Wellbutrin Forums (Page 8)
Recently active Wellbutrin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Wellbutrin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Will any of these meds (Wellbutrin 100mg, Desyrel 50mg, Risperdal 1mg and Buspar 10mg) cause you to fail a U/A? ## Actually, all 4 of the medications you listed have been known to cause false positives in urine screens for LSD and thus, I can only think that the problem may be even more pronounced if you were taking all 4 at the same time. Is there anything else I can help you with?
1 REPLY UpdatedEveryone, I was subscribed wellbutrin XL (150mg) about a year ago. I take it once a day along with 40mg of lexapro for severe depression and anxiety. A couple days ago (like an idiot) I decided to try and smoke the wellbutrin. PLEASE DO NOT LECTURE ME ON DRUG ABUSE - this thread is for help only please (and I plan on NEVER doing this again). I ended up smoking on the order of 11-12 pills. I have been unable to eat for the last 3 days. If I eat I always throw up. I also have painful chest congestion/phlegm. Mostly i'm worried i've damaged my lungs and/or throat with the vapors. Is this possible? Also, is it possible to be poisoned by this amount - if so can I safely wait it out at home? Please get back to me quickly. ## I'd suggest consulting a doctor, just to be on the safe ...
1 REPLY UpdatedI've had a major double depression for four years. I take 400 mg. of wellbutrin. For the first year this medication was augmented with. .25 mg. risperidone. It saved my life. i gradually weaned myself off the risperidone (VERY gradually!) and I did fine then without it. Apparantely, it was only need to kick-start the wellbutrin. Recently I began taking busperone for anxiety (10mg. twice daily.. very small amount). Since I began this new drug I have developed restless leg syndrome. I don't know if there is a connection or just a coincidence. I am reluctant to quit with busperone but if it could put an end to the RLS I would request another drug for anxiety. Once RLS has been triggered can it be arrested if I stop? I don't like to take any drugs, especially those that are habi...
4 REPLIES UpdatedIs is possible to use the two and feeling beter: Cym Gen 60mg Info & Wellbutrin ## Cymgen contains the active ingredient Duloxetine, both it and the Bupropion in the Wellbutrin are antidepressants. Has your doctor instructed you to take them both? If not, then it isn't advisable, because taking the Bupropion with the Duloxetine may increase the risk of dose related seizures. Thus, when a doctor does have someone using both of them, the dosages have to be carefully calculated and the person must be monitored on a regular basis.
1 REPLY Updatedwhat is this medication used for? ## Wellbutrin (bupropion) is an antidepressant medication. It works in the brain to treat depression. It can also be used as a smoking cessation aid. To view more information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
1 REPLY Updatedmy Doctor gave me a script for 150mg wellbutrine, to help me quit smoking, is it effective and what are the possible side effects from taking this medication? ## Wellbutrin contains the active ingredient Bupropion, which is the same medication that is in Zyban, which was marketed to help with smoking cessation, so yes, it may help. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, weight gain and elevated blood pressure. Learn more: Are there any other questions?
1 REPLY Updatedi am supposed to be taking wellbutrin and it i supposed to have 141 imprinted on the side, but the new refill has M B8 on the sides in black print? is this the same pill? ## Yes, this tablet contains 150mg of Buproprion ER, the active ingredient in Wellbutrin ER. Once a medications is available for generic production, it can be manufactured by many different companies and what you get from any given pharmacy, at any given time, depends on who was offering the cheapest at the time they needed to restock their supply of that particular medication. Do you have any other questions? ## This pill was distributed by our pharmacy as wellbutrin, but doesn't seem to have the right imprint...is this generic equivalent in amount of med released by the time release technology used by the particu...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI seriously would like to stop taking these prescription drugs. My E,N.T. did an ultra sound and found spasms from my vocal cords down to my esophagus.I have been using prescription drugs, that have made me very sick, . Tried every kind RX & specialest to acurpucture. Their diagnosis is P.T.S.D. from Katrina. Nothing has worked so far.. So perhaps it should be holistic? ## Any one , know about natural herbs, to replace antidepresant, Wellbutrin? ## stillsearching, I did respond to your other question in another post on here. The only herbal remedies that I am familiar with that may help are St. John's Wort and Valerian Root. St. John's Wort has been known for its antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects for many years, however, it cannot be taken with a prescription antidepre...
3 REPLIES UpdatedI was given enough medication from a doctor, to treas esophageal spasms, to bring me to wa state of oveious over medication. I have 600 mg. wellbutrin,chlord/cidi5-2.5 mg, Ryzolt 300 mg. tramadol 300 mg. diazepam5mg. tramadol hcl 50 mg. trazodone 100mg & chlorpromax 50 mg. So I am quiting this doctor. I have already deleted, the last 6, SO my question is I know I need an antidepresant, but I want the least amout of side effects. ANd no weight gain or spinning rooms! Any One have any Ideas. ????? ## Well, as to the question in your post title, the Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium are the active ingredients of Librax, so there is no difference. It's a combination medication that couples a Benzodiazepine, with an antispasmodic, this combination is most commonly used to treat intestin...
2 REPLIES Updatedwondering about pill appearance and markings /color on the canadian version ## Just as it is in the U.S. this medication is available as both a generic and name brand in Canada. This means there are many on the market and they will all have different markings. Can you post back with the markings on the tablet you are asking about, so I can look it up for you?
1 REPLY UpdatedWhat does the XR part of the subject RX mean? ## It is just one of several abbreviations used to denote that the medictaion is a sustained release or controlled release formulation. This means that instead of being released all at once, the tablet has been specially formulated to slowly release the active ingredient over the relevant number of dosing hours. Are there any questions or comments?
1 REPLY Updatedbigger than a asprin it is pink with black e or G onit with 415 found on floor in my home , not mine , whose ## E 415 contains 150mgs of Burproprion, the active ingredient in Wellbutrin, an antidepressant that is also used for smoking cessation. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight gain. Read more: Is there anything else I can help you with?
1 REPLY UpdatedDoes anyone know if albutrin helps in any way with Adult ADD? ## Did you mean Wellbutrin? It is an antidepressant and aid in smoking cessation. No, it is not approved or used to treat ADD. You can read more on it here: Is there anything else I can help you with?
1 REPLY Updatedwelbutrin xl ## Wellbutrin XL contains a time release formulation of Bupropion, an antidepressant that is also used to aid in smoking cessation. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache. You can read more here: Do you have any questions?
1 REPLY UpdatedI started on a form of Wellbutin and often I have hives and excessive itching. Should I continue the Wellbutin? ## Phyllis, I am responding to your message about you taking a form of wellbutin such as Bupropion and having hives as one of your side effects. Some side effects can be serious. If you are experiencing hives contact your doctor immediately. Also, please review the following internet page for further harmful side effects. It will tell you all you need to know about the medication and it's side effects! Good luck ## Yes, pruritis (itching) is a side effect of Wellbutrin. I had very itchy skin, horrible adult acne at 48, and oily greasy skin. I stopped taking Wellbutrin on my own and all of those symptoms were gone with 3 days.
2 REPLIES UpdatedJust wondering if weight gain is a side affect of willbutrin? ## Is weight gain a side affect of willbutrin? ## Common side effects while taking Wellbutrin (active ingredient Bupropion) are drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, headache, sweating, appetite loss, nausea, difficulty sleeping, weight changes, and vomiting. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
2 REPLIES Updatedcan I cut wellbutrin A133 in half to use. ## The white oval tablet with A133 is actually reported as Glyburide 5mg. Do you have any more information about your pill? Shape? color? Any other numbers or inscription? It will help me identify the right pill, so I can assist you better.
1 REPLY UpdatedWhite, oval-shaped pill with 44-385 printed on it. Any ideas? ## Well, it is definitely not Wellbutrin, this is a nonprescription drug, pills marked with an imprint starting with the number 44 are manufactured by LNK International and they only make over the counter products, that are then sold by various stores as the generics or store brands of items such as Tylenol, Benadryl, and etc. As to what this particular one is, I have not been able to find an ID on it, because over the counter items are not as strictly regulated in the US as prescription drugs.
1 REPLY Updated