What Is Nizagara? (Page 2)
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I received pills that were supposed to be viagra
I tried nizagara 100mg tablet...what a disappointment. I ordered viagra but got this instead. ...this is a waste of money and a big disappointment
Nobody cares what you think. You've never shopped for any of this stuff. Go pay $50 a pill for Pfizer brand names and STFU.
Never ever try anything you get from the mail specially medicine and from India.
this NIZAGARA you received is not medicine it is babe blue Chalkboard.
50mg works great better than I thought! My insurance would not pay for it. But Google searching for the code "NIZAG4ED" solves all problems.
I'm 510 200 pounds I take a half of a nizagara 50 mg and I'm rockhard for 2 1/2 hours no headaches no rapid heartbeat maybe a little heartburn because a and I'm rockhard for 2 1/2 hours no headaches no rapid heartbeat maybe a little heartburn because I bite the tablet in half
I agree with Wes... first be in good health otherwise. The meds I've tried with my man so far, that I like, are Caverta, Penegra, and Fildena. These are all 100 mgs. Good luck with your searches. If one or even 2 of these pills don't work, you're in bad shape and need to see a dr cuz you're about to have a heart attack or stroke from clogged arteries. IF your 65 plus in bad health, nothing will help.
I've been using the medicines mentioned above, generic call sildenafil.or something very close to it, generic Viagra of different compounds and etc, and Cialis, and all it's generic forms, daily, diff mg, etc.. What works for 1 works differently for others. I like and have good, very good, results from all the different forms of these meds. I know how much of each active ingredient I need for minor ED problems. And it usually is NOT the recommended max dose. So I'm cool with these people, and I'm 50 now, so drive and performance issues do start to rise. If you're 80 and think you can take these and be like 25 again, let alone someone to be with, maybe you're not a "perfect" candidate with expectations that are realistic. I like em, they work, I know a placebo or fake, be careful you don't get diverted.
Received the same product: did NOTHING
Came from India: no instructions, etc
did not matter how it was taken, with or without food
Go ahead do it, these are good. Take at least 1/2 tablet or full for full effect
I am sure just like Viagra has a generic here in the U.S., they have it in India. India seems to be the place most mail order meds are coming from. It's exactly the SAME!!! Each ED med has slight variations, some work faster, some work longer, some give different people side effects. Viagra name brand works great, but it gives me a headache after a couple hours, flushes me, and I just don't tend to feel real good after a couple hours. The Nazagara 100 works exactly the same, but not some of the side effects. I like it, a lot of guys try ED meds who don't need it and it can actually lower your "performance". Finding the exact correct dose, usually about 1/3 or 1/2 of a 100 mg is enough to start, I still don't take a whole one. Maybe some people did get ripped off from a fake look alike pharmacy, but not me. Maybe another med is what some men need. Good luck.
I was a little worried at first but I took a 100mg pill 2 hrs before sex with my lady and I was a champ! Worked for me. Just eat a meal well before you take it. Only side effect I felt was tingled finger tips but I was fine.
I normally swollow 1/2 a 100mg tablet with a glass of water 1/2hr to 1hr before required.
I ordered Pfeiffer Viagra but I received Nizagara sildenafil. &Dapoxetine this is a rip off dont even work.
How do u take it? Swallow it or let it desolve. No instructions.
this is just stupid i order same and i gat this fake stuff dont work at all
Yep I'm an older guy and got some free Nazagra with my order ...it is a very effective med but it isn't a conventional form of Viagra as it has other ingredients which make it more effective but also more likely to create side effects and so isn't suitable for very regular use... check out the review on RX leaks and you get a complete overview....it is a very effective med, by a respected Indian manufacturer...but you really need to inform yourself about it first.
I filled a prescription for Viagra from a Canadian pharmacy. I was a little bit skeptical because I had been drinking and I'd worked hard, it was Saturday. My wife was feeling a little bit frisky so I cut one half of a hundred and put it in my beer, drank it. Opened another beer, got in the shower and before I could get in the shower I had one raging boner. Wife and I were both very satisfied. Even after climaxing I did not have to wait my usual 10 to 15 minutes. I could still cut diamonds with it before going again. I was still hard as a rock. Hope everybody else has the same results. I might have just gotten lucky. I will take this generic again.
Not sure what you mean. Most people are using their phones, so punctuation can be different than sitting at a computer. Obviously you need ED drugs or you wouldn't be here reading this.
I think that the biggest side effect of this drug, based on your post, is how it severely effects punctuation!!
I have tried it. 100mg.....half and whole. Half works just as well. My wife likes it No side effects. Ordered 60 more.
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