What Is Nizagara?
UpdatedI received pills that were supposed to be viagra
Nizagara is supposed to be a foreign version of Viagra - active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate. This is a male enhancement pill for libido.
You can find a long discussion thread about this at:
I tried it and it totally works awesome!! The difference between this and Viagara is there was no headache after with the nizagara. Enjoy!
I filled a prescription for Viagara from a Canadian Pharmacy and received Nizagara 100Mg that was sent from India. These tablets came just in the plastic with foil back containers and no box with directions for use. They are also Blue and oval shaped. None of the descriptions I have red describe them in an oval shape so I am wondering if these are the same thing everyone else is getting. I do not see a manufaturer name but the manufacture date is May 2009. The foil back says Nizagara in big red letters and in blue says Sildenafil Citrate Tablets. I have read the side affects and am afraid to try these. If I do it may be 1/3 to 1/2 the tablet. Has anyone received these and tried them? If so what were the results?.
I ordered Viagara from a Canadian pharmacy and received Nizagara just like everyone else. I gave it a try last night and got (0) effectiveness out of the tablet.
Nizagara (from India) shaped in oval, blue tablets works very well. I took 100 Mg two hours before intercourse.
I'm fully satisfied.
nizagara works for me (age 61): a prompt (1/2 hr) spontaneous stir, and with some solo- or partner-provocation a straight-up hardon like i can't remember since before middle age--after hr or so it wants discharge (at least i want discharge) BUT very easy seconds within a few minutes--i wish the online seller had been upfront about it being nizagara and not viagra--the side effects of flushing and vision (for me): the flushing seems to last about 1/2 hr (it's conspicuous, but short-lived) and is accompanied by visual chromatic reflex which reduces color-sensitivity to light (startling at 1st but no big deal, i noticed because i happened to take it at work before i started for home); but the far-sight blur is pronounced and significant and lasted about 12 hrs (it's over abruptly), and this is a factor which limits my use, a GOOD thing, given the potential for psychologically-based addiction
I got some free samples of Nizagara from a buddie. Works just like viagara with lesser side effects. Ive tried viagara in the past and the light sensitivity and headache didnt last as long with Nizagara. I took it about 45 minutes before anticipated intercourse a prostitute and I was a stud when the time came. Ultimately you take your chances with something not regulated in the US. I believe Nizagar is from India so who knows what kind of snake heads and p dog tales they are putting in the ingredients but it worked for me.
I ordered Viagara from a Canadian Pharmacy and received Nizagara 100Mg that was sent from India. These tablets came just in the plastic with foil back containers and no box with directions for use. They are also Blue and oval shaped. None of the descriptions I have red describe them in an oval shape so I am wondering if these are the same thing everyone else is getting. I do not see a manufaturer name but the manufacture date is JAN 2012
I just received the exact same pills in the exact same foil packaging. All the markings are identical to how you described. No directions, no box, it arrived in USPS envelope from New Delhi. I haven't really done that much research yet. I'm afraid as well to take a whole pill completely just because i have epilepsy. But likewise i plan on starting just 1/3 to 1/2 to see how it goes from there. Good Luck.
I ordered Viagara from a Canadian Pharmacy and received Nizagara 100Mg that was sent from India. These tablets came just in the plastic with foil back containers and no box with directions for use. They are also Blue and oval shaped. None of the descriptions so i took half pill(50)mg and that was my biggest mistake in my life after 20 min i feel heat wave came from foot to heat and come again every 15 minutes ,verry havy stomach set up 10 hours ,blood pressure very high 150 -100 my blood pressure is 110 /75 20 hr ring ears 24 hr red colour eyes dizziness pulse 100- 24 hr i was very scare after 15 hours i went to hospital doctor see me and say we could,t give you anything becouse this go in your blood and conect very hard and nothing can take out this have to wait if you are strong younge you can be ok but another way you can have a troubles you have to wait to side effect go away he also say you are lucky that took a half.so guys my recommend is never try this s***
Just tried nizagara. Worked fine.
I bought these and received the same thing as you. from a Canadian pharmacy shipped from india. weird. I was looking up how much to take as well and haven't found anything. guess ill only take 1/2. have you tried them?
Ordered from Canadian Pharmacy and received them in 10 days, have taken Viagra in the past with good result but was a little concerned about ordering Viagra and receiving Nizagara 100 mg. Decided to give it a try and had the same result as Viagra with no side effects. I believe this to be a generic version of which the drug companys in America already have but haven't put on the market for obvious reasons $$$$$$$$, paid a 1/3 the cost for Nizagara.
Do you just swallow the pill or let it dissolve?
ive did an order for Viagra and instead of the Viagra they sent me something else called nizagara well I tried one and it did not work. what a let down. Simply distraught and hope they send me the right pills - deeply unsatisfied and feeling like im not able to perform my manly duties.
Got mine from India also. Used them twice with awesome results and no side effects
I am 60, fit, 6ft. I ordered a few just to try it out. At first I took 1/2 a pill and had a so so response. So I increased it to one pill, better but still room for improvement. Finally I split one pill and combined it with a whole pill, Bammm! Don't drink alcohol prior to any "activity" and you will feel like 18 again. For those who say it did not work, take in consideration your weight and how tall you are. Side effects: A slight headache, some tingling at the ends of my fingers the next day. I have taken Nizagara 3x a week with no other issues. Had blood work done and everything seemed normal. Going to order 150 more for 2015.
I want to know how long after taking nizagara did it take for it to work?
It takes about 1.0 to 1.5 hours with no other medications in my system. Check for any interaction with other medications prior to dosage as it will affect length of time to take affect.
I did works great. No worries.
Most Recent Replies:
I get nizagara before and works just great I love it the problem is I try to get more and they tell me it was discontinued where can I get it
I love Nizagara blue and the sublingual white. I would feel comfortable if every time I filled a prescription it was from India. From india they work really good. But I haven't found a pharmacy that says theirs are from India.
Re: Robert (# 3)
What pharmacy did you fill your prescription at?
I ordered just like above, viagra from Canada and got nizagra from India. I got 12 in a coil pack plus four free. I tried a half and got a huge headache. So I started using 1/4 pill and it works awesome! I take it at least an hour before the action starts. It does make me feel flush for awhile, but it's not bad. I have had great results and just ordered 30 more.
Re: Robert (# 3)
They work for me, that's all I can say...nizagara I meant...
Like all of the above comments, I filled a prescription for Viagra and received Nizagara from a so-called Canadian Pharmacy. Product was shipped from India. My question is I take diabetic, high blood pressure and cholesterol medication and wonder do any of you take these same medications and take the Nizagara too? Have you had any negative results?
Re: Robert (# 3)
Yes i have works great for me i take 45 min before bed and 2 hours after i eat
Re: Robert (# 3)
They work very well and don’t have the weird side effects of Viagara. Take a 50mg pill and in less than half an hour you will have a beautiful hard on.
Re: john (# 14)
If you let them dissolve in your mouth they work faster I've been using them for sometime now no problems and work every time.
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