War On Chronic Pain Patients (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Thanks to all you drug abusers there has been an ongoing war on us legit chronic pain patients. Thanks to all who abuse pills and alcohol, because of you they wage war on us. Street drugs are cheaper so why do you all have to mess with the pills and make life difficult for us chronic pain sufferers? Are you stupid or just self centered? Britain uses our military to protect Afghan poppy for people like you, so quit trying to cook up the pills. We legit chronic pain patients would really appreciate it, not that you care, but maybe when you stop acting so self centered, people will actually begin to care about you. You reap what you sow.

To stem cell labs worldwide: We need you to cure degenerative discs and herniations for those that want to be cured instead of on pain meds. Make yourselves known. We need options. We know you have the cure. We need the FDA to help make up for lost time.

118 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Katbird (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

You make a very important point. No one, absolutely no one becomes intentionally addicted to anything. We certainly should not disparage those who suffer from this disease any more than we would disparage someone suffering from diabetes.

Our focus on criminalizing drug usage not only makes a normal life or treatment less likely but is now increasing the suffering of those with chronic pain and the terminally ill.

It’s time to start caring for those who need our help. Not punishing them for needing it.

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Re: Sissy (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I understand everything you are going through. You stated that your Dr wanted to give u an implant and/or stimulator. I have both. Although I found the stimulator caused other issues & no longer use it. But the pain pump is a good alternative. Your Dr can put medicine in the pump that you would never get a script for. They also can increase or decrease the amount that is released. Although, it doesn’t help for breakthrough pain, I am getting my meds without having to take pills. He also prescribed Soma for spasms & breakthrough pain. It’s a good alternative. You will still be getting your meds however it assures your Dr that you are taking pills as prescribed Or someone else stealing your meds. They are concerned that kids are looking for meds for the high. As far as the government is concerned is BULL. They have no idea what we go through on a daily basis. They need to stay our of the health care your Dr is prescribing. We are lumped in with the war on drugs. But you may want to have a talk with your Dr about a pain pump. Make sure you know exactly what they give you & how long it will take before you get the full effect & ask exactly what will be put in & also some meds until the pump is fully effective. There will be a few months until you are on the most effective drugs. What really ticks me off are the insurance companies. They should have no say in how we are treated. Instead if they really care, they would approve procedures that fix the problem not mask it. I have degenerated disc disease & no disc at L4-L5. I don’t want a fusion. I want a disc replacement but that will be denied. There are fixes out there & the insurance companies should be authorizing them. We don’t need to live in pain anymore. There are many new advances that can help a lot of us. It’s about time, they allow us to get the proper care. Good luck & God Bless.

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Re: BobH (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I had a wonderful doctor years ago (she's retired) say: "if you are truly in pain, you will not become addicted."
My 2 cents, I agree.

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Please! People that are addicted to painkillers please stop! You are making it so hard on people that really need it! Like my husband who is suffering from brain cancer, I'm going through hell every month trying to fill his prescriptions. And you all are making the laws and the insurance company hell on earth too. I know this message won't help most of you but I hope that it helps someone, please get help.

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Re: madashell (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

This is the whole problem with this "opioid crisis". Its a politically manufactured crisis that blames everybody except the people who are to blame. We DO NOT have an "opioid crisis". We have a "DRUG ABUSE" crisis. This woman WAY TOO OBVIOUSLY abused here pain meds and as too often happens when people abuse their drugs, self medicate, etc. the consequences end in death. The doctor is NOT responsible, he did not hand her excess pills. Am I responsible for the deaths of people if somebody steals my vicodin pills? HELL NO!!! Vicodin abuse along with every opioid abuse falls in with the total "drug abuse" problem here in America. Politicians are looking for a raison d etre' and now they've done that by separating out opioids from the run of the mill drug problem in America. They've got doctors scared to death to prescribe pain meds of any kind. I was at my doctor yesterday and talking with her about getting a different pain med without the acetaminophen. She listed several pain drugs she is scared to death to proscribe because of the threat of going to jail trying to give some quality of life to pain sufferers. She gave me a 5 day Rx for another drug to see how it works over my current vicodin Rx. Recent blood tests have shown elevated numbers with regard to my liver and now I have to have an ultrasound this week to see if my liver is damaged although I don't take that much vicodin but I am 73 and the older you get the more acetaminophen can be a problem. I've been taking vicodin for a long time and have NEVER self medicated, i.e., taken more pills than prescribed and run out of pills before the month is up. I always have pills going into the next month such that I get approximately 10 prescriptions per year as opposed to 12. I know people that regularly run out of pills before the end of each month. Many of them have begged me for pills because they know I don't abuse them and I refuse to give them any. They are abusing their opioid Rx's, NOT the opioid's abusing them, NOT their doctors committing abuses. Its up to every person that responsibly uses opioid medications in their pain management to inform people this is all about politics. Maybe instead of arresting doctors trying to help people, when a doctor has a patient that repeatedly runs out of meds before the end of each month the doctor should notify law enforcement. Like my doctor said yesterday, she knows I do NOT abuse my vicodin and I'm not selling my extra pills on the streets. Notify your congressman, senator, state reps that there is NOT an opioid crisis but just a continuing drug abuse crisis in America.

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Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs - CDC:

"Oct 3, 2017 - A prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) is an electronic database that tracks controlled substance prescriptions in a state. PDMPs can provide health authorities timely information about prescribing and patient behaviors that contribute to the epidemic and facilitate a nimble and targeted response."

[1] cdc.gov/drugoverdose/pdmp/states.html

...Our behaviors???

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Let's see how many feathers can we ruffle? It seems like a lot of attention here is being thrown at people who have abused their medications! ADDICTS. Let's say we are all equal at the moment. Let's say everyone's pain levels are the same. I think some people in these groups have no idea that they are probably an addict too, just don't look at it this way..how can anyone say...I have taken percocet for 15 years...I never ran out of my medications, I never asked for an early refill? Are you kidding me or yourself? Can you honestly think that you after 15years can put your bottle of pills into the garbage can, and never look back?? Humm I think not..because after one night without your medication you will begin a withdrawal like no other..I'm not talking just uncomfortable. So next time you think about pointing your finger, think first. I do not blame the addict for starting this..we have more street drugs now, if not more.

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Can you really think the drug addicts care about any kind of drugs if they like heroin? Anything they can probably get their hands on they are going to use. Because I'm in chronic pain my doctor cut me down in half pretty much and he just left, and now I'm at the same place but I got a different doctor. After seeing my old doctor since 2011. Yeah, so now in 2019 he left, so what do I do now?

I tried to go on a methadone maintenance program and they wouldn't even accept me. They told me I'm not a drug addict and told me to find pain management. I told them pain management has a big problem, so apparently I'm addicted now and have pain, so they told me they cannot deal with my pain issues and will not accept me in a methadone maintenance program. So basically I'm f***** ... So blame the government and whoever else thinks that nobody should take opiates at all, just Aspirin or Tylenol. That's my statement and I'm sick of living the way I'm living. I say this now ... I wish I was dead ... I probably don't really mean it, but...

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David (# 43) --

Yes I agree with the doctors you don't need anything more stronger than aspirin if you just broke bones are car accident you don't need any opiate people like me with severe osteoporosis in my 40s and 50s probably they're my thirties major pain that causes baby not to peep some people that get osteoporosis naturally but mine was closed other ways than just naturally okay special I caused it myself unknowingly too late for that now wish I can go back change what I did to make myself get it but I can't I wish I can get my spine ripped open by a doctor and somebody flatten it down straighten it out and and put bone fragments in it so it's stiff as a board and don't move then I would just at that point I would starve myself into a nursing home and for the pain do whatever it's like a deal with myself then I can deal with other people that it's just way too much I just can't deal with life no more

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BiggerBrat (# 39) --

You say New York doesn't have a problem with like that I lived in New York since 1966 and here it is 2019 and I still in New York Long Island New York so tell me more

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Re: Dead (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure what you're referring to specifically. I live in Pennsylvania very close to the NY border. Doctors in PA have been prosecuted for prescribing painkillers. The state attorney general set up a sting operation to arrest a local doctor. Sent an agent to her complaining about pain. Too many courts have stated pain is subjective. What pain you have that you ignore could be debilitating for another person and vice versa. The doctor took the "agent" as a patient, wrote him a Rx and was promptly arrested for not have the proper pain management credentials. Thank GOD she was exonerated but it set the stage to scare other PA doctors who now refuse to write Rx's for pain meds. I've always gone to NY for our family doctor, always had a family doctor in NY. My doctor there has tried many different pain meds and at the moment I'm doing great and controlling the pain quite well on Vicodin. I've been taking narcotic pain meds nearly 30 years and haven't had issues. When a pain med stopped being effective, my doctor would switch me to something else instead of increasing the dosage of a pill or increasing the number of pills. We've had long discussions about different meds in this context. While there have been times I came close to using a 30 day Rx in the allotted 30 days I still have pills left over such that when the day comes I can renew the RX I don't. For whatever reason(s) my NY doctor doesn't have the complications PA doctors do.

My adopted son sees doctors here in PA and they treat him like he's a drug addict. They've even accused him of only wanting the pills to feel high and sell to other people which is totally false. I've calculated places I could drive to not far from PA (another state) and sell my monthly allotment of pills for around $7000. Like my adopted son has said, and what would I do for pain after I've sold the pills? Dollar bills don't make pain go away, no way would any person in their right mind take that chance. The "opioid crisis" is about drug abuse. Its about druggies stealing drugs from legitimate users of pain meds. Its NOT about people like us in extreme pain that responsibly obtain and use opioid pain meds. Here in my county in PA the "opioid crisis" fanatics keep bringing out an event where a young teen boy broke his arm. His parents were given an Rx for Vicodin and doled out pills to the teen. The parents got tired of handing out pills and gave the bottle to the teen. The teen was then complaining to a schoolmate the pills didn't relieve pain as quickly as he would like and his schoolmate told him to grind the pills into powder and swallow them. Sadly, the teen went into shock and died the first time he did that. Newspaper headlines, local talking heads all yelling "OPIOID CRISIS", "OPIOID CRISIS". NOOOOOOO, "DRUG ABUSE" and irresponsibility on the part of the parents. Of course the parents went along with the news because they stood to be accused of breaking several laws. I have no idea what problems you experience where you live. If you have real pain you should be able to obtain an appropriate pain med in a sufficient quantity to alieve your pain.

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Vintage Lady (# 91) --

Hi Vintage Lady, hope this finds you doing well. Well that is strange, it's listed like this: "Don't Punish Pain Rally Nat." They also have groups in each State as well, preparing ones for the Rally. Oh wait, they do have a website as well! Dontpunishpainrally.com. You could also do a search for, Don't Punish Pain Rally on your search engine. You don't have to go to a Rally to be a member as they offer other information too. We also have a commercial on Fox Business that shows the link. (check out your TV Guide for the channel). We have doctors/pain management/pharmacist and am pretty sure a couple of people from Congress there too. I could go on. Good luck to you (& everyone else), in finding it! Take care and have a great, pain-free weekend~

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Re: Jo (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

Hi... For over 20 years I had been taking Lorcet 10/750 for chronic acute pain. Had been through many other pain meds, but the Lorcet was great at managing my pain, no side effects, never abused my prescription. When FL started cracking down, the formula for production of these were stopped and something else added to help stop drug abusers from using any other way but orally. But I never even got to try them.... was switched to Percocet, which made me tired all the time and horrible constipation. So went to Norco, which was a joke... no pain relief there. The Lorcet only ever cost no more than $60, during times I didn't have insurance. These new pain meds, as shown on my prescription print outs, cost hundreds of $$$. I think I know what the MOTIVATION is here...

And I refuse to be treated like a malingerer at these pain clinics... they are the reason this stupid war on opiates got it's start... WTH?

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Re: Jo (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

Hi... For over 20 years I had been taking Lorcet 10/750 for chronic acute pain. Had been through many other pain meds, but the Lorcet was great at managing my pain, no side effects, never abused my prescription. When FL started cracking down, the formula for production of these were stopped and something else added to help stop drug abusers from using any other way but orally. but I never even got to try them.... was switched to Percocet, which made me tired all the time and horrible constipation. So went to Norco, which was a joke... no pain relief there. The Lorcet only ever cost no more than $60, during times I didn't have insurance. These new pain meds, as shown on my prescription print outs, cost hundreds of $$$. I think I know what the MOTIVATION is here...

And I refuse to be treated like a malingerer at these pain clinics... they are the reason this stupid war on opiates got it's start... WTH?

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In my case, I have spinal arthritis. The one med that seems to be genuinely effective is Tramadol, or Ultram (Tramadol combined with Tylenol). It's not a recreational drug by any stretch of the imagination, but is quite effective for certain types of chronic pain.

Why they had to schedule this med can only be explained as a political decision, by politicians who have zero understanding of genuine pain management, but are eager to look like they are doing "something" about the current opioid addiction phenomena.

I get the concept of trying to minimize vast amounts of Oxycodone and similar drugs being prescribed by doctors (as a result of big pharma claiming such was safe and non-addictive), but Tramadol is nowhere near that category of addictive meds. Just for legitimate pain, it is really effective.

Many ordinary people got addicted to the serious opioids, but nobody is becoming a heroin addict by taking Tramadol for pain. This is ridiculous.

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Hi, Zen Zen
I, for one am a former drug addict who was once addicted to pain medication. That was almost 15 yrs ago. I haven't to taken a pain pill in 15 yrs. I, honestly don't think you are going to see any positive results calling drug addicts names. You must give respect to get respect no matter who we talking about and yes, that includes drug addicts. Try a different approach, use kind words, show a little respect and I promise you, you will get better results. Noone is going to want to help you with that kind of attitude. This applies to anything & everything. Good day!

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Wow! Well done! Perhaps forwarding this through the proper channels, maybe one person will read it and sit up and pay attention-if we are lucky. In the meantime, I guess write you local governments, state and the federal, we have to make our voices heard!

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Re: Katbird (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with you! Finally, I can say I read a post today that was obviously written by a mature adult. I simply cannot believe the name calling & finger pointing I see on this forum daily. Thank you for your post!

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Re: Hop63 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Just a bunch of Bullcrap! My Pain management Dr. wrote my scripts for 4 years then pulls a 180 on me. Unbelievable!

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Your anger is misplaced. The people handing out opioid subscriptions and the policy makers aren't dumb people. However, they are lazy, and thoughtless and interpret data for their own needs and not the patients. They go after the lowest hanging fruit of the chronic pain and elderly. The captive audience can't fight back. Sure regular opiate addicts have given legitimate pain medication users a tough time of it (they didn't create policy or write your prescriptions) but actual policy makers need to find leader ship to get educated of what is fact and what is some other person's agenda. Educate how we are not all the same! But everyone deserves compassion.

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