Viibryd Side Effects (Page 29) (Top voted first)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

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soo, deciding that the side effects definitely outweigh the perks of viibryd I have weened myself down to a 1/4 pill (so now at 10mg) for the last 2 weeks and still taking my Xanex when needed. I am planning on doing a complete cleanse to be sure it is out of my system and not sure where to go from there.. any advise on non medical solutions? I have tried yoga, meditation, but my anxiety does not let me relax for either

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side effects that I have encountered are brain spasms when drinking any liquids, horrible night terrors.

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I am taking 2 Loritab 10's at a time with Ibuprofen. They do not help the pain. It is in all of my joints.
I have days where the pain is so intense it feels like an 11 !!!
Looking into Magnesium supplements.
This Company nerds to be Sued.
I am not the only one this had happened to.

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WHATS TMJ? They said I had serotonin syndrome

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Yes!!!! Lots of energy?? Weird because i was taking prozac for twenty yrs and didnt seem to help. I am depressed. Husband was going to divorce me because I am a binge substance abuser. Dr gave me viibryd and suddenly I had way more energy and felt uplifted???? Weird because I normaly would have been very sad. Only thing its like $80 month with my ins co-pay. Wish there was something similar and cheaper.

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same issue - viibryd paxil transition with very bad joint pain. Did you go back to paxil or find anything else? I'd thought of trying celexa. But might need a break from trying new things after this...

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Did this ever change for you? Or, did you stop taking the Vybriid. I have had great results with the medication but the side effects are about killing me. Not sure if it is worth it.

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I took 20 mg for 6wks then went to 40mg, day 2 into 40mg, I took it before I went to bed and I heard a zap kind of like electric in my head and it sat up just shocked for a min freaking out. It was inside my head. I've read several other blogs that ppl say they've experienced "brain zaps" I'm really thinking it was the meds so I stopped taking 40 went down to 20

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I have been on viibryd for two years and my libido seems to have been wrecked. I just tapered off of it and technically it has been enough time to clear my system considering the short half life. I wonder if i'll ever be my potent self again.

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Ruth, I have those same side effects. And a couple I hadn't even connected, like my left knee aching. My anxiety is out of control, I shake inside so badly and now feel fearful. trouble focusing, remembering, can't even read a book. I've lost almost 20 lbs in three months, can't eat at all. Many days I don't eat a bite of food at all. I can't sleep, even with prescription sleep meds. If I sleep 3-4 hrs a night it's a miracle. My legs and feet itch, especially in the evening. I use ant itch ream and still have clawed them raw in places. my heart races, two nights in a row I felt as if I were having a heart attack. Almost packed up to go to the ER.
Last night I skipped taking a vibryd and slept 6 hrs... instead I took an anti anxiety pill.
My psych doctor isn't open to discussion about his choices for me. I'll try him one more time and if he doesn't take me off this poison, I'm done with him and will see my primary md.

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I have been on viibryd for about 3 months and am experiencing terrible joint pain with swelling. I am calling my doc today. This is NOT in your head. BAD DOCTOR!!

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For the past 3 weeks I have been having debilitating leg/sciatic pain. I'm a very active person. Looking back, I noticed some stiffness in my joints about the time I restarted Viibryd. Ive essentially been housebound with waves excruciating pain down my leg into my foot. I've been doing pool exercises, stretches, prednisone, nsaids, Tylenol, heat, ice. All to no avail. I stopped Viibryd today. I have experienced mild back and leg pain before but nothing like this. It seems Viibryd may have the ability to amplify some forms of joint and nerve pain. I'll keep posted of any changes in the pain post Viibryd.

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Hi, I was on Wellbutrin for 3 to 4 years and it was working well, then poop-out syndrome. I started a new job in March 2010 and weened myself off, since it wasn't working, over 7 years ago. In retrospect, probably not a great idea. I couldn't find a doctor that took my insurance in DC, so I suffered in silence. I work full-time and have energy while I'm there, but crash at home. I don't feel like doing anything that I use to do, like play volleyball, tennis etc. I found a doctor October 2016, that is 4 blocks from my house, takes my insurance and I like him. I started Viibryd 5mg, now 40mg. The side effects only lasted a couple of days with each increase (nausea, headache). After second visit, I was met by a PA, who is nice, but I'm not 100% sure she is a good fit, but it seems like he's not there when I have my appointments, I digress. After 4 months on it, I noticed some leg cramps and seem to be getting worse. It's been over 6 months now and for the last 2 weeks my legs are hurting (hamstring and base of rump) while walking and especially using stairs. They feel like rubber bands. I have a very physical job and I walk very quickly. It dawned on me to see if anyone else was experiencing this issue. I had a massage last night and she could not feel any tightness or that I have a sciatic issue. The downside to this is where I get my medical care, they don't use email, cash only and I have no way of communicating my concerns without making an appointment. I can go to another doctor, but it's out of network $$$$$.

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Wish I had found this website prior to my severe reaction which has left me with a stroke and brain damage from serotonin syndrome at age 41!!

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Re: Rob (# 594) Expand Referenced Message

By now, you've been off of Viibryd for a couple weeks. How are you doing now? A good rule of thumb - my thumb, anyway, is to never withdraw from a medication cold, if possible. If you titrate up, then titrate down.
It took me almost 2 years to physically feel almost normal, but I also had a bunch of other physical issues to deal with.

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Re: Kristina (# 598) Expand Referenced Message

Actually, I think the dizzy spell gave me an anxiety attack that lasted a few weeks. Made my dizzy and hyperventilate. Nothing to do with the meds. Everything calmed down now and Im just taking some Klonopin as needed. The hyperventilation made me dizzy for those weeks. Now that I am not hyperventilating, I'm good!

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Symptom/medication history:
Current age: 25. Male. Been on Adderall on/off since I was 12. Mostly on, except for summers. Started Accutane in 2008 and stopped 6 months later. Developed major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder somewhere around 2009-2010. Started medication in 2011. I started taking Remeron/Mirtazapine 15mg to help with sleep in 2011. Began to have severe panic attacks and depressive episodes. Started Cymbalta 60mg which helped with the depression and anxiety. Been on Adderall/SSRI/Mirtazapine ever since. I was on Cymbalta for about three years.

Cymbalta Symptoms:
- helped with the depression/anxiety, but made me aggressive.
- reduced my libido. Strangely enough, the Remeron would often counter it, though only briefly before bed (also made me really tired/hungry. Helped balance the Adderall's appetite suppression).

Switched to 20mg Lexapro in 2014. Was on that for 3 years:
- Had about the same effect on my libido as the Cymbalta.
- constant fatigue: always felt tired if I wasn't on the Adderall.
- no aggression, kinda neat.
- Pleasant sleep/dreams.

Last week, I switched to Viibryd 20mg. I think I'm still going through the transition phase/detox of the Lexapro (I swapped in a single day to the Viibryd).

Viibryd side effects so far:
- libido elimination is basically null. As a matter of fact, I think I'm even more motivated than before.
- strange dreams every night, very vivid and mostly unpleasant. Not nightmares, but there's a constant feeling of dread. I'm also sleeping more heavily than on the Lexapro. These bad dreams could just be a result of the Lexapro detox. Will update more in a few weeks.

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Re: Holly (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I am having terrible nightmares and hallucinations..sleep with a night light or my daughter is sleeping with me.

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Re: me (# 599) Expand Referenced Message

That's great! It possibly helps more people than not. Cool. Keep us posted on how you're doing.

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I began a starter pack of Viibryd 3 days ago. I feel “loopy” within a few minutes of each dose and less inhibited in my self-destructive/suicidal thinking. Part of me wants to continue taking the remaining 500mg doses as I'm prescribed, but I wonder if it's safe and whether the side effects will continue to outweigh the benefits of taking it? Has anyone else had a similar experience with Viibryd?

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