Watson 3202 Pill
UpdatedWhat are the reddish orange dots on Watson 3202 vicoden? Are they just for a design or is it another medication in the pill, if so what type of medication is the reddish dots made of?
This tablet contains 5mgs of Hydrocodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, the active ingredients in Vicodin, a narcotic pain reliever.
And no, the red spots are just the way they designed their pills, they contain no special medication or ingredient.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth.
Are there any questions or comments?
Due to all the welfare frauds out there, I'm finding it difficult to find a doctor that will treat my arthritis - due to my age, it's hard enough to get treatment, let alone treatment that works! If less people abused these drugs and took them like they're supposed to, I wouldn't be suffering and trying to find a non-narcotic (read: OTC) painkiller that still works (inb4 you say Aleve, I'm allergic to that, and I've tried Advil, aspirin, tylenol, and ibprofen, in many different forms). Thanks a lot, you freaks. Oh, did you know that snorting them, due to the APAP mixture (tylenol cut) basically makes it so that the medication just sits inactive in your nose? Just so you know. And the high goes away after you've been taking them long enough - leaving you with just the pleasant feeling of a short time without pain.
dear Legit: I take issue with the statement re: welfare fraud -- it is not welfare fraud, but drug abusers that cause the problem. I too am severely afflicted with arthritis and feel your pain --- daily. My doctor put me on a med called arthrotec 75, you can look this up to see if you are allergic. No it does not make the pain go away, but does lessen it somewhat. This may help you. Your best bet it to find a Pain Management Doctor and even there it may be hard to get the medicine. I accidentally found 1 hydrocodone pill today and boy do I have plans for that bad boy. lol I will take it with food, and then in about an hour, all pain will be mostly subsided and I can go to the store and shop, after that back to the arthrotec75 and misery. My best to you and hope you find an understanding doctor. My daughter worried about me taking the hydrocodone as it is very habit forming, I said -- so what, I'm 73 years old -- I am more concerned with the misery I live in than I fear becoming an addict. Any good suggestions out there --- don't recommend illegal drugs -- no amount of pain would make me resort to that. Happy Holidays All.
Wait... you claim to be old with arthritis, yet you used the term "inb4"? something's fishy...
I been taking Watson 349 imprinted pills for a few years now I get my script filled & now I have a pill Watson 3202 imprinted what's the difference??
The Watson 3202 are the new alternative to the pain medication you were previously on. The FDA has stopped making the Watson 349 because they are cutting down the acetaminophen (Tylenol) in medications such as Vicodin and Percocet because the acetaminophen in these medications has caused many people to have liver damage and/or liver failure. That is the only difference. Hope that answers your question.
I stumbled across this site while researching/verifying a pill i just bought from another friend . I'm sure It's Highly. Illegal and don't recommend others do the same. I have " Degeneratve Disk Disease " in my Neck. C-Spine 1-6. I battled for years taking nothing .Eventually i was taking massive amounts of OTC. meds. Literally Everything on the shelf and in different combinations . Finally (years later ) telling my MD he prescribed me Lortab 10mg, Gabapentin300mg and Flexaril ?mg.My Life Changed !! :) or, I HAD MY LIFE BACK !! Back to working Virtually Pain Free, Eating Right, and Sleeping properly at night . !! Thank You JESUS !! :) Eventually (after6months) Doc told me I had to find a Pain Mgmt Dr as by Law he couldn't treat me Long Term for my disease . So I did. Luckily I found an awesome Pain Mgmt Dr.My regular Md. charged me $105.00 a visit and I saw him every 3 months and he wrote me refills that lasted until next visit
My New Awesome Pain Dr charged me$360.00 a Visit .My meds cost appx $180.00 and an additional $65 for required diagnostics to ensure I was taking my meds (not giving away or selling meds) that took years to finally get and a small fortune to pay for every month !? Apparently there's an epidemic now with pain meds so people like myself struggling allready with an Disease , a Huge Financial burden, now get to PAY for Policeing ourselves and others to ensure meds are being taken as prescribed , and i assume since the test checks for approx 12 or more substances we're being tested/treated as "abusers"..!?....as well as Patients!?!? After appx 9 months later my now Awesome Pain Mgmt Doc tells me I need New/updated Tests and Scans etc. The One MRI/CT Scan cost me appx $1500.00 and a review by specialist appx $960.00 all of which I had to save for several months(no ins..remember !? :( ..)....during which Time Pain Dr refused to write my Pain meds without these New Tests /Scans and reviews on my "DEGENERATIVE DISK DISEASE " ?!?'....Mind you I'm Certainly no Dr. ...but i googled degenerative and Nowhere does it mention magical or disappearing or goes away ! So after appx 2 years I'm certainly addicted to my meds..prescribed by My Dr's. But, that's obviously Not a Big Concern for the Dr's.....so for MANY MONTHS now I've been saving the money and. have had New Testing and Scans done per Good Ole Pain Dr's requirements . Awesome Doc scheduled. my appointment for appx 3 month's away !? So as a true addict I've been forced to supply/support my medcation requirements through Very Risky, Illegal and usually Dangerous means. Dare I mention the costs requirements of taking these measures " On The Street's " to simply continue taking meds My Dr's give me when I meet their requirements and Pay them !?'?....Its been an Nightmare ! I Wish This On NoOne !! :( ....back to where this began..i was checking the pills i bought from friend earlier to be sure what I'm ingesting and putting in my body will Help..Not Harm Me ! ....Something desperatly needs to be done in our healthcare system ! I Can't Be The Only One Forced To Do This !?....I'm Thankful for This Website !...and all the info pertaining to prescription medication ! If ANYONE HAS ANY INFO THAT COULD HELP ME IN ANY WAY..PLEASE PLEASE POST !!....And if at all possible ..DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BECOME ADDICTED TO ANY MEDICATION , ABUSE ANY, OR OBTAIN ANY ILLEGALLY !!....P.S. Thanks DOC's ! :(
I agree completely, the 'high' goes away after you become a chronic user of the medication but I have found with my neuropathy, no other medication comes close to treating this pain effecttly such as hydrocodone. I am thankful it exist and it annoys me that people like us that have a legitimately use for it have to go through doctors who treat us as drug addicts and pill poppers because we rely on this to control our pain. I get tired of them treating me as a criminal because of my pain.
I have also noticed that after long time use, you need more as it last less... I generally take 5-8 per day as needed for the pain (10mg and 7.5mg).
There is a surgery I am considering to try and alleviate this pain but it will require my arm to be sliced open and have my nerve pulled out and replaced, but it may not work. I also cannot afford the time off work to allow the healing process to 'see' if it might work at this time in my life, my family depends on me to provide for them. Until then, medication like this allows to control the pain and be productive.
If you find one and want to take it for fun I suggest you flush it down the toilet. I wish I never started taking them 6yrs ago. I have tried to quit numerous Times and it is soooo painful. (Withdraws). Young men and women DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE FOR FUN, IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!
how long will these remain in your system in case you need to take a drug panel?
I suffer from degenerative disc disease both knees shoulders osteoarthritis 75 percent loss of left wrist .had a spinal fusion 4-years ago ,2 8 inch rods 4 cages 4-plates and 12 screws in my lower back. In September I have to go back for the same operation in my thoracic area and in a year and a half the same in the cervical neck area. I have to take 2 10 325s norco every 6 hours. I know a man who had a disc replaced he is on social security disability he carries a cane outside but in his garage with the door down he works on cars gets on them under them gets norco 10s oxycodone 20s and 100 mg fentanyl patches every 2 weeks he keeps one patch and four pills of each and sells the rest that is what hurts those of us that really need the meds. I had to sign a contract with my neurosurgeon that I would not go anywhere else to get meds. I am totally disabled medicare sent a nurse to my house to give me a drug panel. People like the man I told about selling his meds is the ones that hurt us that hurt us that really need them they get caught selling and the DEA goes right to the doctor and threaten or fine them makes them weary about writing our scripts.
Jason it usally takes 3days but u can flush them out sooner if drinking alot of water! I myself take 30mg roxies (oxycodone instant relase) for degenerative spine an disk diese so i recomend 2anyone DONT EVER START PAIN PILLS UNLESS U REALLY NEED THEM I MYSELF IS ADDICTED AND WOULD NOT WISH IT ON ANYONE!!!!!
haha. dork. it would take an awful long time to separate the little red dots
You need a new pain management doctor. They don't all require expensive tests, especially while refusing your medication until tests are done. GL!
I just got a prescription for these Watson 3202 pills a couple of days ago, for pain. They seem to be pretty much worthless. I also take Gabapentin, Tizanidine, and Klonopin. The only thing that has changed is the addition of the hydrocodone. I haven't slept since I started taking these. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm still hurting, and not sleeping. Could it be these?
Take the nasty out of your v * coin cold water extraction will remove the bad and leave u with the good. Well
People think that pain pills are hard to withdrawal from.. Hahaha.. Try Effexor .. However, doctors hand that out , and other depression, anxiety pills like candy! What's your PROBLEM DOC?!!!!!! Anarchy is on the horizon ... Effexor is worse than H.. Withdrawal symptoms such as: chronic nausea, fever, cold sweats, out of body type visual problems, wrestles leg syndrome, lifelessness, brain bugs, BRAIN ZAPS.. ,suicidal thoughts etc. so yeah.. Hydrocodone can't even help our very popular Effexor , "which doctors hand out like candy" withdrawal symptoms.. So ok, hydrocodone can help one with arthritis, but Effexor doesn't do much, until you have to come off of it.. And what it does, is, give one horrific withdrawal.. To not able to live with.. Doc.. Karma will get you for not giving people what they need.. Look up Effexor withdrawal..
I hear withdrawal from ssri's are torture.
I'm with the one that mentioned how hard it is for people like her or him to get meds now because of pill heads that abuse the privalages! I too am having a very hard time finding a doctor to help me becjse they all think everyone is doctor shopping. I've worked everyday since I was 15 I'm now 45 and my hands hurt so bad some days that they eek swell to where I can barely use them. But NOOOOO big dummy pill heads took all our meds away which rightly we deserve! Oh yeah and "for pain" not "pleasure!"
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Vinita (# 3)
Awwww that is so sad :( With your age & pain you'd think all doctors would be understanding & prescribe you the medicine that best helps you & relieves your pain so you can actually enjoy the rest of your days instead of being in misery because of pain :'( It's so crazy, it's like the people that don't need them are always the quickest to get it prescribed by a Dr & those who really honestly & truly need it can't get the medicine??? It makes NO SENSE!!!
Re: Jazzie (# 18)
THANK YOU! Effexor was the hardest drug for me to get off.
I hear yeah! I actually found something that works beautifully for me, I could not believe how much it took my pain away and I was skeptical! It is a juice I drink 1 oz. a day off, and within 4 days, the pain was diminished by I would say....90 %. respond back to me if you want to get more info.
AsThe degenerative disk disease which I have from C3 all the way to sciatic nerve does not in anyway get better it in fact worsens over the years.
per my pain management doctor I have regular epidurals which control 90% of the pain and have to be done a month apart for cortisone reasons. They last from 6 months to 10 months when done right.
Ask your doctor for tramadol 50 mg very effective for arthritis pain
please help me out any one i have very bad arthritis and i need to find a doctor who will prescribe hydrocodone, does any one have a idea, like in olympia or lacey or tumwater,,,,, please comment, ib provin 800 not working no more....
If you have pain PLEASE TRY CBD OIL OR EDIBLE MEDICAL M.J. IT WORKS FOR THE PAIN AND IT HELPS WITH THE WITHDRAWAL. HONEST IT WORKS. Google how to cook with it (I suggest coconut oil\butter as an extracting medium and if you want to buy CBD oil it is legal to purchase on the internet (I use miracle smoke). If you call their customer service, they will help you with the oral oil.
Seriously everyone calm down. Opiate withdrawal will not kill you. Unless on suboxone or methadone but benzo withdrawal and some other meds will send you into seizures and kill you. Also I take some of the much stronger forms of opiates and binge on and off and while I do experience withdrawal yall make it sound like it's so bad and the end of the world. Good grief it's just hyrocodone haha. Opana, fentanyl, even oxy is worse. But Tylenol, that s*** will really do you in. Combine that and it's much worse/harder to get off. Switch it up to give different receptors breaks while you wean off. Also poppy tea but do considerable research before experimenting. It can be a cheap useful alternative.
Dont laugh at people being addicted to pain pills.. Its not f***in fun.. Cold sweats, restless legs, you damn near have the flu but 10x worse. Why would you laugh at people.. When you yourself knows how it feels.
they said due to age, could be young
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