What Medications Can Cause A False Positive For Methamphetamine (Page 19)
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Can certain over the counter medications or prescription medications cause a false positive for Methamphetamine in a blood test?

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How can people claim that only meth will test positive and everyone who does is a liar, when "meth" is made from all kinds of gross stuff like battery acid, and bizzare household things. So, if there are so many ways to make it, why do the medial and legal communities act like it's a one of a kind pure substance that all tests the same? That makes no sense. On one hand you are claiming that only meth tests positive for meth, then admit that the crap can be made with all sorts of ingredients. Sounds like a farce to me.

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I keep coming up positive for pot and stopped using awhile back,can donns back pills be the cause of it ?

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Try pepcid or otc prilosec even tagament i also tested positive for meth while taking zantac Walmart has all of the meds i mentioned for less than a dollar a bottle

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As for everyone with heartburn/acid reflux. I am a truck driver and get random ua's all the time. I have to make sure I'm always clean and even have to be careful with how much and when i drink. I have MASSIVE acid reflux and chronic heart burn. You can go to Wal-Mart and get an OTC pill called Omeprazole Magnesium. Take one (or 2 if it is chronic) every day before you eat in the morning and it will keep your heart burn and acid reflux away and still be able to piss clean. If you still piss dirty then you may as well fess up to the factthat you are using.

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Great! This is why people get turned down right, left, forward and backward for jobs these days - if you take cold medicine or allergy medicine you'll fail the drug test. Great. And the more advanced college degrees you get, the more likely the job you apply for is going to do one of these el-cheapo drug tests. That makes it feel completely hopeless.

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I tested positive today for meth and propoxyphene (darvon) (which is off the market now) and negative for opioids. I take: ranitidine 150mg 2x/day, Mobic 7.5mg daily, Xanax 2mg nightly, Nucynta 50mg every 6hrs, metoprolol 25mg 2x/day, desipramine 3x/day, bentyl 10mg as needed ( maybe take 1-3/wk), frequently take melatonin and benadryl at night for sleep. I used to take Adderall but that's been at least a year if not more. I don't even know where it is in my house. As for meth meth, never seen it in my life. I should be positive for opioid and it showed negative so the doctor thinks I'm doing something else with them. I told him absolutely not. They are what has relieved my horrible back pain. I certainly wouldn't NOT take them.

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I tested positive today for meth and propoxyphene (darvon) (which is off the market now) and negative for opioids. I take: ranitidine 150mg 2x/day, Mobic 7.5mg daily, Xanax 2mg nightly, Nucynta 50mg every 6hrs, metoprolol 25mg 2x/day, frequently take melatonin and benadryl at night for sleep. I used to take Adderall but that's been at least a year if not more. I don't even know where it is in my house. As for meth meth, never seen it in my life. I should be positive for opioid and it showed negative so the doctor thinks I'm doing something else with them. I told him absolutely not. They are what has relieved my horrible back pain. I certainly wouldn't NOT take them.

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i just failed a drug test yesterday. positive for meth. I have never used, let alone seen meth. I do take Zantac and other heartburn medicines and after reading all of these posts i can conclude that heartburn medicine will show up on a drug test as meth.

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i just failed a drug test yesterday. positive for meth. I have never used, let alone seen meth. I do take Zantac and other heartburn medicines and after reading all of these posts i can conclude that heartburn medicine will show up on a drug test as meth.

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What if you are not taking any meds besides paxil20 mg and prilosec. I drink a little bit and smoke very little weed. That is absolutely everything. I got my head outta my ass and wanna be a better father. I ain't smoking no more weed but I will taste a little whisky here and there.

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My roommate has tested positive for meth and is currently in jail due to a failed UIs. The medications he was prescribed and was taking before incarceration include:

-Prednisone- 5 Mg (1/M)
-Allopurinol - 300 Mg (1/M)
-Lisinopril - 20 Mg (1/M)
-Loratadine - 10 Mg (1/M)
-Aspirin 81 Mg (1/M)
-Fluticasone Prop 50 MCG Spray (1 spray each nostril/M)
-Cymbalta- 60 Mg (1/M)
-Cymbalta- 30 Mg (1/E)
-Crestor- 50 Mg (1/E)
-Trazadone 150 Mg (1/E (to 2/E if needed))
-Omeprazole- 20 Mg (1/E)
-Tamsulosin HCL- .4 MG (1/E)
-Carvedilol 3.135 Mg (1/M, 1/E)
-Brilinta 90 Mg (1/M, 1/E)
-Nitrostat 0.4Mg(1/150GR) SUBLT 25'S - (Take only for chest pain)
-oxyCODONE HCL 5Mg - (Take as needed for pain) -
Medical marijuana.

The oxyCODONE was prescribed after he was released from the hospital (stint implant surgery). His PO is stating he had multiple dirty UIs for Meth even before his surgery.

Does any of the meds, or combination of meds, cause a false positive for Meth? I support his claim that he did not take Meth. His behavior and outlook, prior to his arrest, has been exemplary and I saw no sign he was back on Meth.

Thank you so much for this help. I do not want my roommate to be unjustly incarcerated.

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I am on Endone, Champix, Sudafed cold and flu tablets. How could this provide a fail for meth and amphetamines?

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sadly he is probably telling you an untruth.. meth users are notorious liars and would rather not say they used to someone helping them get employment for fear of letting that someone down. especially a non user

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The dyphenhydomine contains amphetamine which can show up as a false positive for methamphetamine. Before you take any drug test, tell them what you are taking over the counter, or prescribed.

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albutural will cause it

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Good day!! I`m under medication for almost 8 months now with meds like glicazide tab 30mg, metformin tab 500mg, B complex tab 100mg, Vit C tab 500mg, Telmisartan tab 40mg, Diphenhydramine cap 500mg, Silymarime cap 900mg, Betahistine tab 16mg, and Allupurinol tab 300mg. Can these meds give false positive result? I was tested positive for meth at NBI (national bureau of investigation) and i`m about to lose my job, career, pention, retirement claims and almost everything i work for almost 17 yrs for short to be discharge in the military service without honor pls help badly needed thanks

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So just found that ranitadine tests positive for meth and I have chronic heartburn..please help me find an alternative for my heartburn ..gotta test I gotta take in a week soon..please help

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can taking citalopram and/or atenolol result in a positive testing for meth from hair folicle?

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i kep testing positive for Meth, even though i do not use the drug, the only other thing i am taking is Ranitidine(generic for Zantac) for my ulcer...could that be causing a false positive???

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