Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 8)


Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.

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Sydney. I'm curious why you had to use the name brand. I know it's very expensive I would have to pay over $500 for my prescription. what was wrong with the Sandoz?

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Sandoz is ok but seemed to make me a little depressed. But the depression could also be from the winter darkness. I wanted to try brand name. I've had it at the hospital (though a really high dose for me) I haven't received it yet from my mailorder pharmacy through my insurance, waiting on it still while I take Sandoz (found a pharmacy that has it but my insurance isn't covered at Walgreens)

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same here. I ve been on ranbaxy off and on for 12 years they always stopped the anxiety attacks and helped with my severe ptsd and insomnia. I am petite and weigh like 105 pounds and i can not feel the qualitest at all! I've taken three- 2mg and I only feel horrid. I hate mylan they make me feel sick. I know it sounds weird because its just a brand change-but this sudden pull off -of the ONLY med that has worked for me and for a long time- this sudden no more ranbaxy is messing up my life! I cant eat or sleep, and I did have my panic attacks under control-not now!Hope seizures don't start again!Its been a nice 10 yr run without one! My psych doc today told me to go just to a local compound pharmacy and i'm beginning to think she is right.
After all most of us know once a generic is FDA approved they often start doing weird fillers,and of course whatever is cheap!Fact is FDA never checks them again! I am so sick of this! I think we should get a warning before they do a sudden pull of their normal anxiety seizure brands. hell offer us the name brand! haha.....well here's me wishing ranbaxy pharmaceuticals gets it together! *big pharma is my abusive husband*

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I spoke to Ranbaxy yesterday. It will take 2 to 3 years for the FDA to approve a new supplier for the active ingredient. Their former supplier cannot supply them anymore for some reason. They cannot sell Lorazepam until then.

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Sandoz did not stop manufacturing Lorazepam.. I get in every 30 days...The potency from what I have read is questioned at times.....but they are there Walgreens carries Sandoz

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Has anyone tried switching from ativan to Klonopin as i read they both have the same effects?

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Yes, Ranbaxy IS discontinuing Lorezapam, I called them directly, and they told me. They really helped me in many stressful situations for over 15 years. (not everyday) I'm taking Qualitest, and they are not as good. I'm trying to get the name brand Ativan, through a letter from my doctor requesting I have to take that, because of my anxiety disorder, and nothing else works. Not covered by insurance, and yes, $500.00 a bottle for 60. It's outrageous!

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1MG Sandoz Ativan for the last three months have been sooooo much stronger than before. I've filled at Walgreens for the last three years and noticed a difference. Emailed Sandoz and they phoned me up but of course wouldn't say anything but thanks for making them aware. 1 - 1mg pill felt like 2mg!

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I too was taking Ranbaxy Lorazepam for 5 years, 2mg used 2 at night, had one for daytime anxiety if needed. My #1 problem is chronic insomnia. My tolerance increased in the first few years, but I've been at this dosage and stabilized there. Gave me back a well rested normal life. Last month picked up my script at CVS, and it was Qualitest. What a monster Qualitest made out of this medication! I turned it in and transferred to Costco who carried Watson. I did not know the generic hell I was entering. I'm anxious with it or without it, sleeping 2 maybe 3 hrs if lucky. It does nothing except make me feel awful. I'm probably in withdrawal, and over a month soo sleep deprived, I'm not functioning at all and barely able to leave the house, so scattered and unfocused I don't want to drive. I've spent the last week on the computer researching pharm companies, trying to learn who all the generic manufacturers (U.S. & real pharmacies, not mail order kind), and the limited pharmacies where I live (Big Island, Hawaii) are just several, all dispensing the same few horrible brands. CVS & Kmart, Qualitest! Costco, Target & 2 small local owned pharms are Watson. Then there's only 2 other small local pharms that have Sandoz. But here's the kicker, like kick in the teeth! Watsons pills still have their imprint on it, and on the pill bottle Watson is the listed manufacturer, but Watson is no more... They've been absorbed by Activis, and are made by Activis. Which we're all finding out is trash! And if that's not bad enough, Sandoz is also no more, and yet the pills are imprinted Sandoz, bottle says Sandoz, and it's Activis now, like Watson. When I call these different pharmacies and ask what brand of Lorazepam they have, they'll say oh, we have Watson, or Sandoz. No mention those companies don't even really exist any more. So,,,, Just fyi, hope this clears up some questions for some people, some of you already know this. I'll tell you reading these and other forums, and hours of web searches to find this out, I know I'm at a brick wall, pinned in a corner, let the withdrawal fun begin, well it already has actually. I'll use the last refill of Watson to slowly taper down, ask my Dr. for a script of Ambien, and hope I don't sleep drive to the volcano, ha ha, I'm not laughing. The next time I have enough energy I've got a lot to say to the FDA. Everybody shout-out and write or call in your complaints. I know Activis is deliberately hiding by not openly putting their logo and manufacturer ID on the meds. Doing things sneaky, because they know they'll have customers walking away, and if the pharmacies really know they're not telling! It's gonna hurt like hell, but I'm getting off this and similar medications, because the whole generic world can't be trusted. Aloha all, and best of luck.

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Watson and Ranbaxy are bogus. Used Sandoz last two years no problems. Switched to Watson and got withdrawal symptoms. Same with Ranbaxy. I, too will be searching for a decent mnfr. I've the FDA is like a dime waiting on a dollar when compared to these mnfctr's. And not likely to do anything about lorazepam because its abused. Best of luck to us. I will be checking back here.

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Atavis and Watson are the same look at the pill from eith company they both say watson

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I have been taking watson ativan for years. The pill is numbered 241. When you get the bottle now it says Actavis but also says Watson because Watson bought Actavis. As long as the pill says 241 you are getting the Watson brand. They sold the Actavis brand to Sandoz.

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Yes, have used for about 10 years and always worked well. Recently my pharmacy switched brands to Watson which do not work as well. Have tried two other brands, Sandoz and one other, neither work as well as the Ranbaxy brand but can not find anywhere.

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Thanks, did not know available at RiteAid.

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I was taking Ranbaxy 1mg for 2 years and I was anxiety free. Without knowing the generic was changed to Mylan I started having anxiety again. If I took more I would end up depressed. Depression is not one of my normal emotions. But I was really depressed! I don't know what to do now. Can someone please tell me if I can get Rambaxy 1 mg tables of lorazepam anywhere in Florida?

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I have been on 2 mg of Ativan 20+ years & since the beginning of 2014 I am experiencing exactly the same symptoms that you state from lorazepam. I have tried 3 manufacturers Mylan, Ranboxy & Ativis with the same result. Two of these companies make their pills in India & the third in New Jersey. The 20% differential which these generics offer delivers panic attacks! nocturnal seizures & high anxiety to me that is almost unbearable. I am 66 years old & I am using up my life savings on brand only ativan at $3000 a year. Keep searching for an answer. Does anyone know of a different med that is similar to ativan?

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I don't know another drug that is similiar, but have you asked your doctor to authorize the name brand due to dangerous side effects? I have tried different manufacturers of Ativan and I too had side effects similiar to yours: panic attacks (duh..its suppose to stop the panic attacks), depression, and stomach aches (I am allergic to milk and the generics use dairy as a filler) Ativan works for me. On blue cross I was paying 80 dollars for 90 day supply of name brand. My insurance just changed and they want to charge me 700 dollars for 90 day supply of name brand. So besides needing to change doctors I now have to try and get this authorized at a decent price. So keep fighting insurance and ask the doctor to help to lower the price. Call the manufacturer and see if they can help out . I am still in the process of going to a new doctor and they are aware of my plight. So I will let you know when I get this settled one way or another. Maybe Obama would like to pay for our meds?

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Sydney, Thanks for response. I to have a milk allergy. I also have an allergy to MSG & artificial sweeteners which will cause seizure like symptoms at night & serious stomach pain until I process tt out of my body. I think our cases are very similar. I am going through the same neurologist search looking for a doctor who understands & cares about my problem. I have Express Scripts & I pay approx $600 for a 90 day supply of brand only Ativan. Keep in touch. {edited for privacy}

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Went on RX website (can't remember which one) but it gave ingredients and Ativan also has lactose mono-hydrate. But I don't seem to be having any stomach aches with this name brand Ativan. My appointment with my new doctor is on Tuesday. So I will soon find out if I can get this medication at a reasonable cost. I did research what other meds are similar. I didn't save the information but just do a search online. It will give you other meds that are for panic and anxiety. There are only a few that fall under this symptom. But again why should we have to change when one is working ?

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Excellium Manufacturing Produces Lorazapam in all Strenghts .5--1-2 etc//The best product out for stability and consistency.

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