Weird / Bad Reaction To Propranolol
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I was recently prescribed propranolol, 10 mg, as needed for performance anxiety. Took it before a presentation I had to give two nights ago and it helped. The performance went really well. The next day, something strange happened. I began having a panic attack in a restaurant.
(I had one full-blown panic attack about 9 years ago and one near panic attack about 4 years ago, and these were both while I was having other significant issues in my life. Currently, I am in a very good place in life and have not had any problems with anxiety for quite a while, over 3 yrs).
Anyways, this was unfortunately not the end of it. I happened to have the propranolol on me and took one on my way home in the car. It helped, but the anxiety resurfaced that evening. Next day (today), I had about 3 or 4 near anxiety attacks, more like adrenaline rushes, dizzy, lightheaded, things around me feeling unreal, trouble breathing, flushing on my face, and the general nervousness that goes along with this stuff.
I cannot stress how odd this is for me. Even those other two times in the past were done deals when they were over. This feels like I am constantly on the verge of panic. What is going on?
I am really wondering if anybody else has experienced anything like this. It is true that I tend to be sensitive to medication, so I am thinking (hoping) that this is some weird effect of the propranolol and not just a new problem for me. Can't seem to find too much on the internet about this especially for people who have only taken it a few times like me. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi there, thanks for your response. Just to give you an update....I did talk to my doctor last night and she said that it is quite possible that it is the propranolol causing this reaction for me. She mentioned that some people are considered to be genetically "poor metabolizers" of medication and this could very well be the case for me. It is not surprising considering that I have always considered myself to be very sensitive to medication. Basically, very small doses will typically have an effect and with some medication, the side effects have been very strong, enough to make me discontinue them entirely. Seems like this may be the case with the propranolol.
It seems to have something to do with a particular group of liver enzymes, for propranolol, more specifically, it is the CYP2D6 enzyme. I also happen to be taking bupropion, which is an inhibitor of this enzyme. So, if I were already lacking in this enzyme and am also taking another medication that inhibits this enzyme....well, I guess it could be feasible that I could be having such a strange and strong reaction to such a small amount of propranolol.
All I can say is I hope this is the case because I sure don't want to be facing a new onset of an anxiety disorder! Actually, today seems to be somewhat better. I did skip my bupropion today though, so this might be helping me clear the propranolol. I hope so!
Anyways, I just wanted to follow up and leave this info. in case anybody else out there ever happens to experience something similar. At least they will know they're not alone!
I am considering trying atenolol instead of the propranolol though, as this is not metabolized in the liver, but by the kidneys, and may have some of the same effect in reducing my performance anxiety. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated....Thanks!

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Hello, Mrs. G! How are you doing? Sorry about the problem you've experienced with the Propranolol.

I did search several sources to look over the detailed side effect profile, but I also found nothing like this…….however, it has been known to cause depression in some people that take it, which leads me to suspect that it has some type of an effect on brain chemicals and/or neurons, so it causing other issues isn't to far of a stretch, in my opinion.

Learn more Propranolol details here.

Have you consulted your doctor about the issue?

I know using these types of medications is the new trend, since they aren't habit forming, but it just might not be right for everyone.

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