Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 6)


Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.

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Hi Mary...When you say you are taking the Watson brand is it being ordered as Watson or Activas, since Watson changed their name to Ativas..So sorry for all the questions, I just felt so horrible last night on the Mylan I want to get something that will work..Thanks again, Debbie

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I am getting the same watson pills I always got. I found out that watson bought activis and I wanted nothing to do with the activis ativan. Watson told me they were not changing their brand of ativan in fact they sold the activis ativan formula to Sandoz so you definitely don't want that one. When I order my Watson ativan I always ask for the watson brand and that is what I get. You will notice on the prescription label it says Activis because thats their new name but it will also say watson brand with the number on the pill. I hope you find one that works.

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the old activus lorazepam was sold to Sandoz, which mutilated the product so they could make more money on it, but watson and activus are one now so if you order the lorazepam from the activus company you will get the old watson brand, its easy to get confused, if the FDA wasn't in the pocket of the medication companies, these kinds of problems wouldn't exist, you just can't have this many problems if the main ingrediant in a medication is suppose to be like the name brand, its obvious the companies are tweeking the products to see if they can make more money from their product, even the original ativan was suppose to be an excellent product til it got sold and the new company did what sandoz did to the activus lorazapam, you just have to have a patient doctor who will allow you to go through the maze of companies out their, mylan seems to have the worst reputation but for me, sandoz takes the cake, i have been on watson since stopping activus and its not great but it is better than nothing, good luck, but don't give up just keep trying til you find one that gives you what you need to maintain

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Debbie this is the information you give to your pharmacist to be sure you get the correct medication. The NCI# is 00591-0241-01, the # on the pill is 241. I got the NCI# from Watson. Just tell your pharmacist you only want the watson brand and if he needs the above information you can give it to him. When I get my prescriptions it has the Watson brand and there is a 241 on the pill but you will also see the name Activis on the label because that is their new name. You will find the NCI # on the packaging that your pills come in. Watson sold the activis brand to Sandoz so you don't want anything with their name on it. I hope this helps.

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Hi..Thanks Mary..I did get them from Pharmaca..The pill says watson on one side and 240 and then .5 on the other side..Definitely feel better on these than the Mylan.Now I am supposed to start liquid Celexa on Sunday..Keeping my fingers crossed that it will help me..thanks again

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Ranbaxy Lorazepam 2mg. works good for me too, but CVS has changed MFR. they are now using QUALITEST. I feel awful, waking up with a headache, feeling like I've been doping all night and feeling droggy. I was able to take Ranbaxy during the day if I had an anxiety or panic attack and not feel drugged out, I felt refreshed in the morning and had energy, not with these though.

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CVS does not use Mylan or Ranbaxy mfr.'s for Lorazepam anymore, they have changed to QUALITEST. No good in my opinion, Ranbaxy worked well for me although the original brand Ativan by mfr. WYETH was the best.

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I just found out that Walgreens carry the Sandoz brand, I have been going to CVS and getting the RANBAXY for the past 20 yrs. now they have changed to QUALITEST, awful makes me jittery, itching, feel like something is crawling on my skin and in my head all the time, driving me crazy, I take 2mg. but now I break these in half because of the bad reactions can't wait till I'm finished with them if I continue. Can't get my refill until next month, going to transfer to Walgreens, might as well smoke Medical Marijuana and RANBAXY is mfr. in India, we don't what we're getting.

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Ranbaxy is being discontinued..

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Ranbaxy is not stopping production of lorazepam. That is false information. Please don't post your lies here. Take it somewhere else.

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There are a lot of threads complaining about Actavis brand...especially people like myself who have been taking the generic Percocet from Watson for years, then all of a sudden, Actavis takes over Watson and BAMB! next script we all go pick up from the pharmacy, go home and open up the bag to find out its some other kind...Did the pharmacist not think to tell the customers who were there to pick up their monthly refill that its a different manufacturer this time? There really should be a law or policy to prevent the patient from being blindsighted like that. They know once you leave that counter, theres no returning the medicine. I almost feel like the pharmacies do it on purpose...especially knowing what I know as of tonight. I found an article on the web about how Actavis is not going to make the Watson generic Percocet anymore. They are replacing it with their generic oxycodone that is non habit forming because of whatever it is that they put in other generic percocets. This way, their version cannot be abused by addicts who break em or insufflate em or however they break em down and make them more potent. The kind theyre using starting as of January 2014 has to be taken whole. Theyre trying to get the FDA to approve this medicine. They haven't so far. The article read as if its out on trial now and us Watson generic users are the trial dummies. NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS AT ALL! Its well known when your on a particular medicine for along period of time, your body will start to go thru withdrawal, making you sick throughout. On top of that, you have your pain to deal with which is now intensified, then you have to find a new med that works for you with the least amount of side effects, which is basically trial and error...for a pharmacy. company to do that is not a good sign. They must be doing the same thing with other meds across the board. I know myself and people on other threads have been calling the FDA and complaining, which we all need to do if youre having problems with Advantis, this way they never get the approvals theyre looking for and hopefully, with enough complaints, will have no option but to go back making the Watson version of the meds they tried to replace. We have also been calling the company Advantis directly and complaining about the medicine...you all can google their website and find the number. A bunch of us have also been calling 800 walgreens and making complaints about Advantis, then telling them you want your information to be sent to the main office that deals with all walgreens pharmacies...They will ask you for your walgreens location cause they will forward your info to that location to call you but they have no say or anything to do with what comes to the store and from where so you have to specify NOT A LOCAL STORE. But to all who are having Advantis related issues..PLEASE CALL ALL THE ABOVE! I hope you all are able to find something that works

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totally uncalled for, if a person gets information that they believe is true it should posted without comments like yours, try finding another site that will tolerate your attitude, the people on this site are looking for answers

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Excuse me Joe? Im giving information to people who haven't come across it yet so they know why the actavis isn't working. There are tons of threads on this site complaining how actavis isn't working and/or making them sick. I just read an article yesterday that could explain why and im sharing the info so people understand what is going on with the actavis brand. None of the pharmacies warned anyone that they were using a different brand when they picked up their medicine . When your meds are switched, you body goes through withdrawals. ...especially since actavis has totally changed their formula. That isn't right. Now because we weren't informed when we picked up our meds, we are stuck with the medicine that is not working and making us ill from side effects until we are due for another refill. If these people who are having issues with the actavis brand dont inform actavis, the FDA, and walgreens of their experience, then actavis will continue making the meds that everyone is having problems with, the FDA will approve the actavis meds, and wslgreens will continue to use them. Everyone is here to find snswers, seek advise, and see what others have experienced. I posted what info I came across on the internet about what actavis is doing so those who are having issues with actavis..(.and there are many) can understand why. There is nothing wrong with what I posted. You dont make any sense in gettin upset at what I wrote? If you're not having any problems with your meds, are not looking for others to chime in with opinions, knowledge, or advise, then why would you be here? The only one with an attitude is u buddy. Omg..I just read a comment u posted where u called actavis garbage, you wrote how patients well being is secondary to pharmacies and wrote about what info u came across on the threads here and shared it......so what is ur issue with what I wrote when it is the same as what u wrote? I dont know if ur having a bad day....but go bother somebody else...what ur doing is very uncalled for and hypocritical

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Just spoke with a company in Athens Greece. You can order generic Ativan from them at half price the name brand. The manufacturer is called CYRIL and they are located in India. Never used this brand before, but I have been using name brand for over 25 years and the generics just don't work for me. Tried several generic mfg, not good. But not, no pharmacy is carrying name brand, and telling me they can't get name brand, and difficult now to even get generic. Have anyone out there ever tried the CYRIL mfg?

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I post on here a lot, sorry for spam, but wanted to let you guys know:

So, even though I was, in general, saying that there shouldn't be a huge difference between generics, I'll say this. I just got a refill and I have had Ranbaxy for the last 2 or 3 years. The 3-4 years before that I had a combination of Ranbaxy, Mylan (sucks), Watson, Sandoz, and maybe one other one. Anyway, I just got Watson, and there is a noticeable difference. It's "night and day."

I won't speak to the effectiveness because to be honest, the bulk of my anxiety is actually only at night from benzo withdrawal. However, when I took the Watson last night, I noticed 2 things. 1) It's not NEARLY as "intoxicating," in regards to fog and sleepiness. I would say that this alone is a good thing. 2) I felt like I fell asleep better. I know I said it didn't make me as sleepy, and it didn't, but I fell asleep much faster than I normally do. Could be unrelated to medication though.

Anyway, I will update if I have anxiety today or tomorrow. I have a bad feeling I will because of what you guys, as a whole, are saying. Regardless, if I don't, I'd actually prefer this generic brand just because i'm not as groggy. Good luck to all of you.

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you really need to get a life jennifer, my comment was made to the person who commented that a person on this site was spreading lies, if that was you then my comment was directed at you, you have no business telling anyone to "go spread your lies some where else", if that wasn't your comment, and i didn't mention a name then you should mind your own business, this site can be helpful to many people but one thing that should never be tolerated is someone accusing some one of spreading lies, especially when they don't have a shread of evidence, so in closing, if you were the person who accused someone on this site of "spreading lies then maybe its you who needs to find another site that will tolerate your attitude, if you didn't accuse someone of spreading lies then again, mind your own business

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I was weaned off 9+ years of lorazapam in about a month . Now one year later I still cannot get out of the recliner I have been in for a year 24/7 as my withdrawal symptions keep increasing and two neurologists have not found out what will help me ,as as soon as I stand up ,within seconds my muscles tighten up. They say the previously tranquilized brain ,now speeds up resulting in super exciting of the muscles ,but after a whole year ,I would like some assurance this will get better.

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I'm not a doctor but from what I have heard one month would be a very short period of time to come off of it, unless you were on an extremely low dose. A researcher made a protocol for weening off of benzos and if I remember correctly most lasted much longer, some lasted a year.

Consider benefits and rewards as well. Think about why you are stopping them. If it were me, I probably wouldn't if it meant that I would be unable to function altogether.

Anyway, talk to your doctor about the possibility of a much longer period of time to come off of them. For example, if you take 2 mg a day, take 1.5 for 2-3 months, 1 mg for 2-3 months, .75 mg for 2-3 months, .5 for 2-3 months, and .25 for 2-3 months. Sometimes that's literally what it takes with these. Your doctor may be able to explain the process better. Regardless, keep your head up and he ready to fight every day. That attitude helps me if I'm having a bad time. Good luck

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I was on Lorazapam for 7 years and it took me about 6 months to get off of it. I was taking 1 1/2mg a day. If you do it slow you will not feel the affects of it so much. It is too much stress on the body if you do it fast. Some people have to actually shave the pill a little at a time. I just decreased my dose over the 6 months. I was completely off for a year but now take it at night for sleep.

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Then I apologize for my comment Joe. U didnt make it clear who u were aiming ur post for..didn't use a name. It was the next post after mine so it was easy to assume u were speaking to me...but u cleared that up n again..I apologize. As for the others I will say this....I have yet to hear , read, or come across any complaints when it comes to anything Watson makes with any of their drugs. In fact , people are suffering now due to some medications watson made that they no longer do and nobody, including myself cant find anything the least bit close to how well watson worked so in ur experimenting to find a medication to be as effective as the one ur no longer able to get, trying Watson may do u some good. I know walgreens carries many different medications with watson generics...just call em first n see. Good luck!

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