What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 26) (Top voted first)


I have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!

547 Replies (28 Pages)

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If you get that sick when you try and kick you are taking way too much. Just the fact that you run out. HOW MUCH are you really taking, I know because I take it. I didn't know if you take too much and then run out you can't . I was taking maybe sometimes 16mg's. Way to much at once. Mine are NOT time released. I cut back to 8mg's or 4 and I have no problem. Wean back SLOW and you won't be sick.

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Does anyone have additional feedback regarding the efficacy of Dilaudid vs Oxycodone for chronic pain management? I realize there are several different types of pain, all requiring different levels of therapy, doses and other underlying treatment modalities. So, perhaps a more important question would be - How do the equianalgesic conversion charts compare for these two pain medications? Or, what has your personal experience been like on either one or both Dilaudid/Oxycodone?

If you build a tolerance to Dilaudid, does the availability of Oxycodone's larger dosage range (5mg - 80mg+) allow for greater flexibility in pain management vs Dilaudid's 2-8mg dosage range?

Just interested in reading other patient's thoughts and feelings on this matter...

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Re: David (# 534) Expand Referenced Message

I personally hated dilauded for the amount of pain that I am in. I was on 20 mg oxycodone 3 times a day then the dr told me that he was going to put me on 8 mg dilauded 3 times a day to replace it he said it was suppose to be 10 times stronger (I'm not sure who told him that!). Now it started out with alternating with my oxycodone and it worked wonders. So I decided to give the dilauded only a try for 2 months. Boy that was the biggest mistake I could make. Dilauded seems to me and this is my personal thoughts, short acting for pain. I went right back on the oxycodone. I'd rather have a extended release medication in combo with the oxycodone which is what they have me on. Good luck. I'm not sure if my thoughts help any.

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I've been on oxycodone 30mg for 9 years now from a pain clinic. I have a few illnesses and a spinal surgery coming up. I'm also on 50mg Fentanyl patch for about the same amount of time I've been on the oxycodone. Once you start taking more of your medicine and run out before your refill comes for the next month? You need to talk to your Doctor immediately about this. Don't do this alone. You could seriously go into a coma or even worse die! This is a HUGE reason the laws of people on Narcotics and Doctors prescribing narcotics is getting harder on those who suffer. The Dr.'s have to know what's happening to you so they can adjust your meds accordingly. I was taking my Fentanyl patch has prescribed one every 48 hours. I also noticed if I forgot to replace my patch and it slipped my mind to put a new one on? I'd go into the most horrific withdrawals. Then I read more and more about the bad side effects of the Fentanyl patch and all the people dying using this drug. Those on the Fentanyl patch? The death poll got higher & higher! So I wanted to wean off both the oxycodone and the Fentanyl patch!. It was much easier than I thought it would be. However, this does take time to wean off. I did the same thing with both my meds. Each week I would go down another half a pill. With the Fentanyl patch, I would start placing a new one on every 3 days. I kept a journal on everything I did so I knew exactly what side to place the new patch on my body when it came time to change the patch and I always kept the old patch on when I'd place the new one on. Before I knew it I went from taking 15 Fentanyl patches a month down to 5 a month! Same with Oxycodone. I went from taking 6 per-day down to 2 1/2 per-day! Yes, my pain is very bad. But I do only what I can do and limit myself to what I can do. One day I may feel like doing more than another day. It's hard to live in pain 24/7. But these medications are strong.

If you say 40mg oxycodone didn't do anything for you? This tells me your body is used to a lot more narcotic. The Dilaudid narcotics? Is strong medicine. I'm given that at the E.R. when I land up in their for breaking a bone! If you don't tell your Dr. that you're taking more then you should of the narcotics your on? Then if you ever get into a car accident or something serious that brought you to the E.R.? Say you had to have emergency surgery? They put you under the anesthesia medicine to knock you out. They would go by what your doctor prescribes for you with narcotics. Then you may not go under has quickly for the surgery or even worse they give less anesthesia medicine not knowing you've been taking more then you should of the narcotic? This is why it's so important to always discuss with your Dr. how much you're taking with the narcotic your on. He/she can tell you to go to a pain clinic where everything is being monitored and you will be more under control for what you need to cover your pain! I've seen what this can do to you by taking more than you should? You could go into a coma or-or suddenly have a hard time breathing and not be able to breathe at all! These narcotics are very dangerous to play around with period. To many people are taking way more then they should and this is why it's not any longer up to the Dr. to give out narcotics it's the Government now who tells the Dr.'s what they can and can't do. So many people with horrendous pain are suffering because of people who take way more for a euphoria feeling than for the actual pain in itself! My advice Bottom Line? Talk with your Doctor at once! God Bless You and please do the right thing.

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I understand, I am on the fentanyl patch, and roxicet, but are you looking for the high? Or to help chronic pain? If you are going through your prescription before your time is up, you may be addicted! Or depending what the dr. gives you? With diluadid pills, you will not get the euphoria. But to me sounds like you may really be getting hooked! I’m here if you need to talk.

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Re: Coco (# 522) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree with you on the Kratom. I myself had spinal fusion with hardware. They put me on fentanyl and I was a mess. Wasn't myself and angry all the time. A year ago I took off the patch and picked up Kratom. Wow. I'm glad I did. I take green Malay with white maeng da and I'm out of pain for 24 hours. Totally awesome.

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I was on Dilauded for over a year; three months interviencely and they when I left the hospital I had two liquid relills. When I got down to the last bottle, I was really deeply depressed. Physcology, it was a pain in the ass (actually in my head). It took about three months to stop thinking about. I’m. OK now but truth be told sometimes I wish I had some around. And this post is two years after I stop!

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I too have chronic back pain for years & I am on Dilaudid & a number of other meds. However, I have a pump implanted so I do not have to take orally. The pump is time released so I don’t have to worry about taking too much or forget to take it on time. Supposedly they say it doesn’t affect you like taking it by mouth. I do not feel any different and do not have any side effects. My dr can change what goes into the pump & also the dosage. Maybe you should speak with your doctor about getting a pump. (Only if you have to take it all the time)

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I wouldn’t do near it (again) when I was an addict 35 yrs ago I was introduced to Dilaud. I got so addicted within 90 days it took over every area of my life. My husband ODed and i would become a slave to those 4 mg pills.

They only have a 4 hr self life, well long story short many years later I wouldn’t go near them. No pills Or drug took me to my knees faster those those powerful buggers. Suggestion go on Opana or the generic hydromorphine ER extended release. You don’t get the rise and the crash. Good luck to you. They are STRONGLY addictive.

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OxyContin is a time released med and any time released meds don't work half as good as a immediately released med it's that plain and simple

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Re: Ty (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Dilaudid takes effect very fast and there is something in it that gives you short term euphoria, that’s the addictive part. They are ALL addicting but dilaudud seems to grab you by the throat and own your soul you forget about everything but dilaudid.

If you want to stay pain free longer I agree with former posts, take an ER rxtendedbrelease and I would get off the dilauded the self life is only 4 hrs try something else.

To bad they removed some of the older ER meds the generic are terriable, you feel numb not pain managed.

Each person is different each doctor is different age, other problems like inflammation also make a huge difference. Remember these meds are hard in your heart not just your liver. Good luck. Less is more. Dilaudid is very insidious, only good for short term.

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I have had blunt force traumas in car accidents 7 were drunk drivers the rest just distracted. A total of over 30. Ran over by a pepsi fork lift and it knocked me 10 feet in the air fell 14 feet onto my back off a refrigeration unit and had 3 mear fatal accidents in cars in past 18 months. People who do not live with pain that never lets up, spasms that nearly cause your bones to snap. Neuropathy so severe if affects your intestines digestion facial muscles and nerves.
Well take your politacally correct brainwashed attitude and go beat your loved ones not people trying to assist each other in dealing with the daily horrors of pain management which by the way if not treated is quite like having a heart attack or stroke just waiting in the wings. I know I was a BSRN in an ER.
Pain management is no different in complexity as is diabetes and insulin. Both can put you at deaths door in no time.
What few peole realise is that all those antidepressants are even more dangerous and in some cases you CAN NOT stop their use as it destroys your brain chemisry.
So educate yourself before you pass judgement on issues you know nothing about.

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My friend, you are on a dangerous road! I have watched my brother and sister commit suicide because they went down the same road your post leads me to believe you are on. They could not get off. Get honest with yourself. But most of all, if you want to be an addict, don't take anyone else with you! That would be as low as someone could go. Please get help.

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hi i just saw your post ive tried it all duragesic the best but wont stay on my skin ive covered it done it all so im off that im on roxicodone 30mg 8 a day with 10mg of methadone 3 times a day not working what is dilaudid? i need a long acting med with the roxis bit tried it all opana oxycotin etc my pain is from my toes to my hands bad back from car accident and i had a viral infection that attacked my joint n i have permanent damage from that i think it was u that said u just dont care about anything when on the roxis its so true im so different i want off i tried i cant walk in the morning till i take 2 of my pills im 35 n i feel like im 75. any suggestions? i said i want off to all my docs n they say u need it yes i do if u dont understand pain n how much it affects your life then no one should comment i hate the meds i do but no choice. someone have any ideas for me please help everytime i take a new med i panic i freak out scared of how i will feel n to u a-holes who break it snort it u got probs its people like u that r making it hard for others to get meds they changed the oxycotin pills so u wont be able to break them anymore u can if u take a hack saw im sure n there is a shortage of the roxicodones now because the fda is limiting how much each pharmacy can have n like i said its due to the people who abuse it u wanna get high go make sumthin of your life go for a walk on the beach with good friends n good laughs thats a high so please any advice pass it thanks!!!!

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"kilit Says: "ookay, my advice, just suck it up, and deal with a month of bad pain, mind over matter, ive done almost ever single drug out there, and NEVER got addicted, i might be special, but dont be a big fat cat come on now. "

Its quotes like this that show there is no limit to idiocy. With response to "kilit" and the above quote...
i am sure many who are on opiods-e.g: oxy, morph..etc would attest that if an opition existed that was better than the friggin opiod drugs they would jump at it...i know i would. Oxycontin have ruined my life; so now its not just pain i have to live with, its a damn addiction that provides positive pain refief and makes it hard to function without. And to "Kilit" and your friend "Human Helper" its Damn near impossible to get off these drugs without assistance in some form or other...will power was erased as soon as one goes on an
80-160mg++/day opiod program. Another note in reference to "mind over matter (m/m)", try and understand this...i have smoked cigarettes and Dated Mary Jane for years now (smoked cancer sticks for 14yrs/ MJ and i have been together just as long and still see each other from time to time) and have NEVER had a problem quitting either (though ciggs are harder) with your "M/M theory" but when it comes to opiods and especially Oxycontin its hard to say use M/M when some form of matter has taken complete control of your mind. Some people think its just that simple to use M/M and DONT understand that addiction to these class of drugs doesn't mean that one just has a desire for but also your BRAIN actually develops more/new receptors to gain/recieve from the opiod effect as the old receptors have pretty much built a tolerance to the drug. This in effect is what an ADDICTION really refers to. so once again to "Kilit" and "Human Helper" get a clue or even better take some opiods for about three months straight and then write back to us about your Mind over Matter. And to anyone else...STAY AWAY from OXYCONTIN/HYDROMORPH-CONTIN and HYDROMORPHONE. No High is worth losing your life to and for pain users as my self seek alternatives if you can because once you get into a program of opiods it hard to go back. And one more note..Up here in Canada at least- Doctors and the whole profession dont deserve the respect they once did. The Title "DR" is undeserving as most seek the profession for the salary and lifestyle that comes with and not for the Healing, nurturing, and human aspect that use to define the principle and brought about the Hypocratic OATH (which really should be spelled "HYPOCRITIC OATH". They are truly OverPaid DrugDealers who receive visits from Phamceutical sales reps every few months or so and some questionable "Dr's" receive other incentives, in monetary form, for prescribing you certain drugs. My brother worked for a Major Pharmacy in Canada and said you would not believe how much incentives "Dr's" receive for "PUSHING certain drugs to patients. This to me defines one as a DRUG DEALER. Mind you I cannot discredit all "dr's" as some truly are fitted for the profession, but as for the majority its a damned shame that you seem to think you can do as horrible of a job as you want to and still receive your pay from OHIP. 10 yrs ago DR's made house calls, and 5 yrs before that house calls were very common. Now in canada its damn near impossible to find a good Family Doctor and on top of that one that cares about healing and is empathetic to his/her patients. Just a reminder to everyone on these boards...Dr's will always act arrogant and do less of a job then is required of them...as long as we "the people" allow them to. With enough complaints to the college/ your MP or Local Politician and enough word of mouth Dr's will either improve their service to an acceptable level or go in the way of airline pilots, especially with advancements into modern medicine.
The Point of all this: 1.STAY AWAY FROM OXYCONTIN, HYDR-OMORPH-CONTIN/HYDRO-MORPHONE and any other strong opiod. They all derive from the POPPY Plant (Same Plant as Heroin and Opium come from) and are very highly ADDICTIVE.
2. DEMAND more from your DOCTOR; REMEMBER that without YOU they can not exist and with enough complaints OHIP will either force them to comply or once again reduce billing limits, and hopefully extend patient time.
If not then Dr's remain and will exceedingly become less empathetic and more arrogant and also more responsive to; and serve ONLY the interests of their pocket books, PHARMACEUTICALS and NOT YOU!!.
Peace and Love to all. The Rapture is at Hand!

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I have been on Oxcontin (oxycodone) 40mg. for long term relief of pain and Oxycocet 5 & 325 for breakthrough pain. My insurance company has just changed the medications that they will cover and as one of the alternatives they will cover Dilaudid which if I am correct is a short term pain reliever. I have been doing this for 20 years and with few increases in dosages. I have a feeling this is not going to be good. Any suggestions.

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yeah i thought Suboxonee i know i spelled it wrong but my point is suboxone does have a opiate blocker so what is the point in taking any pain meds.you are defeating the purpose aintt that right.

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No human being needs to be on multipile pain med that are so strong doctors unless u have had a surgery in the hospital, the reason all of u need stronger meds is because u have built a tolerance to everything else. The day any of u have to get off that medication is going to be the day you wish u never took it and for the person who said they shoot their oxys is freaking nuts I garentee the bottle of medication does not say shoot up. I sugesst all of you take a good look in the mirror and re evaluate the whole situation. And I do know that some of u are in alot of pain but u are on way to much medication in reality!!! an don't argue the fact about back surgery and degenritive disk problems my dad has all of that an he only takes up to two 5mg percocettes a day! All of that medication is so addictive and no good at all!!! Just because a doctor prescribes it to you doesnt mean that you dont have a problem!!

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Gigi, your doctor is talking about UROD (Ultra Rapid Opiate Detox) There are a couple of problems with that advice..First off, UROD is not safe, and although many healthy YOUNG people have gone through it and been ok, there have been some deaths...If you don't believe me that is ok, just do some research on UROD and see what pops up.. Then the other problem is., when the patient is put through this brutal (Yes I said brutal) detox. Many patients have awaken to find out they have soiled themselves, and since the doctors know this you would think they would suggest the patient wear diapers, but all they care about is getting that damn money, so they say that this is a safe painless way to get clean..Yeah right...Now, what happens to the chronic pain sufferer when the drugs are taken away?? I will tell you that they will be suffering again, and probably go back on the medications that allow them to live somewhat normal lives..Let me ask you Gig, have you ever been through UROD?? And are you even a chronic pain sufferer, or are you just saying something your doctor told you..Many doctors are in lawsuits because of UROD causing deaths and or permanat damage to their patients..Yes there are a few doctors that are caring, but most of them are money hungry SOB's.....

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this will make you have a new addiction. suboxen is meant to treat heroin addiction, oxycontin-oxycodone is a synthetic heroin. dilaudid-hydromorphone still has oxycodone in it and is VERY ADDICTIVE ! i would just suggest getting a couple of opinions by either other doctors or pharmacists.

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