Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 25)


Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.

534 Replies (27 Pages)

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Re: Henry (# 480) Expand Referenced Message

So Leading is all we have to go by now?? Omg, guess it’s time to switch to something else. I’m praying my pharmacist told me the truth about holding a few bottles of the Mylan 0.5 til my doc and I can research other options..

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Re: Deedee (# 481) Expand Referenced Message

Leading Pharma or Actavis are all that is left for generic lorazepam, both such utter garbage that it disgusts me the FDA allows them to sell it.

It won't be a fun summer trial running lorazepam replacement medications. Meh :(

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Re: Deedee (# 481) Expand Referenced Message

Leading isn't all we have to take. There are other generic lorazepam. It's just for most of us they don't work. After reading Valeant's website and calling them, Ativan isn't on their list for assistance at a lower cost. It's actually a automated voice message. So that's off the plate but for buying a insurance plan or having the ones we have pay for it. Mine won't but it looks like I will have to call some insurance companies first to see what their policy is and whether they'll pay for it. What happened to Jamie, are you still out here....?

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Re: Henry (# 480) Expand Referenced Message

The question is Henry were they making the old Sandoz that everyone said worked or was it Teva? My pharmacy said it was Sandoz with the SZ 198 on it. But we all seen what Teva, PurePac, Actavis and Watson did just naming a few. What doesnt make sense to me is why wouldn't a company just make one that works and leave it at that. I'm guessing that would be to easy.

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Gabby (# 482) --

Sandoz wasn’t Teva. From the Sandoz lorazepam thread on medschat people were taking it until recently, and found a major (negative) difference when Sandoz discontinued and they got Teva/Actavis at their pharmacies. So it was better according to them, but it’s now gone as well as Mylan.

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Gabby (# 482) --

Henry I've been meaning to ask you what generic Lorazepam where you using right now? You may have told us/me but I can't remember. Are you like the rest of us running short on what we have? Deedee I replied to you again but still hasn't posted.

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Re: Gabby (# 473) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, I was reading your comment about the Benzos and how some are frowned upon. I was put on mine years ago. I did not want to be on them long term and after about a month I went off of them. Well, I had a panic attack and ended up at the ER. I was told then how I had to take my medication. I was told by many professional medical field people I would have to be on them for the rest of my life. Then as years go by you get a lot of flack about being on something that you basically have to take to feel half way normal. My Dr has never been one to put me down for taking them but the insurance company sends my dr letters at least once a year asking him if it’s necessary to be on them etc.. I feel like they are always breathing down our backs. I find it odd how an insurance company who is not a medical Dr wants to decide if I should be on them. I think a lot of times why did I continue with this med?? I have tried many other things and they did not do the work. They did not help. Yet I feel too I’m frowned upon by my insurance company for being on a medication that I was told I had to be on for the rest of my life. Then we have an incident like others on here talking about all the brands being changed, discontinued and like others almost panicked not knowing what my answer would be when I was told by cvs they would not pay for my Ativan brand Valeant. I still think mylan was the best for me. I wanted to add this on here for others to know that we were all in the same boat. The Valeant Brand Ativan gives people in medical Free meds. Government program. If medical can get it for free I’m sure Valeant would work with you to get your med if you have a brand name only RX and can’t get coverage or afford it. Let’s face it, who can afford to pay 4000 a month for a prescription??? I hope this post does not disturb you. I know you didn’t want to concentrate on me but I want everyone on here to know I went through hell on other brands. My life is not perfect... look to Valeant. They have a website and you can fill out a form for them to help you on their website. I hope this helps.

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Gabby (# 482) --

Just a little about me and all I’ve known about how pharmaceuticals work. I was in the medical field for 35 years, and have seen companies in and it’s all about the $$. When this Leading seemed to take over it all about what the pharmacies were buying to give their patients. They aren’t going to stock Mylan if it cost them 3 times what the Leading did. They don’t personally take it so corporate cuts costs and eventually because Leading is ordered by 90% of the pharmacies, it put Mylan off the market with lorazepam as the 10% of us isn’t worth the cost to them to keep manufacturing a medication nobody else will order. It sucks and unless everyone speaks up nothing will happen. Because it isn’t for hypertension or diabetes, nobody is listening. I wish we could all protest by not taking this, but for this debilitating mental illness we need people to listen instead of us suffering. I’m heading into my pharmacy for some other prescriptions today and hope to God they have another month sitting on hold for Monday’s refill. I saw you had a post back to me that you said still hasn’t posted. Let me know if you still don’t see it, because if it’s important info, we need to be sure it’s shared. Thanks and have a good holiday.

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Re: Savannah (# 487) Expand Referenced Message

I've been in your shoes and I still am. I have family members that are all in the same boat as us. Some have been able to take the new drugs available and some haven't. I've had two who tried to end their live's that took some of the meds that we've all taken. I've been told exactly what you were told you may need this for life.

Here's some food for thought if any of you guys know what they give for seizures such as grand mal seizures or petite, etc? Many are loaded up on some type of benzodiazepines group such as phenobarbital and others on top of that to live some kind of normal life. Yes there are many new drugs available that even they can't take. And do the doctors or pharmacist say anything about it? Absolutely not. Why because like many other illnesses that aren't stigmatized by mental health issues they say it's ok.

My daughter has a friend shes giving a room in her home to live while she is coping with seizures that doesn't want to take her medicine. Guess what she's loaded up on?

Another thing she and I have spoke about how they'll pump senior citizens up on opiates with no restraint or no concerns about it can do them in. But a young adult with degenerative disc disease has the same pain and they want them to cope with it.

My mother in law was given Narco and Tramadol on top of each other. She's in her late 80s with two fractured hips. My sister-in-law had no idea what the two drugs we're doing to her. My spouse had to explain to her seriously are you kidding me you've got mother on what and you leave her home alone. Tell me what's wrong with this whole picture I've explained here from the start.

The medical field and the pharmaceutical companies or the FDA are like this "Don't do as we do -do as we tell you"

We've got a person out here that adds their two cents worth about how these drugs are only for short term usage.Talks about all the side effects and what could possibly happen to us. Seriously dude like we don't already know what these drugs do. I think y'all know who I'm speaking of. The same person that's controlling what gets posted and what doesnt. Take your Rose stained glasses off and get out of your bubble room. Because until you have to deal with what w a lot of us are dealing with you have absolutely no idea what it feels like. People that only read from a text form has absolutely no right to dictate to anyone what they think is right or wrong. Respectfully spoken.

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Re: Deedee (# 488) Expand Referenced Message

Deedee and Savannah I have replied to both of your comments but for whatever reason they're not being posted. I can tell you both that Valeant does not include Ativan in their list of medication they give assistance with. The automated number gives a list of medications they do not help with. Ativan was one of them.

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What i said to you wasn't personal Savannah. If you re-read what I said you might understand that I couldn't understand what you were doing. Me saying I'm focusing on the task at hand was just that. I'm guessing I'm going to have to call or write Medchat to see what I'm doing or saying wrong here. Also asked them when are they going to remove the individual I have spoke of many times. I've read their policy a few times and I've said nothing that would warrant my post to not loaded up. I have a lot of resources still at hands that might be valuable to others out here. But writing this out while on my mobile and not having it post is pretty perplexing. Have a good one y'all!

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Re: Gabby (# 489) Expand Referenced Message

Boy did you hit this one right. I know who you’re talking about and I’m pretty sure that person works for the FDA. I’m sure this is the one holding posts from printing, but we all have legitimate health problems and we need to continue getting our point across. I have an 80 yo Mom who has been suffering with arthritis and muscle spasms for years and takes very little in the way of pain meds, in fact has a rx for Norco, but very rarely ever uses that which I’m all for. She had a rep from HAP Sr Plus call her last week to see about cutting costs on some of her meds. She asked what my mom was on and being honest my mom gave her all this info. She’s taken Robaxin for 20 years as needed for severe cramping and it’s worked great. This girl said bec of her age she shouldn’t be on it even though Mom has cut her dose way down and only takes it now at bedtime. This <+\!#,¥ called moms doc and told her she didn’t think she should be on that med and the doc actually called the pharmacy and changed it without even talking to my mom, to Zanaflex, which has more side effects and actually can drop blood pressure too low and that’s been a huge issue with Mom for many years!! I’m so angry the govt seems to be taking over and controlling us like robots. I’ve had these calls from my ins and I tell them I have a wonderful internist through a university and I only trust her and my one pharmacist to make decisions for me, no third party’s advice. Be careful and always trust your instincts..

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Re: Gabby (# 473) Expand Referenced Message

Why is it interesting to know where I work? I’m here for the same reason as everyone else... I started getting panic attacks ect after working there due to other health issues and actually had to stop working there for a few years because my health was so bad. Yes so many doctors frown upon benzos. But one of the doctors I work with is a great doctor and I’ve talked to her several tokes about if I ever go off of it how difficult it is ect. My pdoc and pschyatrist have no problem keeping me on this medication because it’s the only thing that works for me. My boss and several people I work with know about my health problems and medication. They don’t judge me and have no reason too. You’d be surprised how many people who work in the mental health field deal with mental health problems of their own. Maybe I took that the wrong way but seemed like that was a rude insult at me. I don’t sit around and talk to pharmaceutical companies all day. That is not my job. Not do I have time to. When I’m at work I do my job and leave my health up to my doctors and pharmacist. They knew nothing about mylan discontinuing hence why I did my own research and why I’m here.

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Re: Jamie (# 493) Expand Referenced Message

Jamie I never said I wanted to know where you worked. This is what I said. ××Just throwing this out here I'm surprised they haven't said something about using benzodiazepines. My experience has been they're really hard on us/others who take them×× I also know most medical fields expect UA's before employment. With you working in the very field we're talking about I'd have thought you'd have access to things the rest of us wouldn't. I can tell you if I had that access to medical professionals I'd be asking questions. Wowza's I re-read my post and I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. Everyone one I know that are on benzo's one time or another have been scrutinized for using them. I have two close family members that are on only 1 mg of a benzodiazepine and get told they shouldn't be on it. (Both are young) One was told while in the hospital she couldn't take her daily dose and they wouldn't give it to her. This was last month. But as I said you take a elderly person most docs have no problem given a fill. My aunt was on 3 mgs of Xanax for over 40 years till she pasted and never questioned. My folks both have Valium written every 6 months with fills and no problems. Though they don't take them daily like we do they have it. Most always their scripts expire before they use more then one fill. But it's the point Jamie. Rest assure Jamie I'm not trying to poke into your personal life.

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Re: Gabby (# 494) Expand Referenced Message

Jamie trust me when I say this. I know alot of mental health employees share the same issues we do. Some of them are worst off then us. Some of them went into the field trying to rid their problems by bouncing them off on their patients. (I had a pdoc -<<---- = psychiatrist) that cared for me like a family member. I knew she struggle something bad. I just didn't know the extent of how bad it was. She lost her license after 40+ years of helping so many. She started over prescribing many meds not only to her patients but was writing scripts to herself. Depression doesn't care who you are. It clouds ones judgment when it takes over. Broke my heart when I was told. So yes I can understand what you spoke about having to stop for a while. Certainly hope you have been able to find Mylan or a alternative.

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Re: Deedee (# 488) Expand Referenced Message

Yes Deedee I knew what pharmaceutical companies do. It surely is about the competition making the most money possible by knocking out their competitors. Hence why so many brand names either cease to exist, sell the patent or they raise the price of the drug to recoup their losses. Is it right? I suppose it depends on each circumstance.

High school friend of mine that's spouse works as a pharmaceutical distributor has told me for years how frustrating it is. She started out working in her folks pharmacy which lead to bigger jobs in marketing and so forth. The job pays well but at times it has it's pitfalls. I've lost contact with them over the years and have been trying to find them to see if they could lead me into a different direction.

I'm sorry to hear that your mom has experienced what you talked about. I do hope she's doing ok now. As much as I can say I don't understand why medical professionals do what they do. I'd like to think it's for our better behalf. But putting someone in a tailspin as it would seem they did with your mom makes no sense. And to put her on something stronger that's hard to grasp as well.

Did you have luck with your pharmacy getting the .5 Mylan. And any word yet whether they're making it yet. It's too late to call them today. Many might have taken a long vacation for the 4th of July. I'm still waiting on a few calls back on my end. I'm not posting the details until I know it might be something to help the rest of us out. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up and then let them down.

Hope you've had good news on your end. Happy 4th to you and yours! -Gabby :)

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Re: Gabby (# 495) Expand Referenced Message

Yes so many people I work with suffer badly and yes mental illness does not discriminate! I actually didn’t have mental health problems until about 3 years after starting my job.. I got physically ill and suffered awhile before docs figured out my diagnosis.. all of that caused severe anxiety panic attacks depression ptsd. No fun. I stopped working to get both my mental and physical illnesses under control.. it’s stoll hard! Mylan well “Ativan” has been the only thing to help. I’ve had severe allergic reactions and just bad side effects with everything. It’s been a rough road.. that’s why I was so upset about the mylan and thankful found this forum to know I wasn’t alone.. but I do have more mylan.. but it’s just scary knowing it won’t be forever.

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Re: Jamie (# 497) Expand Referenced Message

I've seen med students and mental health techs melt down only after working for clinics and other mental health settings a few days to a few years as you expressed. I've seen two check themselves in a hospital setting when I was in getting meds balanced out.

You either have to have nerves of steel to work in the profession or have no emotions at all. I've seen some that just thrive off others pain without blinking an eye.

The most caring individuals that I've been fortunate to have taken care of me say they have to see someone to decompress. It's not a job for the faint-hearted.

I'm glad to hear that you still have some Mylan coming in. Hopefully they make some more to buy us some time. Meanwhile I think I solved my issue but won't know till after the holidays. The folks I've spoke to are on vacation.

Hope you have an awesome 4th of July..... :)

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Re: Gabby (# 498) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it is a VERY hard job. The two year break I needed to get better but some days are still hard. So many people asked me why I went back there. As bad as it can be I feel it’s where I belong and after all I’ve been through I now sympathize with patients so well and feel I’m more caring than others would be. If that makes sense. I’m glad to hear you found answers, what did you find that works for you!? I hope you have a wonderful 4th as well! 24 more days and I’m on a much needed summer getaway!

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I’ve been on this thread for quite a long time complaining about the poor quality of lorazepam everyone seems to be getting since Qualitest first dropped it, Watson sold out, and now Mylan is slowly being emptied from shelves. I talked to my doctor about this and she understands my frustration and is adjusting my prescriptions to maintain the same dose since this has worked for many years for severe panic disorder. Leading seems to have taken over all the corporate pharmacies due to cost savings, but they don’t care how we have side effects, let alone that an aspirin is just as effective as this Leading brand. I wrote them an email over the weekend and just heard back that Major/Rugby are the ones to blame and we need to call them to complain. I hope anyone who reads this and has the same problem, will call and complain so maybe we can get someone to listen! 866-209-0991 is the toll free number. Since I’m not responding to anyone in particular, I hope Gabby, Jamie, Savannah, and all the rest of you can band together and make our complaints heard. There are very few Mylan still out there if you have a family-owned pharmacy where they truly care about their patients. Mine ordered what he could and put my name on them, but I’ll be lucky to make it another couple months before they run out altogether. Good luck everyone and God bless you!

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