Visine Lr Discontinued? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Having problems finding this product. Has it been discontinued and if so, do you know why?

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I bought some today 04/05/2021 at Mobil in Chicago with some cbd gummies.

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I always buy Visine LR and I just noticed that no one has them anymore!!! Now What, nothing else works the same. Help! I live in Miami and I have been to every Walgreens and Pharmacy stores and no one has them :(

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The Visine site still lists it as available and shows where it can be purchased online. They do not list it as having been discontinued or anything.

The active ingredient in it is Oxymetazoline, which helps relieve redness of the eyes.

Has anyone tried seeing if your stores carry an alternative brand with the same ingredient? Your pharmacist might know if they do.


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I wish another company like Clear Eyes would decide to make drops with oxymetazoline in them. Don't these people realize they could corner the market on these & make money? The reason why the L.R. is so expensive on ebay is because they know it has been discontinued so they are going to rake you over the coals for it! Again, if anyone finds a suitable replacement, please post them here. Hopefully this will end sooner than later....

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So I again called Johnson & Johnson (they know me now!) and was told that Visine LR was discontinued probably (like you all have said here) to due to lack of sales. They said it was not due to any harmful side effects or it would have been recalled. I asked them to send a request to the Board of Directors and those in control of making such decisions to bring Visine LR back or let me know if they will make a new product with the same active ingredients I think calling and/or emailing them daily might help us...

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I went to rite aid and bought it ( eye care allergy relief drops by rite aid) right away when i read your comments,and i was so amazed on the result, my eyes turned whiter than Visine Lr result. Thanks for sharing it ..this is better treatment for red eyes relief than Visine LR. I will not gonna use visine product anymore....try and give me a feedback...

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I just put a petition on to ask Johnson and Johnson to bring the eyedrops back:

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Oh my goodness, here we are again.... I was super excited to see that Rite Aid was once again having a 2-dollar coupon sale for Visine, so I went on the hot pursuit with that coupon along with a coupon from visine's website to purchase Visine LR bottles. I usually pick up 5 or 6 when the sale happens. So I went to two Rite Aids yesterday and found NOTHING. I wasn't too worried, as they sometimes don't stock LR. Then, for grins I came to this site to see if there were updates to this thread from years ago... NOOOOOOOOOOO this cannot be happening AGAIN. I signed the petition. I have a stockpile of about 20 bottles, thank goodness .... so I'm going to hit the Walgreens, CVS and whereever I can find this to see if I can get one or two or however many bottles at whatever the price. I can't run out of this.

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I've heard of Zoamet from this board, but what we need is a RELIABLE site to order this from. Just like we found reliable sites from Canada to order Workplace back in the day, we need one to get the Zoamet. I picked up the Rite Aid Allergy drops this morning along with my one precious bottle of Long Lasting based on recommendations from others. It was pricey for a "store brand" but it will be worth it if it's a doable replacement.

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Here is the LINK to the petition:

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I also am not sure about putting nasal spray in my eyes. Yes, I know it has oxymetazoline as an ingredient but as Rhonda points out they also use different concentrations, along with other ingredients, not found in Visine LR.
I have asked Johnson and Johnson to provide me the name and addresses of those with power to reinstate Visine LR and bring it back on the market. I hope once the petition reaches 100 signatures to send it to them. I will keep everyone posted. Thank you all again for those who have signed!

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Anthony (and everyone here),

I have taken your advice. I will continue to try on all social media avenues to try to get Johnson and Johnson to bring this product back.

I still need about 15 more signatures on the petition:

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For what its worth i just spoke with a consumer care person at J&J Canada. I outlined my disappointment that workplace had been discontinued. I gave them links to this forum and to the Ebay ads for $40/bottle for LR. You would think they would see that there is consumer demand. i was assured that my concerns would be passed up the chain in a report and that i may be contacted again........

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The place that carries the Zoamet eye drops is alldaypills (based in India). I ordered 10 bottles and shipping is 25 dollars. I received them two weeks after ordering them.The only problem is the bottles are only 5ml. 1/3 of the Visine. It worked for me but you never know with these websites.

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Please write Johnson & Johnson about resuming the manufacture of this product here:

I gave them a promise-if they don't do so, at least via direct mail sales-then I (and my family and anyone I can convince) plan to boycott all their products, period. Might as well go straight for the bottom line. Let's face it. Corporations have no ethics, no soul, no moral guidelines. Regardless of any and all facetious claims to the contrary, they know only one thing-an insatiable hunger for profit. Give 'em hell! If and whenever necessary, hit 'em where it hurts!

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Christina; I remember Ocuclear! Those eye drops were great, until they too were discontinued. :-( I actually went to a pharmacist, and asked him about which eye drops had the ingredient oxymetazoline in them. He looked it up on the computer, and recommended the Visine Long Lasting eye drops. It ticks me off that these drops are being discontinued! These are really the only drops that I can use, since I have sensitive eyes. Any other eye drops that I have tried make my eyes burn and turn red. I hope they bring these Visine drops back! I wear contact lenses and have allergies, so these eye drops are a must for me. If I don't use them, my eyes are burning and red all day (drives me crazy!).

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You can order the Zoamet (India) through Alldaypills. The shipping is 25 dollars.

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You guys are mighty brave using an eye drop from China with all the risk of contamination! My wife won't even feed our dogs Chinese-made rawhide chews after all of the reports of poisoned animals last year.

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I thank you and everyone here as we are all working together for some type of help.
I know Tony ordered some eyedrops from China via alibaba. Did they ever arrive, Tony? Let us know what you think about them.
I am thinking about putting out petitions to two other US Companies who currently make nasal sprays with oxymetazoline, asking them to make eyedrops
with the same ingredient. One to prestige brands, who makes Nostrilla nasal spray, and one to Bayer, who makes Afrin nasal spray. What do you guys think?

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If you are so inclined, please sign the petition on the link below asking Prestige Brands to make an eyedrop with oxymetazoline:

Thank you everyone!

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