Weight Gain On Pristiq? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on Pristiq now since November of 2008...not quite 5 months...and I have put on 15 lbs since starting it. DESPITE working out with a trainer at the gym twice a week weight training, 3 days a week of cardio AND counting calories. My doc assured me that I would also have a decreased appetite on Pristiq, which I have yet to find true...so he has now increased my dosage to 400 mg. Does anyone have anything to add to this?? I'm just frustrated!
I'm really relieved to see that I am not the only person gaining weight on Pristiq. I've been on it for about a year now and have gained a total of 25 lbs. My doctor keeps telling me it's probably not the Pristiq that is causing the weight gain, but I feel differently. I know my body!! As for the depression, I feel better since taking it. My sex drive, however has suffered tremendously, which was great when I didn't need the temptation but now I am married and my poor husband has to deal with a newlywed with no sex drive! He's a trooper though. Although when I forget to take it, I pay for it big time. I feel extremely dizzy and lose my balance easily. I've convinced my doctor recently to let me slowly get off Pristiq and she has agreed. I really feel like the weight gain is too much of a negative side effect so we are looking to alternative treatments. Anyhow, I hope my comments help someone else. All of the comments posted that I've read have helped reassure me that weight gain on this drug is very possible despite what the experts say.
I, too, have actually gained weight while on Pristiq. I don't understand because everything I read indicates that I should have a loss of appetite. That is not how it is for me. Gaining wgt and getting more depressed about it.
I gained 17 pounds in 5 months on cymbalta, switched to pristiq and lost 5 pounds in the first week. I have absolutely no appetite. I only eat because I know that I have to.
Today is my 10th day on Pristiq. I feel better than I have in years. Although I do not have a decreased appetite like others report. I am hungry most of the time. I feel like I am on a diet pill instead of a antidepressant pill. I feel very energetic. I have been having mild headaches and I have a hard time sleeping but I still feel better than I have in 2 years. I am not depressed at all. Before taking the pristiq I cried almost everyday about everything. So far it is great! I hope I don't gain alot of weight. Has anyone else been hungry?????
hello. i quit pristiq and now i gained weight super quick - like 20 pounds in a month! has anybody else had symptoms like this? i quit because i got even more depressed on pristiq - i was so zoned out, wanted to sleep all day, etc more withdrawn but now i hate the weight gain! help! what can i do????
I have been on Prestiq for a couple of months and have gained at least 15 lbs. After reading what others have written, I think I will slowly get off and see if I lose any weight. The extra weight is making me even more depressed!
Like I said, I am hungry all the time but have not gained weight at all. I do take armour thyroid medicine daily. My thyroid was radioactivated about 11 years ago so it does not work. I was hyperthyroid but now it is the opposite without the pill. Time will tell.
I am a male in my late 40's and have been on various antidepressants for 4 years for overwhelming fatigue and irritability. Most recently was switched (for some reason, even though they are very similar) from Effexor to Pristiq which I have been on for one year. Had all kinds of blood work done and nothing shows up (although borderline iron and testosterone levels). I think the doctor is grasping at straws and has gone this easy route. What is funny is that I am still excessively tired, I just don't blow up at people now. Success? I have gained 15 lbs in those 4 years which is substantial (went from 145 to 160). Most of the weight is in my belly area which looks ridiculous--thin guy with a beer belly. I am also usually constipated and feel very bloated, like I just ate a Thanksgiving meal even though I ate very little. I tried quitting cold turkey about a month ago but was ready to bite people's heads off after only 1-1/2 weeks off of it. I had to start back up in order to keep the peace.
I am thinking this vicious cycle may be caused by an undiagnosed sleep disorder and have finally received doctor's approval for a sleep study. I almost forgot to mention loss of libido, loss of interest in most activities, inability to orgasm, back acne, drowsiness at work, getting winded with just mild activity, need for naps everyday, etc ever since being on Effexor & Pristiq. Sorry, I would not recommend these to anybody. I am going to switch docs soon as I told my doctor all these side effects and he somehow felt that this was still the best med for me. Hmm...
I feel so much better after reading the latest comments after my comment that I gained weight from Pristiq. I gained it and I gained it quick and I hate it! Alot in my waist which sucks! And no sex drive, sleepy all the time, super high blood pressure. I had to wean off of Pristiq and it sucked - worst withdrawal symptoms but so glad to be off of it. I have to get rid of this weight the slow way of working out, I really want to take some medicine or something natural to help lose weight quicker but I'm afraid to after going thru the issues with Pristiq. My family doctor thought I was going to have a heart attack when I came in for a check up - I had to get my blood pressure checked a few times to make sure it was the right reading and I had to go back in the next day because they were scared! Pristiq is a derivative of Effexor and I gained weight on Effexor, I was promised I wouldn't on Pristiq but I did and I think it just depends on each person on how their body reacts to the medicine. But I would say, overall, I gained 60 pounds which sucks! I gained even after I quit like in 2 weeks, I did the same with Effexor. so weird how a body reacts to medicine.
I have been on Pristiq for less than a year and have gained 25 pounds - making me more depressed! The sex drive is in the toliet! I thought it was just me, I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one. I did talk to my doctor about 2 months into this drug and he said that the weight gain of about 5lbs couldn't be the pristiq and I was still at a good BMI but NOT anymore! I'm exercising, never eat desserts and still gain weight!
I got the worst withdrawel symptoms . ...even if a hour or so late id be so dizzy and felt nausea and could not concerntrate on aanything till i took it.....was horrible, im now on zoloft and much happier :D NO WEIGHT GAIN!!!!
i was switched to pristiq a few months ago and just recently wellbutrin was added - i take 1 of each pill per day - it has done nothing to me in gaining weight - i am continuously losing but i have some emtional things going on right now which i believe the weight loss is contributed too - unfortunately i have run into many that have caused weight gain - i weigh approximately 80 more than i did before i got sick - not fun - thank god for the pills but they can be depressing in themselves at times with the side effects
I was on Pristiq for 4 months and I gained 20 pounds. I recently stopped taking and I'm OK. Me gaining the weight added to the depression. I just started working out and that has helped lower the anxiety.
I jus turned 23 I used to weigh 115 too MAYBE 125 since i was 16. i started pristiq october 2014. it helped me TREMEDOUSLY mentally wise and i had tried it all but i have been rapidly gaining weight. ive gained 30 pounds no matter how ive changed my dieting and excercising. Finally about 3 wks ago me n my Dr said this is ridiculous we have to take u off. So I've been on Welbutrin for about 3 weeks and today we just upped it again bc emotionally its not helpin as well as the Pristiq except sleep wise. On Pristiq i wouldnt fall asleep til the sun was comin up. BUT my question is, how long did anyone really notice you're cravings and metabolism speeding up getting off of that crap!!!!!
I am going to start Pristiq in two weeks (have to get off MOAI) Now I am scared to death. I CAN NOT gain anymore weight!
There are a few crucial things to remember about ADs (antidepressants):
1. Different people will have radically different responses to the same drug; for example, I gained 35 lb on Cymbalta, but a close friend who has been on it for years has gained no weight. I lost weight on Zoloft, but another poster gained on it. Zoloft made me so anxious/jumpy that I stopped taking it; two of my friends have been on it for years with no adverse effects.
2. Please do not EVER stop taking these meds cold-turkey -- that's very dangerous, and you'll feel awful. You MUST lower the dose gradually and over several weeks. Please talk to your dr. about stopping any AD.
3. Every depressed woman should have her thyroid checked; there is a fairly common condition whereby untreated thyroid problems lead to drug-resistant depression. That ain't good! Have your doctor send you to a lab to have your thyoid checked, preferably while you're not taking an AD.
4. No one really knows 100% how these drugs work; the Pristiq commercial itself states that Pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two neurotransmitters. Diagnostic tests that will help drs. pinpoint exactly which AD will work for which patient are years away. That's why so much trial and error is involved with ADs. And that can be frustrating. But please don't give up -- many people have good results on ADS. You just have to find a dr. -- a psychiatrist who is a psychopharmacologist -- who specializes in these drugs and knows how to combine them for maximum benefit. Your internist, no matter how good an internist, doesn't have the specialized training to help you with this.
5. Any dr. who pooh-poohs your concerns about weight gain or other side effects is, frankly, a bad dr., one who hasn't done his/her homework. (As noted above, these powerful drugs work differently on different people, and even a drug that is classified as weight-neutral -- won't cause weight gain in most people -- will cause weight gain in some.) Find a dr. who really knows these drugs and who LISTENS to his/her patients, takes their concerns seriously, and works WITH them to find the best solution.
6. Don't give up. You may have to try a lot of different ADs before you find the one, or the combo, that works for you. Don't view this as wasted time; after all, if you were taking nothing, you'd be feeling crummy.
7. I gained weight on some SSRIs/SNRIs and lost weight on others. (I gained on Prozac, Celexa, Effexor, and Cymbalta; lost on Zoloft and Lexapro.) When I stopped taking the gainers, the weight gradually came off and stayed off (until the next SSRI gain!); with exercise, the weight came off faster. I'm now taking 5-HTP (a precursor to serotonin) and my weight loss has stopped, although I'm not regaining. The point is, there is *abundant* anecdotal evidence from people who actually take these serotonergic ADs (ADs that affect the levels of serotonin in our brains) that they cause weight gain in some people, and increased appetite isn't necessarily the culprit, though it can be. So: If you're considering taking one of these drugs, don't let other people's experiences deter you -- you might have side effects, including weight gain, but you might not. If the drug doesn't work for you, talk to your dr. and try another. And make sure you have a great dr. who knows about ADs and who listens to/works with you.
Good luck to all of us!
Just wanted to add my experience. Have been on pristiq for 2 years and have gained 25lbs even though my diet is good and hasn't changed since going on it. Have recently gone off it and am starting to lose the weight thank god as I was already overweight to begin with :( the brain zaps and dizziness has been yuck but bearable since going off it but worth it. My sex drive has increase since going off it too just wanted to share my experience as I felt really lost confused and alone with the unexplained weight gain whilst on it and didn't realise anyone else had reacted to it like me.
So after my dr telling me recently that it can't be pristiq preventing the weight loss given that it was out of my system for three months I lost my mind. I know my body and know my weight loss capabilities. So frustrated. How could so many of us be wrong? A friend put me in touch with a naturopath who made soooooo much sense. The naturopath had been on pristiq years ago and had experienced the weight gain that so many of us had and decided to investigate leading her to this new career. She completely understands what we've been through! Anyway I'm so excited and hopeful that there may be answers now. It seems that this drug played with my digestion in particular my spleen. So now I've got a plan to heal my spleen through a very strict diet (starting with 30 days of paleo then slowly introducing some carbs dairy etc back in to see how my digestion will react) I'm also to continue exercise and I'm on supplements / herbs I've had fantastic results with acupuncture in the past so I will also be having specific spleen healing treatment through acupuncture. After a few days and one acupuncture session I'm feeling amazing! I've promised her I won't obsess over the scales so I've had my husband hide them. I'm weighing in at the end of the 30 days. I hope this is it because I'm already feeling a little leaner. I hope it's not my imagination.
I have been off pristiq 50 for a month now, and the headaches have finally disappeared. I weaned myself quite quickly, 3 days on, 2 days off for 2 weeks, then decided to get off tablets completely. I had nausea, headaches and lightheadedness for 4 weeks after that but was determined to get pristiq out of my system. I am taking probiotics to get my insides working properly. My weight is nearly back to normal. No more fat belly, thick waist and bloated stomach. My depression was only mild. Don't know if good to get off quickly for people with serious depression. Feel so much better now. So don't give up.
Yes, you are gaining weight because of Pristiq. My doctor told me that this is not a side effect, but I have gained 32 lbs. in one year. I am disgusted with myself. I tried Weight Watchers, and haven't been able to do anything other than go up and down the same pound every few weeks. I've eaten far worse in the past, and I truly believe Pristiq is to blame. As a result, I'm going Tuesday to find out my options. This weight gain is making me more depressed than I have been in years. And I'm not grazing all day long. I'm just plain frustrated.
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