Viibryd Side Effects (Page 3) (Top voted first)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

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I am now experiencing bouts of forgetfulness... today, in the middle of an interview going VERY well...I forgot my train of thought, what their question to me was... TWICE....this has never happened to me before. I just KNOW this is a result of taking this poison

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Ditto! I stopped using this "drug" 3 months ago after my doctor INSISTING I stay on it for at least a year. A month before my year was up, I took my self off of it. Doctor said all the side effects were "in my head." HEEELLLLLLO! ..... Much to my surprise, I began doing better within just a few days. I had to tell all my family and friends that put up with me during that year of HELL, "I just cant explain to you how much better I feel!" No one can understand how this poison makes you feel unless you have used it.

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yes, the amount of hyperbole on such sights, and paranoia against western medicine, and other lines of rhetorical shenanigans must be overlooked when visiting such boards. The meds I am on have made my life normal....made it beautiful. The evil things people say about them discourages me. I had a bipolar friend who quit risperdal only to kill himself. I also have bipolar, but the medicine worked better for me. It allows me to work a job and be a father, and I am grateful for it. Experiences vary, but the sort of ranting that goes on in these boards must be taken with a grain of salt.

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Idius, it is refreshing to read something sensible after so much rhetoric by others. Here's a news flash to everyone: Viibryd is not "poison". What an idiotic statement. And anyone reading this forum should surely know better than to seriously consider the advice of anonymous posters over that of their doctor. The very notion that a few people think their experience allows them to categorically tell others they should immediately stop taking a medicine - despite what that person's doctor has instructed - is inane.

And I sure see plenty of false information on here. How about the poster who wrote that CVS pharmacies were refusing to sell the drug. Lie. And what about the study being done on a supposed link between Viibryd and stomach cancer. An extensive Google search reveals no such study. If there is one - and if it has any merit - it would be great to have more information from the poster who issued the statement.

Viibryd was great for me for 6 months after I had previously hit a rock-bottom depression. I felt amazingly normal and motivated. The only frustrating side effect was the upset stomach / diarrhea which I was able to manage. No "brain zaps", joint pains, emotional instability, et cetera. Sadly, the beneficial effects of the medication stopped after 6 months and I find myself again searching for the silver bullet after 15 years of battling depression. But the 6 month reprieve I got from Viibryd was a nice break from the blues. As for stopping the drug, I just quit taking it and had no withdrawal symptoms.

By the way, I tried an MAOI called Emsam (patch). It literally caused severe suicidal thoughts for nearly a week, at which point I had to bail out on it. So should I get on this forum, call it "poison", and tell people to stop taking it? Sheesh. It didn't work for me... but it might be exactly what someone else needs to beat depression. I can't tell someone else what they need; I can only relay my experience. Many of the posters on here would do well to remember that.

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If viibryd works for you that;s fine, but for a majority of people it has proven to be a dangerous in my case it almost killed me. People do die from serotonin toxicity. I was lucky that an intern in the emergency room recognized I was being poisoned from the Viibryd producing far too much serotonin.

You seem too be an extremely defensive an angry person when others don't agree with your assessment or experience with Viibryd. It work for me for about momnths and then I started noticing all kinds of side effects that eventually led to me being put in hospital literally fighting for my life. I had reached a point where I could no longer even stand up.

As for 5HTP you should take to your doctor and be monitored by a doctor if you are taking it. Just because something is organic doesn't mean it is harmless. Organic meds/supplements can interfere with other meds you may be or synthetic prescription medication. Just like you shouldn't eat grapefruit or oranges with some medicines both organic and synthetic. Many organic medicines are at a level of compounds that they can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Passionflower and St John's Wort are known for their calming effect but can also be dangerous if taken in large does, mixed together with prescription meds or certain foods.

We are all on here as support to one another..this is not a debating forum. We have every right to express our own experience with different drugs and their side effects. For me, Viibryd was poisoning me and I am not the only one..there was an 18 year old girl that died from serotonin toxicity from Serotonin. It doesn't have to be Viibryd, many anti-depressants can cause serotonin poisoning. It is imperative that one doesn't just take any prescription from a doctor without first first researching all side effects from the drufg and especially if you are on a cocktail of many different prescription drugs or taking OTC supplements. One can poison themselves just as much from prescription drugs as they can from OTC supplements.
Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in your personal health, don't fool yourself for one minute that they are..the bottom line is $$$ and simply because the FDA stamps their approval on a new drug doesn't make it safe..the bottom line is $$. We are responsible in participating in our own road back to health. It is never just one issue that causes illness in the body. After almost dying from taking this drug I research everything and ask multiple questions. If the doctor can't answer them, I get a second and even third opinion.

Allow us the right to express our own experiences with these drugs..our own experiences just may save the life of someone else on this forum. I would never want anyone to go through the months of hospitalization, pain and fear I went through, especially when it wasn't even a doctor that discovered what was was an intern who has seen the same symptoms before on another patient that wasn't so lucky and eventually died because even the doctors that had been practicing for years never took into consideration that anti-depressants can, and do cause serotonin toxicity.

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Thank you for sharing i took vii for nine days 1 week of seven at 10 mg felt RLS then i took 20 mg on day 8 noticed more muscle pain.. day 9 i took 20 mg experienced sever muscle lock of all muscles even jaw lasted ten min...stop taking its been . Talked to.a.doc they said good you stoped taken it. I made a nero app and found out vii gave me severe permanent side effect is. sensory myoclonis and it a cronic disease and now MS is setting in...i have read many discussion forums.and no body as it as severe as i do..

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It is being prescribed heavily because it is fairly new and doctors are getting tons of FREE samples of the crap. I have even seen where for no reason whatsoever a patient was taken OFF of something that was working fine and given this crap.

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Have been on viibryd for 6 months and have weaned myself off. Have been off for only 3 days and my blood pressure has dropped where it was before starting viibryd. Have lost alot of hair and have jaw pain and have alot of weird dreams and sleep alot. Hope things improve with time. Awful medicine. I'm glad it works for some, but be careful. I'm putting my life in GOD's hands where it belongs.

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Repulsed with low lifes: THANK YOU! I appreciate that:)

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I was on Viibryd for 4 months. I expected side effects but not quite as severe as I had them. The muscle pains were constant which I didn't expect. To make a long story short and I don't know if there's any correlation I wound up with sciatica on my left leg. I spent 4 months in crippling pain. X-rays and MRI showed I have a condition called Spondilothesis it's a slippage on one of my vertebra in my back. I went for back surgery in Sept. I'm slowly on the mend. I've never had back issues, so I was thinking could the Viibryd caused the muscle weakness which in turn caused the vertebra to slip. Or am I grasping at straws? I would love some input from someone out there.

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Today marks the 5th day of my attempt to be free of this dangerous anti-depressant. My doctor prescribed Viibryd almost a year ago. I was having some issues at the time,the death of my grandfather and other issues that I will not get into.

I began with 10mg, then moved up to 20mg and finally landed on 40mg. The first few months were great, with the exception of the first two weeks when I suffered from severe insomnia and had to take Trazadone to sleep. As long as I took the medication at the same time each day, for the first time in months I felt in-control and content. My husband noticed I was much calmer and less likely to have mood swings or be susceptible to bouts of depression and anger. Viibryd was supposed to be the new "wonder drug," which unlike most anti-depressants, was not supposed to cause weight gain or loss of libido.

However, the longer I took the medicine, the more side effects developed. Over a six month period, I gained 30 pounds.I begin having more and more sleep problems including sleep paralysis, hypopnea, and had very vivid dreams. My doctor prescribed Lunesta, which even after taking 3mg I could not sleep longer than 2 hours at time before waking up.The Lunesta made the sleep paralysis even worse because I was awake but so groggy I literally could not move. I felt like I was glued to the bed but fully awake. I had terrible restless leg syndrome that was also worse at night. Because of all of the sleep issues, I was always tired but could not sleep. My body was exhausted but my brain was jittery. My libido was diminished along with my memory and concentration. I felt like I was in a fog. I would have what I call "brain zaps," which feel like something touched my brain with an electric rod and caused a spark. Not painful, just annoying. I could not concentrate on things I enjoyed doing like reading or watching a movie.

I am a diabetic so I must be careful of my carb intake. On Viibryd I was very impulsive. Not caring what I ate and just doubling up on insulin to cover the sweets or carb overload. I remember literally bolusing for way too many carbs and saying out loud to myself, "I don't even care" or "F--- it."I couldn't retain any vocabulary from studying for my GRE. I could not miss a dose Of Viibryd by a mere hour without experiencing extreme depression and suicidal thoughts. If I was ever able to sleep later than 7am on a weekend,I would wake up with fingernail marks and bruising from scratching so hard in my sleep from withdrawals.

I then decided I would quit Viibryd if it was the last thing I did. I forgot a dose last Saturday. I felt the itching and the irritability coming on almost immediately. By the end of the day, I still had not taken the Viibryd. Cue the stupidest decision I have made in a long time. I tried to quit Viibryd cold turkey.Here is a summation of the past five days:

Evening of Day 1, Saturday: Itchy scalp, face and neck. Not unbearable. Very irritable and sleepy. Slept normally, probably 5-6 hours.

Day 2, Sunday: Itching and moodiness doubled, suicidal thoughts arose. (Even going as far as to imagine the scene and think of what to write in the letters to my family.) Slept on and off all day, almost had a panic attack in the grocery store because my husband was impatient about my couponing. I screamed that he didn't appreciate me or anything I do. After we got back home, I had a nervous meltdown. I had myself convinced I was either going to slit my wrists in the bathtub or stab my husband in the face. Whichever came first. Maybe both. I took sleeping pills at 6pm and went to bed. Slept a few good hours. No appetite, only nausea.

Day 3, Monday: Woke up and felt like death. Itching was three-fold. I was so dizzy that I could not walk straight. The vertigo almost made me throw up and kept me sick to my stomach all day. By lunchtime I was exhibiting flu symptoms. I had chills, but was burning up. Or I was sweating but freezing. I could hardly keep my eyes open. I cried about four times for stupid reasons. I ended up leaving work early because I couldn't stop thinking about killing myself. I got home and cried some more. Went to bed, took sleeping pill. Slept about 4 hours on and off. Little appetite.

Day 4, Tuesday: Imagine all of the withdrawal symptoms I discussed above, but doubled. On top of muscle aches, nausea, and lack of sleep. My head was pounding and the sense of vertigo was unbearable. I had to call into work because I literally thought I was dying. I almost asked my husband to drive me to the doctor so they could knock me out or I would threaten to pull all of my hair out.I remember asking him to hit me in the face and knock me out because I couldn't do this anymore. I finally gave in and took 20mg of Viibryd by splitting on og my 40mg tablets. Twenty minutes after taking it, I was able to sleep for 3 hours. I called my doctor, and he gave me 20mg tablets and 10 mg tablets. I am to taper off SLOWLY over the next month. I am lucky that I even got 2 hours of sleep that night. I couldn't close my eyes without feeling dizzy. No appetite.

Day 5, Wednesday: Despite only 2 hours of sleep, I woke up feeling surprisingly clear-headed. Most of the dizziness had subsided. I only felt it if I moved my head too quickly or got up too quickly. I went ahead and took my 20mg pill like a good girl. By lunch time I was hungry. I went home and ate lunch. I felt even better afterwards. My head felt clearer and my eyes weren't so twitchy.I felt as I could retain information easily, such as reading an article or book passage. I am exhausted from little sleep, but hopefully I will sleep better tonight because of that. I got a little irritable driving home today and had some definite road rage, but not anything like the grocery store incident. It is almost time to go home and I can't believe I made it through work today. I weighed myself and I have already lost 5 pounds in just 5 days from feeling so sick and not eating.

I do not recommend this medicine to anyone. The side effects are not worth it. Even if you taper off the right way this medicine still has killer withdrawal symptoms.

I want my life back. I will update as soon as I have kicked this for good.

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Yes, it's a very SERIOUS med. The first 4 mos. were great & the last 4, hell. And then some. Finally! My Dr. realized that I needed Prozac to just get off of Vii. (Common).

Anyone here to read & post about Vii side're in the right place. -or--Hopefully you've done your research before filling your expensive prescription.

(I was on 40 mg, btw.../top dose).

Google sleep paralysis & hit images. I saw that after it hit me.

Until one is raped, molested, suffocated, & held down ALL by demons, every night...for mos, while properly taking the Vii, then one won't understand. Then when you think you can escape it, the very loud auditory hallucinations could hit you too. So loud they'll make your face wince w/ pain.

I can laugh in the face of those who blow off their side effects, because it just hasn't happened to them yet. Good luck. Vii needs to be removed from the shelves.

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Yes o have had these exact symptoms!!! The brain zaps are powerful. Also with swallowing beverages! I don't know what to do! They cut my dose in half yesterday. I'm hoping this will resolve it.

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That dose is obviously too high for you, or, not the right medication. Same thing happened when I increased my trusty Prozac years ago from 20mg to 40mg. It wasn't good. The Dr explained the dose was "too energizing" for me. I think "Energizing" in psych meds in reference to the dose increase making me worse, means "too much" not "oh I have tons of energy", energizing.

Find a different psychiatrist if the one you have now blew you off! That's unethical. You need to stay up for yourself!

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I've never been on an antidepressant before, but I decided it's finally time. I'm on day 4 of my Viibryd starter pack. (I also take 20mg of Adderall twice a day and have been for 6 months now.) Since starting Viibryd I have noticed an increase in my jaw tension and headaches. Last night was the worst of the jaw tension so far. I kept waking up at feeling extreme pain in my jaw that was slowly moving around from the top row of teeth, through the jaw joint, and down to my bottom teeth, and then back up again. It was horrible! I thought I might black out from the pain. When I woke up, however, the extreme pain wasn't there, but my teeth were and still are aching from it. I keep having to remind myself to let my mouth hang slightly open or I'll start clenching again without realizing it. I really hope this stops soon because I can't deal with it for much longer.

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Ive been on vii fir about two months now. I had taken zoloft for yrs but just wasnt working anymore. Dr says because im nearing 40 my hormones are different and may need something else. About 10-12 days after i jumped to the 40 mg dose on the starter card... I started feeling really weird.... Dizzy, tingly, itchy face, headache, easily agitated, etc,... This would happen every other day... Oh and really HEAVY sleep like in a coma- like state.... Then the worst day EVER!!! I woke up with all the symptoms i mentioned but i had chills but sweating, couldnt stay awake.... I felt like i was walking around in a dream literally. I would touch something and think ' am i really touching this?'
It was bizarre.... Then i was losing time.... I took a bath couldnt remember if i washed.... Later that day i was like a rabid dog... Ready to pounce... I was so aggitated.... Then next minute i was balling!!!
I calked my doc and he said 'drop to 20mg' immediately and come in next day. He said i was experiencing 'seratonin poisoning' or seratonin syndrome. Its not the viibryd but the dosage.... I started feeling better the very next day!!! And havent felt like that since.
Although i have noticed lately my dreams arent 'scary' but they are VERY real feeling and it starts literally as soon as i close my eyes...and i cant breathe... Im eitger being crushed or strangled and i literally cant move cant talk to wake myself!!! That part is awful!!!!

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My doctor says he is certain Viibryd is not the cause of the problems I'm having with my hips, but I believe fully that he's wrong. Glad I read your post - I am now off of Viibrd entirely and am wondering how long my hips will be a problem. I'm talking a MAJOR, near debilitating problem!

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Same thing here! My doctor says however he doesn't think it's actually my joints - more likely inflamed ligaments and tendons causing muscle pain.

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This drug Is just awful. I did okay on my first night of weaning back to the 20mg but I am afraid of the long term effects. This will be the next drug on tv you see recalled. And I hope it's soon. Serotonin poisoning is serious and I hate I ever got on this drug. Good luck to all

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I have been on Viibryd for 6 weeks. One month starter pack 10,20,40mg and now 40mg daily. I feel great since I started Viibryd. Now about a week ago I get what someone on this forum called "BRAIN ZAPS" almost as if I were a electronic that is short circuiting. I take the pill after my sleeping pills are practically putting me to sleep to avoid that feeling, it does not hurt but when I feel the "Brain Zaps" I hear a light buzzing sound and get flashes of red and/or blue lights. Anyone have the same side effects? I feel it has help me but is it causing damage at the same time?

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