What Is Stronger Teva Clonazepam Green 833 Or Teva Clonazepam White 834? (Page 4)
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Is the Clonazepam TEVA 833 brand (green), stronger than the Clonazepam TEVA 834 brand (white)? Which one is stronger and what are there milligrams? Please someone give me an answer!

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Dude he said he was bi polar and also could have difficulty reasoning. Chill out

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I love that - "most White clonazepam is white"!

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I was at the laundromat and i put a dollar in the change machine, and it gave me back FOUR QUARTERS. FOUR!!! I am going back with all my money and soon i will be very ,very wealthy!

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I'd say that could also be the placebo effect. Where now they're purposely making some meds mixed with actual meds and others like sugar pills. Where others are either straight up meds scribed to, or completely placebo. There are many people not too happy, and protesting that their insurance are paying for something that's NOT doing/helping what they're supposed be given for. And is more harmful than good as it is! The glorified pushers don't care as long as their pockets are full.

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What I forgot to say is that, clonazepam is only able to be prescribed as an anticonvulsant in epilepsy here in the UK. As a prophylactic for my panic syndrome, these have to be prescribed 'off-label'.
I have been reduced from 2mg qds to tds, it took a while to get used to the lower dosage but I had been carefully titrated around 15 years ago and from 500mcg qds up to the highest 8mg daily I find that 6mg/day is just about right, especially as I have had only one series of seizures in the past six years (Aug 20101) and it is the only med which really DOES prevent the panic attacks which were almost a daily occurrence since 1976 till the discovery that clonazepam, which I am prescribed by brand, Roche Rivotril, was used elsewhere as a panic prophylaxis too but is not indicated as such in any formulary and specifically banned from being prescribed as such. Lucky I've had epileptic episodes then.
Less better than more? Can not be stated as fact, individual patients require different dosage. I am now on Lorazepam 2.5mg qds for anxiety to replace the Xanax I can no longer afford, being the most expensive in the world and no generic alprazolam available in UK at all; however it is NOT as suitable for long term use and is not as effective full stop. I have to travel to other countries to collect a load of 2mg Xanax on doctor shopping basis to compensate for the lorazepam which is now probably needed in dosage closer to 5mg qds rather than 2.5mg due to tolerance - alprazolam tends to retain efficacy.
Anybody receiving a BZD sedative hypnotic for sleep would also require higher clonazepam dosage. Most patients, according to my pharmacist, are on dosage between 500mcg tds and 2mg tds with most at the lower end.

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I hear a lot of people sharing opinions.
Everyone is different. In my case, taking less of clonazepam in mg works better than more.

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2mg are the white tevas most white klonopins are white.

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I was not even aware Teva MADE clonazepam! And there is no such thing as a 1mg clonazepam tablet that I have ever heard of or seen. It is a drug which is available in 500mcg and 2mg strength. Unless, of course, in the same way that in the USA Roche abandon the brand name by which the entire world knows clonazepam, Rivotril, and instead uses 'Klonopin', which means absolutely NOTHING to the vast majority of people, they make this odd strength which is not seen anywhere in the world of which I know.

Green clonazepam? Weird. I think every single company I know of that makes this drug uses the same colours. Peach for 500mcg and white for 2mg. And almost all carry a cross score on the reverse side, strength or logo or both on obverse. Well there is no accounting for American pharmaceuticals. They can only manage to make ONE acceptable alprazolam out of hundreds of makes - Greenstone, if you must know - and classify two absolutely ESSENTIAL analgesics, commonly prescribed, DIPIPANONE & DIAMORPHINE (H hydrochloride, tablets 10mg and vials of powder for reconstitution from 5mg to 500mg) as having "no clinical use" and schedule them as '1', preventing physicians from prescribing these common and effective, clinically NECESSARY drugs at all... I could start on the price fixing and self regulation of US Pharma but that is more suitable for a BOOK!

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I prefer Alprazolam for long term use over Clonazepam. Alprazolam has a shorter half life. If I take Clonazepam every day, after 3 months or so the build up makes me feel like a robot. Also the Alprazolam works very quickly and can help stop a panic attack before it gets too bad.

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Thats what i was wondering, cuz my dr was gonna give me the 2mg tablets to take 3 times a day but she asked me if i wanted that or 6 of the 1mg green tevas i chose to go with the 1mn green tevas, id rather take 2 of those than take 1 2mg tablet......do u agree?

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wow is rite did they go to school ever???????

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I really wish that I could meet some of these people's physicians. If they don't know what they're taking then maybe they don't need it.

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You must have a genius dealer

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Tell your Dr. Then you can get the right dose, or have the Dr. change your meds. If you are self medicating, you are playing with fire. You can OD, you can crash your car, you can hurt yourself and others self medicating. This isn't the Wild West, 19th Century!
Would you have a barber do surgery on your knee replacement? Would you have the surgeon cut your hair? Well I'd trust the surgeon to cut my hair more than vice versa, but...the point is you are asking questions to the wrong people though they mean the best it seems.

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If you cannot figure out that 2mg is stronger than 1mg (and if your on 0.5 mg why are you even asking such an ansine common sense question). You seriously need to go back to first grade and learn 1 plus 1. I cannot believe a person would even have the guts to post what is stronger 1mg or 2mg. Seriously get off the drugs because either they are frying your brain or your just a complete moron! my friends and I are all laughing our asses off. you guys must live out in the backwoods of some redneck town in Utah or some s***t like that. Come to jersey will teach you a few things.

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Wow Dude! he is asking, no need to hurt someone's feelings because you don't have anything better to do buddy! You might have learned simple math in preschool and then moved on to the next grade and grew up, but it sounds like your brain stayed put, what a Sophomoric attitude you have, and if YOU don't understand that, then I'm sorry, I don't know how to simplify that for you anymore than that, and I'm sorry that I'm sounding a little immature and being a bit of a hypocrite with this statement, but maybe you will now understand how it feels.

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I would like to know what the difference is between a 1 mg yellow clonazepam, and a green 1mg clonazepam, and also what is the average shelf life of these pills?

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2 is twice as much as 1 so you get dbl the dosage it's beyond simple what's wrong with everyone :/

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The white one is stronger. It is a 2 mg, the green is a1 mg

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People stop being so damn mean obviously she is asking for help and all you can do is ridicule her... every medication depends on the brand ...I take pain medication on top of my clonazepam and my medication is stronger with a certain color the white ones don't work for crap and the yellow work much better but yes 2mg is supposed to be stronger it's double but it all depends on the brand and makeru

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