UpdatedI've had a major double depression for four years. I take 400 mg. of wellbutrin. For the first year this medication was augmented with.
.25 mg. risperidone. It saved my life. i gradually weaned myself off the risperidone (VERY gradually!) and I did fine then without it. Apparantely, it was only need to kick-start the wellbutrin. Recently I began taking busperone for anxiety (10mg. twice daily.. very small amount). Since I began this new drug I have developed restless leg syndrome. I don't know if there is a connection or just a coincidence. I am reluctant to quit with busperone but if it could put an end to the RLS I would request another drug for anxiety. Once RLS has been triggered can it be arrested if I stop? I don't like to take any drugs, especially those that are habit forming but I absolutely need wellbutrin (am I addicted to this?? Each time I try to cut back on it the depression sets in immediately.) I am suspicious of the possibility that wellbutrin is preventing me from getting well. And I wonder if I am dependant on anxiety medication (busperone) now that I've been taking it for three months. In the beginning I had fully expected the assumed thatt the anxiety was a temporary condition as it had in the past but it seems when i try to cut back on the busperone now my anxiety is much worse than ever before. Is this drug keeping me from getting well? I am wary of pharmaceudical companies and have a suspicion that those two drugs are preventing me from getting well. I have never been dependent on any drug in the past and am frustrated and fear that as long as I am taking these drugs I don't have a chance of getting well. I realize that I have a lot of questions and concerns here but I really hope that someone has information about all these serious concerns. Pleeeease help.
4 Replies
Don't worry, if it helps, then take it. The 2009 phrase is dependent, not addicted...
It is not that it is a new phrase, it is that there is a different between addiction and dependence, by definition.
Addiction stems from abusing a medication, taking more and more of it, because you like the effects, such as getting high and sudden withdrawal can actually be very dangerous, possibly fatal.
Dependence just results from your using something regularly and your body getting used to having that substance. This can occur with anything you ingest on a regular basis, even your morning cup of coffee or orange juice. In this case, if you suddenly stop taking it, you will experience some withdrawal symptoms, but they are nowhere as near as severe as those suffered by an addict.
I have personal experience with this from coming off of narcotics on my own, after being in pain management for several years.
Anyone else with experience in this?
It was suggested I take Busperone and neurontin for depression and anxiety. In the past I have taken paxil, lexapro, sertraline, zoloft, xanax, and Cymbalta lastly. Every one of these caused me terrible side effects. I have been medication free tho have worked with my doctor in establishing a healthy diet and herbal supplements to ween me off the last. I have been doing moslty well except for struggling with occasional depression and yes there is still anxiety. It has been about a year now which i have been told and have found thru research that it takes about that time to get these classifications of meds out of ones system. I am 32 years old and my mom whom is a recent licensed pshychologist has suggested a formula that is homepathic that should work without the side effects It was suggested to her from a medical doctor while she was working on her dissertation. It is called ATTEND. I was identified as adhd and ptsd about a year ago as well. So i have ordered this and am awaiting its arrival, Am very hopeful yet a little nervous about this but willing to give it a try. Will let u know how it does if anyone is interested.