Watson Is Now Actavis Generic Percocet 5/325 What Is Up With This (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI had been taking 5/325 generic Watson percocet for 4 years. Suddenly I get notified by Walgreens which I have insurance that there is no more Watson brand and I was given generic percocet 5/325 by Actavis. It is not the same at all. It has no pain relief for me. I used to break the watsons in half sometimes and never had a funny taste. I just broke one of the actavis white tablets in half and it immediately tasted like salt or alka seltzer? Has anyone had any issues with this drug too. Also, along with it not working right it has made my GI tract and stomach so ill feeling and cramping. This is not right how can they take away a medicine that someone has been on for 4 years without any problems and tell them to suddenly switch. Would a peson who has been on a certain heart medication for years be told to suddenly switch that he can't get that medicine anymore? I don't think so. I don't know what I am going to do but when it comes time to have my rx re-filled it will not be with Actavis and I will have to pharmacy shop I guess to see if I can find Watson. I am very depressed now and so unhappy I can't believe it.
Hi Lola,
Something has to be going on! Why is it we were all getting pain relief with Watson? Now, with the change everyone is in pain. I was thinking of getting Qualitest, but I've heard so many bad things about that, I don't know what to do. As I've said, I had endocet and I was kind of jittery. Then there's Amneal, which I've also heard so many bad things about. I'm going to do like Cole said, and file that complaint today with the FDA. I know some are afraid, because of these meds being regulated by the DEA, but we need to do something! I don't plan on using my full name, because you never know. Our doctors even have a D.E.A. number.
I feel so validated finding this thread. I have taken Watson Percocet 10/325 for years with no problems and the FIRST Activis tablet I took sent me into a tail spin. I'm terrified to take it at this point. I don't even remember Saturday because it made me so extremely tired. I drifted in and out of sleep on the couch for 20 hours of the day. You cannot tell me that's the same drug when I used to function at normal capacity without incident. I am distraught, as many of you seem to be. My anxiety and depression have heightened to an extreme and my stomach is killing me. I'm going to beg my doctor to try to authroize brand name Percocet from my insurance company. This is insane. Activis made a chemical error- a judgement error- or both. I hope that all of those suffering speak out. That's the only chance something will change.
My post needs reviewed. So I am reposting. Took half endocet 30 minutes ago. They are made better, like Watson, more solid. I was already having anxiety over this mess but no jitters and I feel normal so far. I do feel pain relief. A more even toned relief like watson so far. It is calming my anxiety down also which is good. I will keep you posted as some time goes by.
It's been a few hours now and I absolutely love it. My anxiety is completely gone! I'm having no trouble breathing and I feel completely normal and no side effects! This feels exactly like Watson did. I feel better today than I have in a month.
Hi Angela, Lisa M. posted that the endocet is working very well for her. Do you take the 10/325 or the 5/325? She takes the 10/325 and said since I take the 5/325 that the blue dye might bother me. The ones she has are a light yellow color. It sounds like they are very close to Watson. I may have to look into the endocets too, however, I can't do anything until my next rx re-fill on April 8. I am running out of options if this one doesn't work for me. Let us know which one you decide on and any information/input you can give all of us I know it will be appreciated. thanks
Nancy N.
Good for you! I love the sound of your letter. Straight to the point and no hold barred! I have also contacted Actavis, Medwatch and Walgreens. With all of our complaints and I'm sure, many more we aren't aware, of something should be done. I can't believe they thought we wouldn't know the difference! There are always people who make it hard for the rest. Just because some people abuse this drug, does not mean those of us in genuine pain, should be made to suffer. I think something will come from all these complaints. I think I'm going to try Endocet again next month. I have not been getting any pain relief from Mallinckrodt. It's probably not just the Actavis company that's doing this. If the D.E.A. and the F.D.A. are behind this, it could be several companies. I will keep trying different drugs until I find one that works. But that Actavis has the worse side effects!
I also wrote letters with complaints. We all need to. Actavis told me they report to the FDA but I am going to file one anyway just incase. When I started taking half a tablet a long time ago I had symptoms of crying and not sleeping and anxiety just cutting down so I can't imagine cold turkey. Since I weaned I have been fine. It took a good month for my body to adjust. Everyone seems to have actavis now around here. It's sad.
Lisa, why do you need the 5's? I thought you were taking the 10/325 and those are the pills that are pale yellow is that right? I have always been given 5/325 all the years I was on Watson and never had to go up or built up a tolerance. Are you still taking the endocet now? I was in full blown withdrawal and believe I still am - I still have alot of sweating and depression big time and crying comes in waves. I just can't get my medication right so my body doesn't know what to do. Next week I am going to get my rx re-filled again. If it doesn't work this time I will have to give up opiate pain medication I guess because everything other than the Watson just doesn't work and makes me feel ill. I can't take hydrocodone, lortab vicodin, it has ALWAYS made me sick. There is just something about hydrocodone that does that to me every time and also it doesn't put even a dent in my nerve pain in my neck. Can things get any worse? I never saw this coming as none of us did. But we need to keep complaining and filing reports and complaints to whomever will listen. One day they will see that they need to bring Watson back. My pharmacist actually admitted to me that the percocets by Actavis have not been moving off the shelves in the last month like they did with Watson. NOBODY should take the Actavis - I believe it is very dangerous and what is the point of taking it and having those horrible side effects if it won't even relieve the pain. It is nothing more than a sugar pill and a total waste of our money.
I get my prescription for refill tomorrow. I have been going to Meijer to fill them with the Mallinckrodt. That's the only place I know of around me that doesnt sell the junk. I will, however, check CVS tomorrow to see which manufacturer they use (will hope for Endo and try those. Nothing to lose, right?). Kroger and Walmart use Roxanne and Qualitest, respectively, but its been almost 9 months since I last.checked. I have chronic migraine, fibromyalgia, and cervical spinal.stenosis. Without the perocet, I become more and more a shut in. So finding something that works, once you do, is more than just "a drug".
Hey Lola - Happy Easter!! Trying to have a good one but not doing well with Florida weather. Yes, I have my 10-325 Percocet and felt a huge difference, able to do things in the house and yard!!! My internal systems aren't yet normal from the Activus oxycodone, same symptoms everyone else seems to have. Reading everyone's experiences makes me think of the roller-coaster rides we are having to put our bodies through - it's scary to me. Drinking lots of water trying to get out whatever toxins I can from the Activus crap; been writing to journalists who happen to "mention" all of us who are pain sufferers and how we are being ignored completely.
The pharmacists - I feel bad for them as they are corporate employees being told what to do and now have to also work in fear. I object to those pharmacists that told me "oh, that's too much percocet for one person" that got me sooo upset I called the supervisor and told her they are NOT my doctors who have diagnosed me, examined me, operated on, whatever and they do not have the medical degree to determine what is "too much" for me. I also wrote to Walgreen's head office about that as well. Your stories about people being robbed - it's horrible, isn't it? Again, the druggies will always find a way.
I have a lot of time so I have already written to corporations, their board of directors, stockholders, etc., claiming their products are making me (and others) sick and more importantly, do not have the proper affect on our pain as it did before, basically warnings about legal suits that will inevitably happen as more people get sick for no reason other than their pill; also email all kinds of government agencies dealing with pain medications in any way, etc. The more we speak out, the more we might get some action that will help us get good medications without being targeted or treated like street users.
How are you doing? We will have better days to come - got to believe that!! My problems are so hard on my family and friends but we really just don't have much of a choice but to make good days the best we can.
HI i wanted to add to this conversation cuz i did a lot of research on generic percocets today and figured it might help someone else. here is a list of the inactive ingredients for different brands carrying the oxycodone 10/325...
brand: Amneal
croscarmellose sodium,
microcrystalline cellulose,
pregelatinized corn starch,
silicon dioxide
stearic acid
Brand: actavis
Colloidal silicon dioxide,
magnesium stearate,
microcrystalline cellulose,
pregelatinized starch and
stearic acid
Brand: qualitest
Silicon Dioxide
Starch Corn
Croscarmellose Sodium
Fd&c Yellow No. 5
Lactose Monohydrate
Magnesium Stearate
Cellulose Microcrystalline
Stearic Acid
Mallinckrodt brand
microcrystalline cellulose,
silicon dioxide and
stearic acid
the "extinct" watson 932
silicon dioxide
colloidal magnesium stearate
microcrystalline cellulose
pregelatinized corn starch
stearic acid
and the real brand Percocet themselves:
colloidal silicon dioxide,
croscarmellose sodium,
microcrystalline cellulose,
pregelatinized cornstarch,
and stearic acid
im not sure if this is done the way that foods are and listed in order of how much is used or if they're just listed in any order. but i hope this helps anyone who can pinpoint what "fillers" might be causing stomach problems.
Hi Jennifer, was wondering if you have taken the endocet yet today and how are you feeling with it? Is it controlling your pain and have you had any side effects? My friend who takes the generic percocet by Alvogen wants to see if he can maybe try and get endocet on his next refill because the alvogen is probably right behind Actavis as being the worst generic out there now.
To b honest. ..ive never been sensitive to any medications which is how I know Actavis is junk....it made me sick to my stomach n thats a first for me. Nothing else ive taken has done anything remotely close to what the Actavis did type to me....along with no pain relief!
Oh....after numerous phone calls. ...I found the pharmacist who I had the conversation with about the Actavis not working for his wife either....turns out he works at a Walgreens pharmacy..... in the same town as the Walgreens that had the endocet for me. I told him I found endocet at a Walgreens n at what location so he could get them for his wife under his insurance plan and he was surprised Walgreens had endocet. He had no clue another location could carry something he didnt have on his shelf. ....and he works for the company. He was so grateful I thought of his wife n took the time to find him n let him know. It felt really good to help someone find access to the meds they need to be in less pain! Comes to show that the same pharmacy in different locations, even as little as 5 miles from eachother, could carry a medication different then their sister stores n not one employee would have any knowledge of it!
Oh boy....I didnt remember u wrote that...my last few posts r proof to what u had said. Go figure...a Walgreen s pharmasist didnt realize the Walgreen s around the corner from his store had what he wished he could get for his wife and covered under his insurance....and fir the past few months his wife has been in agony. I had went through a few drive thru pharmacies per the request of the same store but different location bc they said like u said sara...they wont confirm it over the phone...but I was still outta luck. Lucky for me, the last call I was gonna make, my old pharmacist reconized it was me due to my ny accent before I knew it was him n he said he has seen some endocet the other day n put me on hold to go look...when he picked back up...he used my name...that was pure ! I was ready to throw in the towel!
Watson doesn't make anything any more. Watson s gone. Whatever Watson there is....is what's left. If there is a new formula for Norco I don't know. I only know Oxy....because that's what I'm taking. You might want to look it up because all the info is on the Internet. I'm just afraid that soon no store will carry anything other than Actavis....because they think it's the same drug and it's cheaper. The FDA isn't listening to consumer complaints.
Hi sick of Actavis. .....welcome to our 22 pages of cries, knowledge, investigations, manufacturers, trial n errors n so forth. If u start from the beginning of this thread n read thru. ..u will find us posting about everything you have mentioned. ...you will learn some other things you may not have come across in ur searches as well. I advise everyone new to this thread to read all posts from day one. It may prevent you from being in more agony than u already may b in. I think all of us who have been updating this thread as a whole, have tried every manufacturer of 10/325 Percocet out there n u can read the outcome of each one. It will help u in choosing one to help in ur search for pain relief. We're all pretty good in sharing updates n from what ive come across on this website, this thread may have the most info to help u. As far as myself, im still on the endocet. Im finding some days my pain is less than others....its never consistant....and its never near as controlled as it was with Watson. The less active I am, the better. Unfortunately, I am in so much pain when im up and about, that I avoid it at all costs....and it is a cost I pay dearly for. Im tired of the unavoidable moans n noises that I blurt out when im moving around in pain. Im 37 tomorrow, yet I move like a 70 yr old. Not an attractive site I might add...n its quite embarrassing but its beyond my control.
Ramsteinfan....why did u leave Walgreen s with the actavis? Especially when u told them no Actavis? Before u hand in a script to any pharmacy...ASK THEM FIRST who is the manufacturer of the meds ur script is written for....if they say Actavis. ...dont leave ur script there! And avoid Walgreens cause they are all using Actavis Percocet. There are very few that may have something else. There is one Walgreen s by me that had endocet.....I knew the pharmacist when I called n got lucky! No other Walgreen s knew the other had the endocet . If you go back a few pages, u will see a post I made about finding endocet n another pharmacist at another Walgreen s hsd the same issue with Actavis n had no clue a sister store had what he needed all along. The only thing I could suggest is talk to ur pm dr n see if he'll write u something else if u turn in what u have to him. I would also raise hell at the pharmacy since u told them no Actavis. ....id even tell em both its giving u an allergic reaction. ....if u tell a pharmacist no Actavis n he gives it to u anyway......thats a big no no! How does he know ur not allergic to that med n will end up in a hospital? He could b in deep sh*t if that were the case. That is the only thing I could think of. Maybe someone else here have other suggestions on what u can do at this point?
Wow quiet on here,
Anyways update from me. I am on the Mallinkrodt and keeping my fingers crossed so far so good. They work decent for pain. Not as good as Watson but they do work. And hardly any side effects. Maybe some constipation so far. been on them a week. The biggest thing with Mallinkrodt is I feel like they give me more energy or more importantly dont make me tired in the morning. So that is a big plus. I think that we all react differently to diff meds but so far the Mallins work well for me.
Anyone else?
Hey guys. ..hope all is well! I just came across this article...its lengthy but has alot of info on this anti abuse formula n how it works n more. Check it out. I found it interesting so I figured u all would as well. popsci.com/science/article/2013-05/science-un-abusable-oxycontin
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