Where Can I Buy Paregoric (Page 2)


Have always had this in the med cabinet for occasional stomach cramps. Am finally running low. I'm 67 years old. Suggestions?

41 Replies (3 Pages)

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Anyone got any idea what the situation would be if Gee's linctus were to be imported into the USA from the UK where it is the only opium product available OTC? I have a friend who swears by the supposed cough suppressant J? Collins Browne's Mixture, also OTC as it contains less than 5mg morphine hydrochloride per dosage unit. As is codeine linctus, which contains only 15mg codeine phosphate per 5mL spoon and is also excellent for both diarrhea and stomach cramps. In general, the pharmacy will not permit you to buy more than 500mL at a time but that is no problem when there are so many pharmacies. I should stock up if I were you, as it is obviously not commonly seen in the USA and neither is any kind of opium tincture or squill linctus.

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I got it 2 months ago but can't get it now! Why? It's the only medication that controls my diahrrea.

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Same here, I wish I could still find it over the counter!

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I used paregoric to rub on my teething babies gums in the late 70's.

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There is help, get a prescription from your doctor to Compound Paregoric, old school, since it seems like it's discontinued from the supplier. Maybe the pharmacy can make it. My husband has pancreatic cancer, this is the only med to stop diarrhea.

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You can buy Tincture of Opium. VERY EXPENSIVE. Prescription only. 26 ml $159.00

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Try and get it filled in Canada. I am so sorry it is off the market. As a pharmacist myself, I used Paregoric mixed with Kaopectate. I called it my "magic milkshake". My dad mixed it that way for me. People with IBS or lactose intolerance find this drug very helpful.

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Akorn, the company that purchased Hi Tech Pharma has resumed manufacturing as of a few weeks ago. Your pharmacist can order from his/her supplier.

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Paragoric is available, just had my prescription refilled this week.

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I can get it cheap but a generic form of lortab works better for pain or other problems and in Portugal and most civilized nations, they know people have a right to consume anything they so please. I take 100mg lortab type daily for cancer but I get it from Portugal where family is over the counter or ask a pharmacist there.

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I've tried several meds in addition to dietary changes for my ibs diagnosed 2 years ago. I will ask my doc about this as nothing has worked. Thanks for posting.

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Where did you get it filled and was it in the U.S.

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Where did you get it filled at I need it for my stomach not sure if you live in the USA any information would be great thanks

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U gotta be kidding? Who knew when we young that paragoric was opium. All we knew was that it worked. Ugh! So sick of politically correct drugs. The AMA has given up its power to the govt. what a bunch of wusses. What ever became of "first do no harm?" It is harmful to your patients when u don't dive them tx that works. We live in a world where doctors know how to treat their patients but are afraid of what the govt will do to them if they do. STAND UP AND BE HEARD. SPEAK FOR US, your patients!'

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You can get paragoric by prescription however it needs to be at a local pharmacy. The big chains can't get it

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Only thru prescription. I took when I had cancer. Funny...mom used to paint this on my thumbs when I was a kid to stop thumb sucking. Lol

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Send it to me I am a MD and it could help a lot of people that have Pain and stomach illnesses at no cost.

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Where can you find paregoric?I have already had my gallbladder removed and Dr. now says I have IBS.I live in Texarkana,Texas.

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Re: Ladybug (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

If you can find a store that sells products from Trinidad you can still buy it legally OTC. I just bought some in Florida less than 2 weeks ago.

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Re: Richard (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

You can get it in Aruba?

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