Watson 3202 Pill (Page 2)
UpdatedWhat are the reddish orange dots on Watson 3202 vicoden? Are they just for a design or is it another medication in the pill, if so what type of medication is the reddish dots made of?
Legit said "inb4" and the person that replied to her said she was 73. What's fishy is how you could figure that out.
I have arthritis and a torn rotor cuff and atorn maniscuss. I have been on oxy for 3 years. I have recently found that
CBD's (cannibinoils) WORK for pain. I do not like to vape so I put 2-3 drops under my tounge and let it stay as long as I can. After a week I notice a big difference in my pain level after 2 weeks I am no longer useing my cane. after a month I am no longer useing the oxys on a regular basis and only use for beak thru pain. the 'miracle smoke' I use is a 30% cbd mixture (sometimes they do have a 45%) all it has in it now is vegetable glycerin. the blueberry and strawberry taste the best. Please if you have pain TRY CBD's.
I agree w Jazzy! I have every symptom she talks about. I have discussed them w my doctor but it goes in one ear out another! I've tried to wean myself off or completely stop. But unfortunately leads to me wanting to commit suicide! So I'm back on Effexor! Hook Line and Sinker!
antiaddict (post #8): If you have access to marijuana I would suggest going online and reading about the process of making canna-butter (extracting thc-cbd's from marijuana and using this to alleviate the withdrawal from opiates and other drugs. Ingesting the produced product stops the physical withdrawal symptoms.
What I would suggest you try to further help with pain management, is to go online and order some cbd's. CBD's are the component/chemical that actually treats pain. Cbd's are legal in all 50 states and can be obtained online.
It takes from 1-2 weeks for the med to start taking effect (less if you have a tolerance to marijuana), and the bottle I use has lasted me about a month. I highly recommend CBD's, it has provided relief for my pain (I have arthritis, 2 torn rotor cuffs in my shoulders and a torn meniscus in my left knee)
A very good friend of mine has had back pain for the last 20 years from an old injury, that he had found no relief from.
When I gave him CBD's, 9 days later he was completely pain free. He now sleeps through the night. something he claims he has not been able to do for 20 years.
So please try the CBD's to start. it isn't going to break the bank to try it and I am quite sure that this treatment will help you. just give it a fair chance to work. The best of luck to you and remember "of every herb of the field i give you" god to adam and "Of every green herb, bearing, seed I give you" God to Moses. Weather you believe in god or not these cbd's work. Read up on the studies and give it a shot. you have much to gain and little to loose.
I personal use CBD oil to treat my pain. After years of the opiates and over the counter pain killers I have actually found a pain management treatment that I can LEGALY obtain online. CBD's are extracted from HEMP not marijuana, there is less than 0.03 % thc (the active component in cannabis that makes you feel high) in hemp and is LEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES.
It does take about 2 weeks to feel the full effects SO BE PATIENT and give it time to work (it is like alot of drugs, it has to build up in your system). These CBD's work with the endocannibinoid system in your body and provides relief for pain (My girl friend has had great results using it for treatment of her painful Fibromialgia) it also helps calm you down (stress increases pain) has been found to treat cancer and a myrid of other problems. PLEASE, for your own sake and comfort, try CBD's. This is a miracle drug.
It has freed me from the opiates I have had to use for 3 years. And strangely enough I had very few withdrawal symptoms when I stopped using the opiates (I was on 30 mg a day of oxy's) I think the CBD's had something to do with this also. Just go online and read about CBD's and the cannibinoid system in your body. It works and is a gift from god as far as i'm concerned.
Good luck and god bless,
Suboxin can help with withdrawal from opiates.. depending on how your Doc prescribes it to you and how long you take the suboxin, it too can can be rough withdrawal but not as bad as opiate withdrawal. Restless leg, and very very tired, depression are what I had. You have to see a suboxin Doc as not every physician can prescribe it.
Hmm..ok Just so you know the 5mg is the actual pain-killer and is in the little dots. It is ...genetically from the poppy. Believe the name is H. A very natural pain plant used since the Dawn of Time. (Just Rem: moderation is key)
I just started the gabapentin 300 and the side effects are terrible!! I have missed two days of work due to nausea and extreme dizziness. I was on hydrocodone 10/325 but because I went to two doctors in the last year, they want to try something else. I'm suspect. So more tests and now 3 pills 3 times a day (which I stopping 2 because of side effects). I may just have to live with pain. I can no longer make plans ahead due to pain I may suffering, I can't drive too far or even be on a plane because I won't be able to stand when I get up. Some quality of life. I went from no pain all day with 4 pills a day. No more than prescribed but due to Pain management new rules, it's a not looking like such a good future. Not being able to play with my grandkids like I was hurts the most.
Could you please give more info on the CBD's. I googled it and don't understand how to order or use it. Is it a vapor oil, pill form, can you just swallow the oil? I'm 64 and willing to try anything. I've got scoliosis, degenerative disc disease and arthritis. Can we talk outside of here? Just had a second surgery to fuse a couple of vertebra. Been on percocet, lyrica and norco. The pain pills don't seem to be doing anything. Please help.
Tried the gabapentin and could not deal with the side effects, that might have been a year ago. Norco 10 mgs really didn't do anything excpt make me so tired i was in bed all the time, not sleeping, just fatigued. Had a PM DR appointment last Wednesday and had a really emotional talk. He understands what I'm going through and switched my meds. I'm now on oxy 15 mgs IR , 2 to 3 times a day as needed, Lyrica 50 mgs 3 times per day and this new med Duexis 1 time a day. I have not felt this good in years. I have a lot of back problems and can finally feel like I'm enjoying life again. I've been seeing my PM DR for a few years now, had a couple of back surgeries, degenerative disc disease, osteo arthritis, and another auto immune disease. I know there are a lot of other people with a whole lot more problems and can relate. I signed up for the tele conference and can't wait . Hearing other peoples problems make me feel a lot better with mine.
I can totally relate to your post. It seems like doctor's around here dont as nth to subscribe anything but Tylenol and when you can't sleep, ride in a car, walk, sit or lay down without your back, hip and leg hurting there's something wrong. But like you said. .. All the pain pill poppers make it almost impossible for someone to get anything that can help. But I can about guarantee those pill poppers get there's
Well said... I am a disabled Army Veteran. I can't even get my races Dr. To give me toradol!!! And yes, I am a minority as well as she is!! It takes congress to change my VA PCP and I been trying for 5 years! And they wonder why vets turn to marijuana
For neropathy take Gabapentin. Non narcotic, non addictive beta blocker I don't take it because of that though, I take it because it works !! Only think that does. Ask your doctor to prescribe it. What do you have to lose. I tried everything else.
I believe the red specks are to keep people from abusing the pill. They are a pebble form when the pill is broken and cause burning in the nasal cavity.
the red specks i was told it was a time release..
I've been given Tremedol which is really helpful and works
Galapentin made me nauseous. Had to quit. Too make side effects. Made me shake violently. Weird. Hydrocodone is only thing that works without the side effects. Currently taking nothing. Quit all doctors because they only worry about losing their license and not your condition. Pain is excruciating but some days better than others.
I have been flagged. I live in the State of California. So if I go to any other doc than my Suboxone clinic they won't give me anything. I was on Methadone, and it wasn't helping. I have severe Crohns disease and IBS. I also have arthritis in my left hip. Well after a few dirty drug panels they cut me off for months. I was homeless and sick as a dog. After some time they put me on Suboxone 8mg once a day. I gained trust with my current pain doctor who is also my primary. She increased it to twice a day for me when I needed it. If I get a an acute injury she will prescribe me Morphine after 3 years of clean drug panels. However I am still flagged. Suboxone works. When I have flare ups I need something stronger, but I can find them. Its hard. Try Suboxone. Good Luck
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