescriber and receiver of these drugs.

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Manufactured again by Akorn beginning a few weeks ago. Your pharmacist should be able to order from their wholesaler/supplier.

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Its been discontinued due to the opioid component. Welcome to our hell.

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I am having diarrhea and stomach trouble all the time. I used to take Donagel a lot when my children were growing up. I had to use it too, I am needing some Paregoric now real bad. Where is it available?

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I think any opioid will have the same effects as Paregoric. Basically all opioids slow down smooth muscles which are what operate the movement of bowels. There is actually a medication on the market now to counter the side effects of opiods on bowels. Opioids can also cause problems urinating due to the same effect of opioids on the smooth muscles that control urination.

I think you will have difficulty getting an opioid prescription for this off label use giving the ever increasing restriction on opioids. I take them for chronic pain and have to go to a specialist for pain control and that requires a fairly often drug screen test to verify the dose I am taking and to screen for other drugs (each test runs about $500). Now with the jerks at CDC weighing in it will be even harder to get the prescriptions.

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The reason I said that your Dr can work with the DEA regarding opiate drugs is because they can. Not only can your doctor work with the DEA but you can get information your self by calling them to find out exactly what is going on with the specific drug is it has truly been taken off of the market and why. There is another organization that helps pharmacist regarding medications that are being taken off of the market or temporarily discontinued for various reasons ASHP. Check them out. Google compound pharmacies for those of you that are looking for this truck and see if it is possible they can make it up for you it will be more expensive and sometimes your insurance is not going to cover anything made by a compound pharmacist or rather a pharmacist that 'compounds' drugs meaning they mix it themselves. There are more now than ever. I hope that answers your question. Anytime you have a question about why a drug has been discontinued especially if it is a controlled substance pick up the phone and call the DEA and ask them, if you don't want to ask them, have your doctor call them and ask. You would be surprised because they can tell you that some drugs are no longer federally controlled - only state controlled. I have never dealt on the state level but I am getting ready to in regard to my migraine medication fioricet. It is no longer federally controlled but is controlled in five different states and of course they're in the Bible Belt! Begging anyone's problem but that's where I live and that's what I have to deal with! Another issue is the VA. They dish out pills two people who really need to be in pain clinics, which would be former addicts. Unfortunately this happened to my brother and he was in rehab three different times with the VA regarding opiates because as a very young man he was an addict. Of course once an addict always an addict and then when you start taking opioid based medications, that being in your system of course it caused him to want to go back to other substances. He's dead now. He was doing very well when he got out of rehabilitation VA hospital, his last follow-up visit they finally referred him to a pain clinic which was something I had been begging him to do after his serious back injury and permanent disability / chronic pain. If it were not government, we would have a legal case because if a doctor has been giving you an opiate medication and has not been monitoring your use by pill counts and for lack of a better word a U/A every 30 days to make sure you're not abusing the drugs, they are doing you no good. That is only asking for trouble. The fact of the matter is when a doctor discontinues giving you that type of medication and tells you you need to start going to a pain clinic they are supposed to give you at least a 20 day supply so that you can get into a pain clinic otherwise you're going to go into serious withdrawals... And of course if you are an addict which you are drug dependent however if you have been using other illegal drugs most likely you'll go back to that before you can get into a pain clinic. This is a difficult story for me to even talk about but hopefully I'm making sense to someone. Do not ever let a doctor take you off of medication that is opiate based without giving you something for withdrawal or giving you a substitute that is equivalent. Apparently that is what was done to this person who was taken off of the paregoric, they were given tincture of opium which is the same thing it just tastes bad. Take it with a spoonful of honey! However if it does not work and if you feel you need the paregoric because it works better for you, your best bet is to contact the DEA and find out if that drug has been discontinued all over the United States. They will tell you!

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Where in Maryland can I fill a prescription for it?

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I would check with the manufacturer Pfizer. They purchased parke-davis which used to manufacture paregoric. However tincture of opium is the same as paregoric. It is the closest you're going to get, however it does taste bad apparently from the postings I have read here. I would say that it is worth your time. If your pharmacist has anything to do with Pfizer, perhaps they can a assist you and your doctor. Is this your preference, paregoric? I think it's worth a try.

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You said one needs to work with their doctors "because apparently they are afraid of the DEA.......". I don't know how working with your doctors would help....if the medicine was taken off the market by the DEA/Control Act, what can your doctor do? Even if the doctor believes the medicine to be necessary / medically necessary, if it does not comply with DEA regulations, then it is "off the market". The only situation that a doctor may be able to effect any change, as far as I know, has to do with what prescription drugs your insurance carrier may pay for (as exceptions, based on their tier system), but that's a different story.

In answer to your request for suggestions for meds, have you tried Donnatol? It works for me to stop cramping, frequency, diarrhea. (This med is on the market but is not covered by my insurance company and is expensive, but works. Not like Paregoric, but it works for me).

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You said one needs to work with their doctors "because apparently they are afraid of the DEA.......". I don't know how working with your doctors would help....if the medicine was taken off the market by the DEA/Control Act, what can your doctor do? Even if the doctor believes the medicine to be necessary / medically necessary, if it does not comply with DEA regulations, then it is "off the market". The only situation that a doctor may be able to effect any change, as far as I know, has to do with what prescription drugs your insurance carrier may pay for (as exceptions, based on their tier system), but that's a different story.

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I last got some over the counter in Cayman Islands when i had diarrhea

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I am also going to add this because after researching this medication a little bit more, laudanum is one of the brand names and yes the tincture of opium is the same although yes it does taste very bitter. I was given laudanum in addition to the other pain medication when I had gallbladder surgery in 2009. I am sure it is still available. However I wanted to mention this when I googled, and advertisement came up and mediately for a 75% coupon for this medication under the name of paregoric. Apparently it is still available, I have read that it is available in Florida and also in Maryland. I think you need to work with your doctors because apparently they are afraid of the DEA and the substance Control Act. You can download the substance Control Act and read that Dr have the ability to prescribe opiate medications especially when a person has a history which apparently you do, which necessitates this medication. Your doctor is not going to be in trouble with the DEA and less they are writing opioid prescriptions unnecessarily. This is something that you should check into, the DEA will not tell you if your doctor is being investigated, however they may be able to help you more than you realize. As for addiction, when I realized that laudanum and paregoric are the same medication, I'll give you just a little bit more history. That medication was once an over the counter. Unfortunately in those days the twenties and thirties and possibly into the 40's, early just like opiates today was causing a great deal of deaths. My great grandfather died of locked bowel which was caused from an over use an addiction to laudanum. I can tell you this, percocet or lortab will cause constipation, so it will prevent the diarrhea of IBS, also Crohn's. The problem that we run into unfortunately, is balancing between constipation and diarrhea and never fear of an accident outside of the home. Not to mention those of us who are unmarried and would like to have an intimate relationship god help us! I'm just being real here. It is something that scares the hell out of me that type of embarrassment because I can't seem to get balanced out between constipation which can be severe and of course dangerous and the never ending diarrhea or loose bowels. So if anyone has any idea what I have been using of course is the generic miralax, no longer covered by insurance along with stool softener. However I do not use miralax everyday I try to use it once a week and the stool softener every other day the maximum dosage of 3 per day. If anyone has any ideas that may help me, things have been getting a little bit better lately however I still have the situation with the loose bowels some of that is due to my spinal cord issues and deterioration I'm sure however I would welcome any further information. I have also been diagnosed with IBS as well as ulcerative colitis. God only knows, a couple of years ago I had to have esophageal surgery which was a total nightmare and has caused me problems in my professional singing. I am hoping for a new life this year which I would like to include in that a relationship after 26 years of being a widow at the age of 31. It is time for me to be able to have a life outside of the home as a recluse. Thank you for your time. And to all of us, good luck for we need it and we definitely need understanding and compassion from the right kind of Dr.

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It does not matter what medication you are taking whether it is a synthetic opiate or an opiate if you take it for any length of time you will become addicted. Now that does not mean you are a drug addict by any means I want to make that clear. Those of us who have to take this medication on a daily basis yes we are addicted however we are referred to as drug dependent, as long as we are using the medication properly. Unfortunately I know people that have had to be put on medication for pain who were recovering alcoholic for many years. They succumbed to addiction because they over used the medication, not just for pain management, however their past addiction craved the high. Any medical professional who does not tell you that yes, your body is addicted to this type of medication is a liar. You should change doctors. Again I want to reiterate that doesn't mean that you are a drug addict seeking a high it simply means that you are dependent upon the drug and should you try to take yourself off of the drug you will go into withdrawals just as a drug addict would! Life-threatening withdrawals. I had a situation recently with fentanyl patches. Within 12 hours I realized I was not getting enough fentanyl. I found that the FDA had already been investigating this particular manufacturer. I literally thought I was going to die, I ended up putting on 2 patches, 50 micrograms. It happened over the weekend I called my doctor first thing, basically I self medicated to get through the situation by adding the extra patch, of course I called the manufacturer. They were absolutely of no help. This type of fentanyl patch is made of aluminum foil, what a joke. Now I realize that they make it this way to cut down on abuse, however if somebody is going to abuse fentanyl there's not a damn thing you can do about it because believe me they will find a way. My doctor actually got on the phone with my insurance company trying to get the patches replaced because the kind or the brand that I normally use I could not find, the day after New Years. Cvs is about the only pharmacy who will order Milan brand in my area. My preferred pharmacy deal in the cheaper brands. They are difficult to stay on... And this particular aluminum foil brand, oh my god. I was in withdrawals at my doctor's office and she was literally raising hell with my insurance company. She finally decided to give me morphine sulfate er the equivalent in addition to a cocktail to assist with the withdrawals. Unfortunately no one had the damn morphine in my area. Thank God she was the doctor on call, she was so pissed off and has been so aggravated with my preferred pharmacy of Walgreens she got on the phone with them and raised eternal hell. She insisted they order the morphine, however it took about 4 days. So yes indeed I am addicted to fentanyl and opiates, percocet, of course the percocet helped a little bit with the withdrawals but not enough. If you have ever been in withdrawals you will know you are in hell. I have been in pain management clinics since 2004, I take a U/A per say every 30 days and I have never failed one. It is a conundrum I would not wish on anyone however it is a part of my life and my pain is well managed and I have well documentation that I don't abuse the medication obviously they would not write a prescription if I failed the U/A. Those of us who suffer from chronic pain also suffer from the ignorance of doctors who lump us in with the drug addicts. A pain management specialist knows your addiction or dependence on this type of medication you can even get addicted and have mild withdrawals from Tramadol which is a synthetic opioid. You can get addicted to any kind of medication as far as that goes. That is why they tell you not to get off medication without consulting your doctor. Some of it of course is ok but some of it can be life-threatening. For example any kind of diazepam or benzodiazepine. Literally can kill your ass. This is why the average primary care doctor screams DEA when they are asked to write such prescriptions. Believe me, I went through hell after being called a drug addict by my primary care doctors physicians assistant whom at the time I thought was a doctor! He literally made me feel like a piece of s*** and scared the hell out of me. I was able to get into a better pain clinic and get help after I tried to get off fentanyl by myself which nearly killed me of course. Since that time, I have been labeled a drug addict by my former, primary care doctor whom at one time considered me one of the most intelligent patients he had! He never had a problem with my seeing a pain management specialist however the time had come for me to change, because I went into withdrawals when a drastic change was made in the dosage of my fentanyl by a very lazy Dr who did not want to call in a prior authorization to my insurance company. In fact after further investigation with Medicare, I found this pain management clinic was over charging and basically they were out for money as they had almost 12 clinics come on working on there 12 when I left. I am fortunate to be with this group, because now many doctors do you know who would get on the phone with your insurance company and fight to try to get your medication refilled because your life was at stake! Not very damn many.

I realize I am going into a lot of information but I am just giving you some history, and again yes paregoric or any other medication that is synthetic an opiate, or an opiate based medication such as paregoric is most definitely addicting! Just read the information that is included with the medication or should be. If it's not that's a violation of the FDA and the DEA in the United States. Again good luck with your situation and hopefully if that is the only medication that helps you, you can find someone in the United States that manufactures the medication and work with your insurance company, perhaps your doctor will work with your insurance company to get this medication for you. There are always exceptions to the rules and unfortunately we chronically ill patients must fight every battle is uphill, nevertheless fight! You might be surprised at how many battles you win. Good luck!

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I am located in Baltimore County. For awhile, the Paregoric was available, then NOT available, and now seems to be available again.

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