What Is Auroflam-mx Used For?


I'm having pain from a recent excess in physical exertion. Flamar was recommended but the pharmacist gave us Auroflam. Is it a substitute for Flamar?

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Sorry to hear about your challenges with pain. Do you feel like the Auroflam has been helping at all?

Based on my research, Auroflam-MX and Flamar are both listed as containing the active ingredient Diclofenac. So it seems as though they are one in the same medication.

If you need any form of verification, Auroflam-MX is manufactured by Aurochem Pharmaceuticals Ltd., based in India. You can always contact them for a comparison of "inactive" ingredients, if you feel the need.

You can also learn more about this drug on the page for Diclofenac Details

I hope this info helps!

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Flamar MX is effective every time and is readily available at pharmacies throughout Trinidad & Tobago.

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I fell down on Monday and hurt my feet and back. Do u think I could use auroflam 4 the pain?

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What are the dosages of auroflam?

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What effect does it have on kidneys?

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When I use Flamar MX, I feel very happy. It is a wonder drug and I become very powerful too. This should be used by everyone, everyday.

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Hello, I'd like to know what, if any, are the contraindications for auroflam p. It was prescribed for me as a muscle relaxer/pain reliever when I hurt my lower back.
Thank you.

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I tried to get Flamex but was told that none of the Massey stores pharmacies stock it. THEY say it is a "suitcase" product...probably because it comes from India. It works, though. My doctor gave me a sample and I had the first pain free night since chickungunya.

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I feel and hurt my side and was prescribed this by a doctor in Medical Associates still waiting for relief. I took an aleve and it worked better.

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the recommended dosage for auroflam mx is one tablet three times daily.if the pain is severe you can take two as astat dose followed by one every 8 hours

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The main side effect of auroflam mx is slight drowsiness. Other than that it is a very potent three in one combination product. It is not a substitute for flamar, it simply has the same drug content. Excellent for back pain, neck pain, frozen shoulder, sporting injuries and any type of skeletal muscle pain. I recommend it frequently to patients with excellent results.

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I used it when I fractured a couple of ribs and it worked.

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I am using auraflam MX on a daily basis because I have OA and it is painful to walk ,will it damage my insides, I take three tablets daily.

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My husband has high blood pressure and diabetes. Is auroflam-mx good for him? Please, can you give an early reply? Thank you.

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I'm fell on my bottom and my tailbone is paining the doctor gave me auroflam-mx do you think this would work

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Re: prezzy (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I took 1 auroflam-mx after I took a omeprazole and I am feeling very weak some one told me to take the omeprazole half hour before because my stomach feels sick

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Re: Rodney (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

No not any more.

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FLAMAR MX..is a miracle drug, I have a pinched nerve in my neck and it helped me allot ..

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Re: Missy (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

How long have you had the pinched nerve?

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