Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 7)


Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.

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Yes, have been on Lorazepam made by Ranbaxy for about 8 yrs. and have had no problem with it. But now my pharmacy tells me that it is not available anymore because Ranbaxy has stopped producing it. I have tried Sandoz, but it does not work for me. I am going to try the Watson brand hoping it will work as well as the Ranbaxy brand name.

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i have moved to the north and here it is very hard to get what was working for you! i have been getting ativan from watsons and they do nothing for me so going to turn back to sandoz, one thing everyone must remember ativan works different for different problems, i use it for meniers , i have suffered for 7 months and could not understand why or what was the cause just found out some pharmasuticals are changing ingreadients, i wish all well and check out what you are taking

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i was also told by my pharmacist ranbaxy is discontinuing maunufacturug of ativan. i tried qualitest, it was "OK", now am going to try mylan-wish me luck.

BTW, just to check it out, i asked my doc to write me a prescription for ativan from wyeth. $550 for 150 tabs from rite aid. unreal!!

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I have used Ranbaxy successfully for about a year and a half since my new plan wouldn't allow me to purchase actual brand. Suddenly my pharmacy change my refill to Qualitest. Gave me headaches and made me anxious. My pharmacy found Ranbaxy for me but was told that was my last refill since it's not available in the U S anymore. I don't want problems like I had with Qualitest. Any suggestions which brand of generic is closest to Ranbaxy? Wish I was still able to get Ativan brand as nothing has worked as well for me.

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good luck, i think i speak for some if not most people, i use to take activus, it worked like no other but since sandoz bought the medication, they watered it down to where it is worthless, i myself tried just about everything on the market and most are pathetic, i use watkins only because its the best of a bad lot, one thing i have noticed while reading some of these comments is that it appears that once your body gets use to a certain brand of lorazepam, anything else just doesn't work, it seems that i can remember only one person who claimed that any of the lorazepams works for them, (of course i had to wonder why this person was on this site if all the lorazeallows the genetic a lot of pams worked for him), but if you read all the comments you have to come to the conclusion that the FDA, that worthless group of government waste allows allows companies a lot of room to make this product in ways that allow the medication to be almost totally worthless, if the FDA had any guts they would allow no substitutions from the name brand, that way there would never be a need for sites like this, all i can tell you is to ask your doctor to have patience with you and allow you to try each of the makers of lorazepam for two weeks and change until you find one that works for you, i read everyone of these comments because what we are discussing is a quality of life issue and its really sad that we have to even talk about this problem but until the medication companies are brought into line, we have to discuss this amongst ourselves because there is no one we can rely on, good luck and keep reading the comments, by the way, i think you can pass on sandoz, i have yet to hear one person say anything about the new sandoz and if i do i have no doubt that would have some connection to sandoz itself, the product is terrible

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Lorazepam ativan I received a phone call from sandoz today and they informed me that there product has not changed only the style on the pill yes i do think i was told that they bought actavis but i was assured that the ingredients are still the same, i have been taking a watson and is giving me withdrawls not good so next refill going back to sandoz i wish everyone the best of luck i was really surprized that i received a phone call from them so soon as i just emailed them yesterday ill be back to let you know if the sandoz is working for me so everyone take care.

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ativan - here is a link that may be helpful: dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/lookup.cfm?ndc=00781537101.

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the sandoz representatives will only tell you what the company wants them to say, i talked to the sandoz and activus people at least four times and they told me only what they were suppose to tell you, if you try the sandoz, please let us here on the forum know the results, have not heard one person claim that the sandoz product is more than a sugar pill, as i had said earlier, i was on activus for over ten years with not one problem but the first order under the sandoz name and instant insomnia, that was no accident, there was a change but if they admit that they changed anything, then they have to report it to the FDA, not that they would do anything, good luck and don't give up on finding the right product for yourself

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I used Ranbaxy for a long time and did well on it. I was always happy and in a good mood. then my pharmacy changed to Sandoz and I became depressed and nervous. And started taking slightly more each day. I told them about it and they just sent me Watson. I was hoping for the Ranbaxy again, but after reading these posts I now hope the Watson will be a good choice. So confusing and I feel the same way as most of you: Why change something that is working for everyone? Ok And I get it....it always boils down to money. UGH!

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Sydney and others. following up on my post number 124. my pharmacist told me today that she has had other customers who have had problems with several generic brands. she said she carries Watson because of theircomplaints. Since I was owed some pills from my last Ranbaxy refill she gave me the Watson brand. I'll try them on my next weekend days off. I hope it will be ok and will let you all know. Anyone out there had problems with Watson?

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I've been taking Lorazepam for almost 30 years and I know exactly what you are talking about. I picked up my new script and The Manufacture was RAN and Walmart Decided to change Labs and gave me Watson and I feel like the pills from Watson are not working for me . I did find out that any Meds coming from China and Asia oversea's the pills do not even have what they are soposed to have in them. I heard on The News that Specialist's have found Metal in the Generic Meds And No Medication at all only bad things that can hurt us and even possibility kill us! They said Do Not! buy your meds on the internet! and Always make sure the meds you get are made in the USA only. Only buy your meds That are Manufactured in the USA....

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I was taking Ranbaxy generic Loranzepam for a couple of years with no problems. They were fine. Then CVS changed my prescription with generic Qualitest brand and these are just absolute garbage. Made me dizzy, Didnt feel right, slightly more anxious than usual and have me insomnia. After 3 days of this crap I had enough and demanded the pharmacist replace this cheap knock off medication with the old Ranbaxy pills that worked better for me. Speak up and complain. The employees and pharmacist agreed with me that this is happening a lot right now. They are switching generics on a lot of medication to cut costs. Getting cheaper pills because they're buying in bulk. This is absolute nonsense. Big Pharm screwing over patients by providing inferior medications. I'm no longer using CVS because now they are only carrying these Qualitest junk pills.

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ativan well i went to the doctors today and had a urian test the doctor checked it and said there were no -benzodiazepin found in my body and that was watson i was taking. , no wonder i have been so ill going through withdrawls bad,i now have ativan from sandoz, ill be back to let you know how the sandoz brand is working for me ,
hope the best for every one have a good day!

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I heard on the news that RANBAXY MFR. are no longer in business, kapoop, so that's why CVS probably had to change MFR's. At least QUALITEST is made in the U.S.A. but I really don't like them.

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Joe, you ask me to get back with this forum after i found out how things are working much better thank you , lots of meds are being changed so make sure that what you are getting are made in U.S.A anything else the f.d.a cant do anything, well the sandoz seems to be working for me, and like i said not all ativan brands works for all people hope all goes well for everyone have a great day!!!

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im sorry i should have given a NDC # for the sandoz 2 mg (ativan) 00781-5408-01.

Hope everyone best wishes

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Actavis is Watson

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You are correct Ricky. When I get my lorazapam now is has the name Actavis on it but the watson pills which is what I want because they work for me.

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I tried the Watson brand over the weekend. it made me jittery. Thankfully I still have some of the Ranbaxy. I'm not sure where to go from here except to try another manufacturer. If only my insurance would pay for the ativan name brand all my problems would be solved.

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I finally tried the Watson and felt gittery like it wasn't working. It also made me very thirsty and coated tongue. I stopped and went back to Sandoz and then tried it again the following day just to be sure it wasn't due to something else. Same symptoms. So had to go back to my doctor( he charged for for a visit and copay!) Getting brand name now through insurance mailorder. Very expensive! And had to go to Walgreens to get the Sandoz for a small supply until they can process my mailorder. So this has cost me a lot of extra money because they switched the brand on me!

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